Pokemon Sword and Shield

Dawn Stone Effect and How to Get It

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Dawn Stone.png

This is a page on the Dawn Stone, one of the evolutionary stones in Pokemon Sword and Shield, Isle of Armor, and the Crown Tundra DLC. Read on to see this item's effect and the Pokemon that evolve using it, and how to find it.

Dawn Stone Effect

Dawn Stone ImageDawn Stone
Effect A peculiar stone that can make certain species of Pokemon evolve. It sparkles like a glittering eye.

Pokemon that Evolve Using Dawn Stone

Kirlia ImageKirlia
(Male only)
Gallade ImageGallade
(Male only)
Snorunt ImageSnorunt
(Female only)
Froslass ImageFroslass
(Female only)

How to Get Dawn Stone


Places This Item Can Be Found
Lake of Outrage Giant's Cap
Ballimere Lake

Obtain from the Digging Duo

Digging Duo.jpg
You have a chance to obtain Dawn Stone from the Digging Duo located near the nursery in the Wild Area.

However, you have to pay 500 Watts for them to start digging up random items for you, with the chance of receiving an evolutionary stone.

You will need lots of Watts for the target evolutionary stone to appear. Click the link below to learn how to get Watts easily.
How to Farm Watts Quickly

Found in the Lake of Outrage

You can acquire all kinds of evolutionary stones in the Lake of Outrage. However, you need to have the second Rotom Bike, obtainable on Route 9, to move across water.
Lake of Outrage Map and Obtainable Pokemon

Obtain in Ballimere Lake

A Dawn Stone can be found in the Ballimere Lake area of the Crown Tundra DLC.

Ballimere Lake Map and Obtainable Pokemon

List of All Evolutionary Stone Items

Item Effect
Dawn Stone Dawn Stone A peculiar stone that can make certain species of Pokemon evolve. It sparkles like a glittering eye.
Dusk Stone Dusk Stone A peculiar stone that can make certain species of Pokemon evolve. It holds shadows as dark as can be.
Fire Stone Fire Stone A peculiar stone that can make certain species of Pokemon evolve. The stone has a fiery orange heart.
Galarica Cuff Galarica Cuff Give to Galarian Slowpoke to evolve it into Galarian Slowbro.
Galarica Wreath Galarica Wreath Give to Galarian Slowpoke to evolve it into Galarian Slowking.
Ice Stone Ice Stone A peculiar stone that can make certain species of Pokemon evlove. It has an unmistakable snowflake pattern.
Leaf Stone Leaf Stone A peculiar stone that can make certain species of Pokemon evolve. It has an unmistakable leaf pattern.
Moon Stone Moon Stone A peculiar stone that can make certain species of Pokemon evolve. It is as black as the night sky.
Shiny Stone Shiny Stone A peculiar stone that can make certain species of Pokemon evolve. It shines with a dazzling light.
Sun Stone Sun Stone A peculiar stone that can make certain species of Pokemon evolve. It burns as red as the evening sun.
Thunder Stone Thunder Stone A peculiar stone that can make certain species of Pokemon evolve. It has a distinct thunderbolt pattern.
Water Stone Water Stone A peculiar stone that can make certain species of Pokemon evolve. It is the blue of a pool of clear water.

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