Pokemon Sword and Shield

List of Pokemon Appearing in Expansion Pass DLC | All Returning Pokemon

List of All DLC Pokemon.png

This is a list of Pokemon newly appearing in the Expansion Pass DLC for the games Pokemon Sword and Shield. Over 200 Pokemon from previous generations left out of the original Sword and Shield, along with brand new Legendary Pokemon, will be making an appearance.

Pokemon Appearing in the Expansion Pass DLC

Pokemon Appearing in The Crown Tundra

This is a list of Pokemon which appear in The Crown Tundra DLC expansion.

All New Pokemon

Calyrex ImageCalyrex Glastrier ImageGlastrier Spectrier ImageSpectrier
Regieleki ImageRegieleki Regidrago ImageRegidrago Galarian Slowking ImageGalarian Slowking
Galarian Articuno ImageGalarian Articuno Galarian Zapdos ImageGalarian Zapdos Galarian Moltres ImageGalarian Moltres

All Legendary Pokemon

List of All DLC Pokemon - Legends Return.jpg

Amazingly, The Crown Tundra DLC expansion contains all Legendary Pokemon from previous games which were not previously made available in Pokemon Sword and Shield. Even if the price of the DLC is a bit steep, one could argue it's worth it just for this!

All Confirmed Returning Pokemon

Like The Isle of Armor, over 100 Pokemon from previous games will appear in The Crown Tundra, making a grand total of over 200 returning Pokemon in both DLCs combined.

Pokemon - AbsolAbsol Pokemon - AerodactylAerodactyl Pokemon - AggronAggron Pokemon - AltariaAltaria
Pokemon - AmauraAmaura Pokemon - AnorithAnorith Pokemon - ArchenArchen Pokemon - ArcheopsArcheops
Pokemon - ArmaldoArmaldo Pokemon - AronAron Pokemon - ArticunoArticuno Pokemon - AudinoAudino
Pokemon - AurorusAurorus Pokemon - AzelfAzelf Pokemon - BagonBagon Pokemon - BeldumBeldum
Pokemon - BlacephalonBlacephalon Pokemon - BlazikenBlaziken Pokemon - BuzzwoleBuzzwole Pokemon - CarbinkCarbink
Pokemon - CarracostaCarracosta Pokemon - CelesteelaCelesteela Pokemon - CobalionCobalion Pokemon - CombuskenCombusken
Pokemon - CosmoemCosmoem Pokemon - CosmogCosmog Pokemon - CradilyCradily Pokemon - CresseliaCresselia
Pokemon - CrobatCrobat Pokemon - CryogonalCryogonal Pokemon - DialgaDialga Pokemon - DiancieDiancie
Pokemon - DragonairDragonair Pokemon - DragoniteDragonite Pokemon - DratiniDratini Pokemon - ElectabuzzElectabuzz
Pokemon - ElectivireElectivire Pokemon - ElekidElekid Pokemon - EnteiEntei Pokemon - GabiteGabite
Pokemon - GarchompGarchomp Pokemon - GenesectGenesect Pokemon - GibleGible Pokemon - GiratinaGiratina
Pokemon - GolbatGolbat Pokemon - GroudonGroudon Pokemon - GrovyleGrovyle Pokemon - GuzzlordGuzzlord
Pokemon - HeatranHeatran Pokemon - Ho-ohHo-oh Pokemon - JynxJynx Pokemon - KabutoKabuto
Pokemon - KabutopsKabutops Pokemon - KartanaKartana Pokemon - KeldeoKeldeo Pokemon - Keldeo (Resolute Form)Keldeo (Resolute Form)
Pokemon - KyogreKyogre Pokemon - KyuremKyurem Pokemon - LaironLairon Pokemon - LandorusLandorus
Pokemon - LatiasLatias Pokemon - LatiosLatios Pokemon - LileepLileep Pokemon - LugiaLugia
Pokemon - LunalaLunala Pokemon - MagbyMagby Pokemon - MagmarMagmar Pokemon - MagmortarMagmortar
Pokemon - MarshtompMarshtomp Pokemon - MespritMesprit Pokemon - MetagrossMetagross Pokemon - MetangMetang
Pokemon - MewtwoMewtwo Pokemon - MoltresMoltres Pokemon - MudkipMudkip Pokemon - NaganadelNaganadel
Pokemon - NecrozmaNecrozma Pokemon - NidokingNidoking Pokemon - NidoqueenNidoqueen Pokemon - Nidoran♀Nidoran♀
Pokemon - Nidoran♂Nidoran♂ Pokemon - NidorinaNidorina Pokemon - NidorinoNidorino Pokemon - NihilegoNihilego
Pokemon - OmanyteOmanyte Pokemon - OmastarOmastar Pokemon - PalkiaPalkia Pokemon - PheromosaPheromosa
Pokemon - PoipolePoipole Pokemon - RaikouRaikou Pokemon - RayquazaRayquaza Pokemon - RegiceRegice
Pokemon - RegigigasRegigigas Pokemon - RegirockRegirock Pokemon - RegisteelRegisteel Pokemon - RelicanthRelicanth
Pokemon - ReshiramReshiram Pokemon - SalamenceSalamence Pokemon - SceptileSceptile Pokemon - SealeoSealeo
Pokemon - ShelgonShelgon Pokemon - SmoochumSmoochum Pokemon - SolgaleoSolgaleo Pokemon - SphealSpheal
Pokemon - SpiritombSpiritomb Pokemon - StakatakaStakataka Pokemon - SuicuneSuicune Pokemon - SwabluSwablu
Pokemon - SwampertSwampert Pokemon - Tapu BuluTapu Bulu Pokemon - Tapu FiniTapu Fini Pokemon - Tapu KokoTapu Koko
Pokemon - Tapu LeleTapu Lele Pokemon - TerrakionTerrakion Pokemon - ThundurusThundurus Pokemon - TirtougaTirtouga
Pokemon - TorchicTorchic Pokemon - TornadusTornadus Pokemon - TreeckoTreecko Pokemon - TyrantrumTyrantrum
Pokemon - TyruntTyrunt Pokemon - UxieUxie Pokemon - VictiniVictini Pokemon - VirizionVirizion
Pokemon - VolcanionVolcanion Pokemon - WalreinWalrein Pokemon - XerneasXerneas Pokemon - XurkitreeXurkitree
Pokemon - YveltalYveltal Pokemon - ZapdosZapdos Pokemon - ZekromZekrom Pokemon - ZubatZubat
Pokemon - ZygardeZygarde

Pokemon Appearing in The Isle of Armor

This is a list of all Pokemon appearing in The Isle of Armor DLC expansion.

All New Pokemon

Kubfu ImageKubfu Urshifu ImageUrshifu Galarian Slowbro ImageGalarian Slowbro

New Gigantamax Forms

Our favorite starters now have Gigantamax forms! Venusaur and Blastoise from Kanto also join Charizard with their Gigantamax forms!

Gigantamax Cinderace ImageGigantamax Cinderace Gigantamax Rillaboom ImageGigantamax Rillaboom Gigantamax Inteleon ImageGigantamax Inteleon
Gigantamax Venusaur ImageGigantamax Venusaur Gigantamax Blastoise ImageGigantamax Blastoise

All Returning Pokemon

All 100+ Pokemon from previous games returning in The Isle of Armor have been confirmed. We've provided the full Pokemon list below!

Pokemon - AbraAbra Pokemon - AlakazamAlakazam Pokemon - Alolan ExeggutorAlolan Exeggutor Pokemon - Alolan MarowakAlolan Marowak
Pokemon - Alolan SandshrewAlolan Sandshrew Pokemon - Alolan SandslashAlolan Sandslash Pokemon - AmoongussAmoonguss Pokemon - AzumarillAzumarill
Pokemon - AzurillAzurill Pokemon - BlastoiseBlastoise Pokemon - BlisseyBlissey Pokemon - BouffalantBouffalant
Pokemon - BulbasaurBulbasaur Pokemon - BunearyBuneary Pokemon - CarvanhaCarvanha Pokemon - ChanseyChansey
Pokemon - ClauncherClauncher Pokemon - ClawitzerClawitzer Pokemon - ComfeyComfey Pokemon - CuboneCubone
Pokemon - DedenneDedenne Pokemon - DragalgeDragalge Pokemon - DruddigonDruddigon Pokemon - DunsparceDunsparce
Pokemon - EmolgaEmolga Pokemon - ExeggcuteExeggcute Pokemon - ExeggutorExeggutor Pokemon - ExploudExploud
Pokemon - FletchinderFletchinder Pokemon - FletchlingFletchling Pokemon - FomantisFomantis Pokemon - FoongusFoongus
Pokemon - GolduckGolduck Pokemon - HappinyHappiny Pokemon - HeracrossHeracross Pokemon - HerdierHerdier
Pokemon - HorseaHorsea Pokemon - IgglybuffIgglybuff Pokemon - IvysaurIvysaur Pokemon - JigglypuffJigglypuff
Pokemon - KadabraKadabra Pokemon - KangaskhanKangaskhan Pokemon - KingdraKingdra Pokemon - KlefkiKlefki
Pokemon - KrokorokKrokorok Pokemon - KrookodileKrookodile Pokemon - LarvestaLarvesta Pokemon - LickilickyLickilicky
Pokemon - LickitungLickitung Pokemon - LilligantLilligant Pokemon - LillipupLillipup Pokemon - LopunnyLopunny
Pokemon - LoudredLoudred Pokemon - LurantisLurantis Pokemon - LuxioLuxio Pokemon - LuxrayLuxray
Pokemon - Lycanroc (Dusk Form)Lycanroc (Dusk Form) Pokemon - Lycanroc (Midday Form)Lycanroc (Midday Form) Pokemon - Lycanroc (Midnight Form)Lycanroc (Midnight Form) Pokemon - MagnemiteMagnemite
Pokemon - MagnetonMagneton Pokemon - MagnezoneMagnezone Pokemon - MarillMarill Pokemon - MarowakMarowak
Pokemon - MienfooMienfoo Pokemon - MienshaoMienshao Pokemon - MiltankMiltank Pokemon - PalossandPalossand
Pokemon - PetililPetilil Pokemon - PinsirPinsir Pokemon - PolitoedPolitoed Pokemon - PoliwagPoliwag
Pokemon - PoliwhirlPoliwhirl Pokemon - PoliwrathPoliwrath Pokemon - PorygonPorygon Pokemon - Porygon-ZPorygon-Z
Pokemon - Porygon2Porygon2 Pokemon - PsyduckPsyduck Pokemon - RockruffRockruff Pokemon - SandileSandile
Pokemon - SandshrewSandshrew Pokemon - SandslashSandslash Pokemon - SandygastSandygast Pokemon - ScizorScizor
Pokemon - ScolipedeScolipede Pokemon - ScytherScyther Pokemon - SeadraSeadra Pokemon - SharpedoSharpedo
Pokemon - ShinxShinx Pokemon - SkarmorySkarmory Pokemon - SkrelpSkrelp Pokemon - SlowbroSlowbro
Pokemon - SlowkingSlowking Pokemon - SlowpokeSlowpoke Pokemon - SquirtleSquirtle Pokemon - StarmieStarmie
Pokemon - StaryuStaryu Pokemon - StoutlandStoutland Pokemon - TalonflameTalonflame Pokemon - TangelaTangela
Pokemon - TangrowthTangrowth Pokemon - TaurosTauros Pokemon - TentacoolTentacool Pokemon - TentacruelTentacruel
Pokemon - VenipedeVenipede Pokemon - VenusaurVenusaur Pokemon - VolcaronaVolcarona Pokemon - WartortleWartortle
Pokemon - WhirlipedeWhirlipede Pokemon - WhismurWhismur Pokemon - WigglytuffWigglytuff Pokemon - ZoroarkZoroark
Pokemon - ZoruaZorua

Pokemon Sword and Shield Related Guides


The Expansion Pass DLC.pngAll About The Expansion Pass DLC List of All DLC Pokemon.pngList of All Pokemon Appearing in the DLC
The Isle of Armor Expansion.pngThe Isle of Armor
June 17th, 2020
The Crown Tundra Expansion.pngThe Crown Tundra
October 22, 2020
Pokemon Sword Expansion Logo.pngHow to Download The Expansion Pass Physical Version Release.pngPhysical Release Info
November 6, 2020


13 Anonymous4 months


12 Anonymousabout 4 years

It is already in the main game


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