Genshin Impact

Deceitful Domain: Sea of Wandering Souls Guide | Energy Amplifier Fruition

Genshin Impact - Deceitful Domain - Sea of Wandering Souls

Sea of Wandering Souls is the Deceitful Domain for Act 1 of the Energy Amplifier Fruition event in Genshin Impact. Learn the best teams and characters, the best Irminsul Fruit Fragments to bring, which difficulty settings to use for a high score, and challenge tips in this Deceitful Domain guide!

Fruition Event Guide
Genshin - Energy Amplifier Fruition Act 1Act 1 Guide Genshin - Energy Amplifier Fruition Act 2Act 2 Guide Genshin - Energy Amplifier Fruition Act 3Act 3 Guide
Genshin - Deceitful Domain - Sea of Wandering Souls Deceitful Domain 1 Genshin - Deceitful Domain - Where Bloodhounds Gather Deceitful Domain 2 Genshin - Deceitful Domain - Whirling Judgment Deceitful Domain 3

Difficulty Settings for Deceitful Domain: Sea of Wandering Souls

Recommended Difficulty Settings

Main Difficulty Settings

What To Choose Points
Difficulty Expert
Genshin - Energy Amplifier Fruition Points 5
Time Limit < 150s
Genshin - Energy Amplifier Fruition Points 400
HP Increase Default
Genshin - Energy Amplifier Fruition Points 0

Recommended Challenge Criteria

What To Choose Points
Opponents' ATK increased by 50%
Genshin - Energy Amplifier Fruition Points 50
When active character's HP is lower than 50%, ATK is decreased by 50%
Genshin - Energy Amplifier Fruition Points 25
When active character's HP is lower than 50%, Movement SPD is decreased by 18%
Genshin - Energy Amplifier Fruition Points 25

Total Points

Total Points from this Difficulty Setting
Genshin - Energy Amplifier Fruition Points 4000 Points

You need at least 4,000 points for each stage to get all of the event rewards from Deceitful Domains.

Best Teams for Deceitful Domain: Sea of Wandering Souls

Recommended Teams

Best Party
Genshin - Raiden Raiden Genshin - Xingqiu Xingqiu Genshin - Xiangling Xiangling Genshin - Bennett Bennett
Free-to-Play Party
Genshin - Bennett Bennett Genshin - Xiangling Xiangling Genshin - Kaeya Kaeya Genshin - Barbara Barbara

See Best Team Comps Guide

Other Recommended Characters

Recommended Characters
Main DPS
Genshin - Razor ImageGenshin - Yanfei ImageGenshin - Eula ImageGenshin - Raiden ImageGenshin - Aloy ImageGenshin - Itto Image
Genshin - Kaeya ImageGenshin - Venti ImageGenshin - Xingqiu ImageGenshin - Chongyun ImageGenshin - Rosaria ImageGenshin - Kazuha Image
Genshin - Barbara ImageGenshin - Bennett ImageGenshin - Qiqi ImageGenshin - Zhongli ImageGenshin - Diona ImageGenshin - Sara Image

See Character Tier List

High Elemental Burst Party

Given how small the window is to complete the challenge, we will want to focus on teams that have strong Elemental Bursts.

Raiden will be the main damage dealer in this Deceitful Domain, thanks to the damage and incredible utility of her Elemental Burst. She will enable a constant loop of Elemental Bursts between the entire party.

It is important to bring at least 1 Hydro character for this Deceitful Domain because of the Pyro Abyss Mage. The rest of the party can be characters that counter the Electro Element.

Finally, we will need at least one healer or shield bot character that will prevent our HP from falling past 50%. This way, we can prevent the Challenge Criteria we recommended from taking effect!

Best Fruit Fragments to Bring

Best Fruit Fragments to Bring

Fruit Fragment Effect
Genshin - Fractured Fruit CoreDance of Abundance After using an Elemental Burst, the Elemental Profusion effect will occur, increasing all party members' Elemental Burst DMG by 12% for 15s. Max 5 stacks. When 5 stacks are possessed, normal ATK SPD is increased by 15%.
Genshin - Fractured Fruit Splinter 3-StarEmboldened For 20s after an Elemental Burst is used, the character who unleashed that Elemental Burst has their Normal Attack DMG increased by 40%.
Genshin - Fractured Fruit Splinter 3-StarRefined Burst Increase the Elemental Burst Level of all party members by 1. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
Genshin - Fractured Fruit Splinter 3-StarJudgment When an opponent is defeated, it will release a shockwave that deals AoE True DMG to other opponents.
Genshin - Fractured Fruit Splinter 3-StarConductivity When an active character triggers Electro-Charged, all of the player's party members` Elemental Burst CDs are decreased by 1s. This can occur once every 1.5s
Genshin - Fractured Fruit Splinter 2-StarBurst Damage Elemental Burst DMG dealt by all party members increased by 30%.

Elemental Burst Focus

Going off of our recommended teams, the buffs chosen here will focus on enhancing Elemental Bursts. Non-Electro teams can opt to swap out Conductivity for Execution, which is a True DMG buff for more damage.

Deceitful Domain: Sea of Wandering Souls Walkthrough

Ley Line Disorder

Deceitful Domain's Ley Line Disorder
The effects of defeating Expanded Specters are enhanced.
Hydro Specter: Heal all opponents.
Anemo Specter: Creates a Vacuum that remains on the field.
Geo Specter: Increased rock collapse DMG and AoE.

All Enemies in the Deceitful Domain

List of Enemies
Hydro Specter ImageHydro Specter Geo Specter ImageGeo Specter Anemo Specter ImageAnemo Specter
Large Electro Slime ImageLarge Electro Slime Mutant Electro Slime ImageMutant Electro Slime Crackling Axe Mitachurl ImageCrackling Axe Mitachurl
Blazing Axe Mitachurl ImageBlazing Axe Mitachurl Electro Abyss Mage ImageElectro Abyss Mage Pyro Abyss Mage ImagePyro Abyss Mage

Tips for Clearing the Deceitful Domain

One of the biggest problems in this domain are the death effects of Specters. You will want to first focus on the Hydro Specter before any other enemies because of their AoE heal effect.

Focus on dealing with the Geo and Anemo Specters next. Remember to run away from these two enemies once you see their HP drop to 0. It is important to change the location of the fight due to the Anemo Specter's death effect.

Lastly, focusing on the Pyro Abyss Mage will make the fight easier. Their fireball skill can become very annoying if not dealt with early, especially if the increased Stamina Consumption challenge was selected.

Deceitful Domain: Sea of Wandering Souls Rewards

Sea of Wandering Souls Total Rewards

Objective Rewards
First Clear Reward
Genshin - Primogem Image x60
Attain a high score of 1000
Genshin - Chains of the Dandelion Gladiator Image x4
Genshin - Mora Image x20000
Attain a high score of 2000
Genshin - Debris of Decarabian x4
Genshin - Mora Image x20000
Attain a high score of 3000
Genshin - Boreal Wolf x4
Genshin - Mora Image x20000
Attain a high score of 4000
Genshin - Lustrous Stone from Guyun Image x4
Genshin - Mora Image x20000
Attain a high score of 5000
Genshin - Mist Veiled Mercury Elixir Image x4
Genshin - Mora Image x20000
Attain a high score of 6000
Genshin - Piece of Aerosiderite Image x4
Genshin - Mora Image x20000
Attain a high score of 7000
Genshin - Hero x4
Genshin - Mora Image x20000
Attain a high score of 8000
Genshin - Hero x4
Genshin - Mora Image x20000

The maximum points possible for this Deceitful Domain is 8000 out of 12000.

High scores will be totaled across all three Deceitful Domains. It is not necessary to earn more than 4000 per domain. Deceitful Domains will have different enemies, so it may be useful to offset points from one domain to another.

Deceitful Domain: Sea of Wandering Souls Information

How to Unlock Deceitful Domain: Sea of Wandering Souls

Genshin - I, Researcher Quest
You have to investigate all Places of Interest in Act 1 and complete the ''I, Researcher'' event quest to unlock Deceitful Domain: Sea of Wandering Souls.
Places of Interest: Act 1 Guide

Part of the Energy Amplifier Rerun in Version 2.3

Genshin - Energy Amplifier Fruition Event
Deceitful Domain: Sea of Wandering Souls is part of Energy Amplifier Fruition, which is a Version 2.3 rerun of the original Energy Amplifier event in Version 1.5. Take a look at our full event guide for more details:
Energy Amplifier Fruition Event Guide

Genshin Impact Related Guides

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Energy Amplifier Event Guide

All Energy Amplifier Events

All Energy Amplifier Events
Genshin Impact - Energy Amplifier Initiation Event GuideInitiation (1.5) Genshin Impact - Energy Amplifier Fruition Event GuideFruition (2.3) Genshin Impact - Energy Amplifier LemmaLemma (4.8)

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Other Energy Amplifier Guides

2.3 Fruition Stage Guides

Energy Amplifier Fruition Stages
Act 1 Places of Interest:
West of Wangshu Inn
Deceitful Domain:
Sea of Wandering Souls
Act 2 Places of Interest:
Tianqiu Valley
Deceitful Domain 2:
Where Bloodhounds Gather
Act 3 Places of Interest:
Yaoguang Shoal
Deceitful Domain 3
Whirling Judgement

1.5 Initiation Stage Guides

All Twisted Realm Domain Guides
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Energy Amplifier Quest Guides

Genshin Impact - Mr. Melancholy Quest Guide
Energy Amplifier Initiation Quest Guide

All Genshin Impact Events

Genshin Impact - List of Events

List of Current & Upcoming Events


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