Genshin Impact

How to Cook Surf, Turf, and Perch and Recipe Location

Genshin Impact - How to Get Surf, Turf, and Perch and Effects

Surf, Turf, and Perch is a Dish in Genshin Impact 5.2. Learn where to find the recipe for Surf, Turf, and Perch, how to cook it, the effects after eating it, and other information in this Food guide!

How to Get Surf, Turf, and Perch

Complete the Time Trial Challenge in Ochkanatlan

The recipe for Surf, Turf, and Perch can be obtained by completing the Time Trial Challenge located on a floating island north of Ochkanatlan, by a Teleport Waypoint.

During the challenge, you must indwell a Tepetlisaur or use Xilonen or Kachina's skills, and collect 78 Pyro Particles within the time limit. Be careful not to fall or you'll have to go back and start over!

Progress Lost Traveler in the Ashen Realm Quest to Access Area

Genshin Impact - Lost Traveler in the Ashen Realm Quest Guide
The floating island and ruins where the Time Trial Challenge is located can only be unlocked by going through the Lost Traveler in the Ashen Realm World Quest!

Lost Traveler in the Ashen Realm Quest Guide

How to Cook Surf, Turf, and Perch

Surf, Turf, and Perch Ingredients

List of Ingredients
Fowl Image Fowl x2 Raw Meat Image Raw Meat x2 Fish Image Fish x2
Grainfruit Image Grainfruit x2

To cook Surf, Turf, and Perch, the recipe calls for 2 Fowl, 2 Raw Meat, 2 Fish, and 2 Grainfruit! After manually cooking it 15 times, you can unlock its proficiency, which lets you craft it automatically.

Surf, Turf, and Perch Basic Information

Food Item Inventory Information

Surf, Turf, and Perch ImageSurf, Turf, and Perch Rarity 3
Type Food
Effect Decreases Stamina depleted by gliding and sprinting for all party members by 15-25% for 900 seconds. In Co-Op Mode, this effect only applies to your own character(s).
Max Proficiency 15

A large platter with a mix of meat and vegetables. Thick, juicy chunks of meat have soaked up all the spices, mingling delightfully with the crispness of the fruit and vegetables on the tip of your tongue, touching more than just your taste buds, as your stomach is also moved to satisfaction. No wonder this dish has so many loyal fans.

Genshin Impact Food Guides

Genshin - Food and Recovery Items

List of Food and Recovery Items

List of Stamina Food Items

List of Stamina Food Items
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2 Anonymous2 months

That's wrong, It's not from the quest you mentioned... It's supposed to be from an Exquisite Chest from a Time Trial Challenge in Ochkanatlan.

1 Anonymous4 months

I got this recipe from north-east ochkanatlan time trial

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