Pokemon Sword and Shield

List of Human-Like Egg Group Pokemon

Tier List / Doubles Tier List / Movesets / Rental Teams
✬ Pokemon HOME Dex Completion Shiny Rewards:
Meloetta | Manaphy | Enamorus | Keldeo | Meltan
Competitive Battle Guide

This guide will show you all Pokemon in the Human-Like Egg Group in the game Pokemon Sword and Shield.

List of Pokemon in the Human-Like Egg Group

Pokemon in the Galarian Pokedex

Nat. No. Galar No. Pokemon Type
66 138 Fighting Type
67 139 Fighting Type
68 140 Fighting Type
106 108 Fighting Type
107 109 Fighting Type
122.1 365-1 Psychic Type Fairy Type
122.2 365 Ice Type Psychic Type
237 110 Fighting Type
280 120 Psychic Type Fairy Type
281 121 Psychic Type Fairy Type
282 122 Psychic Type Fairy Type
302 294 Dark Type Ghost Type
448 299 Fighting Type Steel Type
453 222 Poison Type Fighting Type
454 223 Poison Type Fighting Type
475 123 Psychic Type Fighting Type
532 171 Fighting Type
533 172 Fighting Type
534 173 Fighting Type
538 248 Fighting Type
539 249 Fighting Type
574 267 Psychic Type
575 268 Psychic Type
576 269 Psychic Type
605 277 Psychic Type
606 278 Psychic Type
624 246 Dark Type Steel Type
625 247 Dark Type Steel Type
674 111 Fighting Type
675 112 Fighting Type Dark Type
701 320 Fighting Type Flying Type
813 4 Fire Type
814 5 Fire Type
815 6 Fire Type
849 311 Electric Type Poison Type
852 351 Fighting Type
853 352 Fighting Type
859 238 Dark Type Fairy Type
860 239 Dark Type Fairy Type
861 240 Dark Type Fairy Type
866 366 Ice Type Psychic Type

Pokemon not in the Galarian Pokedex

Pokemon HOME

With the release of Pokemon HOME on February 12th, 2020, Pokemon from previous games which were previously inaccessible in Pokemon Sword and Shield become obtainable by trading from previous games in the series.

No Pokemon of this kind are currently known.

New Pokemon, Abilities, and Moves Available through Pokemon HOME

The Isle of Armor DLC

Many of the Pokemon not included in the Pokemon Sword and Shield base game will be available in The Isle of Armor, the first half of the Expansion Pass DLC, available June 17th. Look forward to catching your old favorites again, including some with new Galarian and Gigantamax forms!

Nat. No. Galar No. Pokemon Type
63 NatDex 063 Psychic Type
64 NatDex 064 Psychic Type
65 NatDex 065 Psychic Type
427 NatDex 427 Normal Type
428 NatDex 428 Normal Type
619 NatDex 619 Fighting Type
620 NatDex 620 Fighting Type

The Crown Tundra DLC

The Crown Tundra, the second half of the Expansion Pass DLC, promises the return of Legendary Pokemon from previous generations and other old favorites.

Nat. No. Galar No. Pokemon Type
124 NatDex 124 Ice Type Psychic Type
125 NatDex 125 Electric Type
126 NatDex 126 Fire Type
466 NatDex 466 Electric Type
467 NatDex 467 Fire Type

List of Pokemon Appearing in Expansion Pass DLC

Related Links

List of Egg Groups
Grookey.png Grass Dewpider.pngBug Pidove.pngFlying Machop.pngHuman-Like
Axew.pngMonster Alcremie.pngFairy Jangmo-o.pngDragon honedge.pngMineral
Eevee.pngField Gastly.pngAmorphous Sobble.pngWater 1 Magikarp.pngWater 2
Wimpod.pngWater 3 Pichu.pngUndiscovered ditto.pngDitto -

All Egg Groups


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