Genshin Impact

Rise of the Fell Flower Event Guide | How to Beat the Fellflower

Genshin Impact - Rise of the Fell Flower Challenge Guide

Rise of the Fell Flower is the Mysterious Challenge in Genshin Impact's Shadows Amidst Snowstorms event. Learn how to unlock the Fellflower challenge, which characters to use in battle, how to beat the Fellflower boss, and other information in this boss event guide!

Shadows Amidst Snowstorms Event Guide
Genshin - Shadows Amidst Snowstorms - Born of the Snow IconBorn of the Snow Genshin - Shadows Amidst Snowstorms - Dragonspine Special Training IconDragonspine Special Training Genshin - Shadows Amidst Snowstorms - Rise of the Fell Flower Mysterious ChallengeRise of the Fell Flower
Genshin - Dragonspine Special Training - Agility TrainingAgility Training Genshin - Dragonspine Special Training - Tracker TrainingTracker Training Genshin - Dragonspine Special Training - Combat TrainingCombat Training

Rise of the Fell Flower Location

Fellflower Challenge Location

Genshin - Fellflower Location - Entombed City Outskirts Dragonspine
Location Entombed City Outskirts, Dragonspine
How to Unlock Complete ''The Shadows Deepen''

The Fellflower challenge is located in the Emtombed City Outskirts are of Dragonspine, where the Resurgent Cryo Regisvine from the Chalk Prince and the Dragon Event was previously located!

How to Unlock the Fellflower Boss

The map icon and the challenge itself will only be available after completing the Story Quest for Act 2 of Shadows Amidst Snowstorms. Take a look at our guide for the quest walkthrough!
Act 2: The Shadows Deepen

Recommended Characters for Rise of the Fell Flower

Best Characters for Repeated Runs

Character Merits
Genshin - Yoimiya Yoimiya • Can deal Pyro DMG to Arcane Fruits even from a distance.
• Deals additional DMG against Cryo opponents through Melt Reactions.
Genshin - Thoma Thoma • Provides shields and can deal additional Pyro DMG with his Elemental Burst.
• Provides Elemental Resonance when paired with another Pyro Character.
Genshin - Amber Amber • Can deal Pyro DMG to Arcane Fruits even from a distance.
• Deals additional DMG against Cryo opponents through Melt Reactions.
Genshin - Yanfei Yanfei • Can deal Pyro DMG to Arcane Fruits even from a distance.
• Deals additional DMG against Cryo opponents through Melt Reactions.
Genshin - Bennett Bennett • Provides heals and can deal additional Pyro DMG with his Elemental Burst.
• Provides Elemental Resonance when paired with another Pyro Character.

Bring Pyro DPS Characters and Healers

Destroying Arcane Fruits plays an important role in defeating the Fell Flower, so having a ranged Pyro DPS characters is the ideal choice for your party.

The Arcane Essence also drains the active character's HP regardless of shields, so having a good healer in your party is highly recommended!

Best Characters by Role

Main DPS
Genshin - Diluc ImageGenshin - Noelle ImageGenshin - Hu Tao ImageGenshin - Yanfei ImageGenshin - Eula ImageGenshin - Yoimiya Image
Genshin - Amber ImageGenshin - Fischl ImageGenshin - Xiangling ImageGenshin - Albedo ImageGenshin - Kazuha ImageGenshin - Raiden Image
Genshin - Jean ImageGenshin - Bennett ImageGenshin - Qiqi ImageGenshin - Zhongli ImageGenshin - Xinyan ImageGenshin - Thoma Image

Best Free-to-Play Party

Recommended Party
Traveler (Geo) Traveler (Geo) Amber Amber Noelle Noelle Xiangling Xiangling

See Character Tier List

How to Beat the Fellflower

Destroy the Fellflower's Shield

Genshin - Break the Shield to Reduce its Size
Breaking the Fellflower's shield will make the Fellflower smaller. This will stop the Fellflower from summoning extra enemies and make the challenge easier!

How to Destroy the Fellflower's Shield

Hit and destroy the Arcane Fruits

Genshin - How to Destroy Arcane Fruits
Destroying the Arcane Fruits will lower the Fellflower's shield level. Arcane Fruits will spawn at random points in the area, and sometimes even in the air! You'll need Bow and Catalyst-users in your team to bring floating Arcane Fruits down.

Use Pyro Attacks on the Fellflower

Genshin - Pyro Also Lowers Enemy Shield
Using Pyro attacks directly on the Fellflower will also lower its shield level. Doing this while attacking Arcane Fruits will help you destroy the Fellflower's shield even more quickly!

How to Stop the Fellflower's Shield from Regenerating

Genshin - Get All Arcane Essence

Collect the Arcane Essence

The Fellflower can restore its shield with the Arcane Essence scattered throughout the battlefield. Collect the Arcane Essences as soon as they spawn to prevent the Fellflower from recovering!

Arcane Essence drains your HP

Picking up Arcane Essences will make your active character gradually lose HP for a short amount of time. It's best to switch to a character with a high amount of HP before getting any Arcane Essences!

Tips for the Fellflower Boss Challenge

Challenge the Fellflower with friends

It's a lot of work trying to destroy Arcane Fruits and collect Arcane Essences all at the same time. You can look for fighting buddies in our Co-Op guides to make the challenge easier:

Genshin Co-Op Boards
Genshin - Friend Request BoardFriend Request Board Genshin - Co-Op BoardCo-Op Board Genshin - Supporting castBoardSupporting Cast Board

Eat Goulash to fend off the Sheer Cold

Goulash Recipe
Genshin - Goulash Icon Goulash

The challenge arena will inflict Sheer Cold on you and your Co-Op party members. Even though there are warming mechanisms on the battlefield, eating Goulash before starting the challenge will help you fend off Sheer Cold more effectively!

How to Avoid the Subterranean Attack

Genshin - How to Avoid the Subterranean Attack
To avoid the Subterranean Attack, you need to watch out for icy circles on the floor. This indicates where the Fellflower will suddenly appear to damage your characters, so dodge those icy circles quickly!

How to Play Rise of the Fell Flower

Rise of the Fell Flower Event Guide

How to Play Rise of the Fell Flower
1 Go to the Fellflower Challenge Location.
2 Choose between a Solo or Co-Op Challenge.
3 Defeat the Fellflower to complete missions!

Go to the Challenge Location

Genshin - Fellflower Location - Entombed City Outskirts Dragonspine
The Fell Flower is located in the arena near the Entombed City Outskirts. Clicking on ''Go to Challenge in the Rise of the Fell Flower event screen will adjust your map view to that location.
Back to Fellflower Boss Guide ▲

Fight Solo or with Friends

Genshin Co-Op Boards
Genshin - Friend Request BoardFriend Request Board Genshin - Co-Op BoardCo-Op Board Genshin - Supporting castBoardSupporting Cast Board

It's much easier to face the Fellflower with friends by your side! If you don't have much friends in Genshin Impact yet, you can always make some battle buddies with our Co-Op boards.

Cancel Matching to Stick with Friends

Genshin - Cancel Matching to Stick with Friends
Choosing to play the challenge in Co-Op will automatically activate the Co-op Matching option if your world has less than 4 players. The host can click Cancel Matching to keep the party as it is!
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Rise of the Fell Flower Event Tasks

Fellflower Missions and Rewards

Objectives Rewards
Destroy all the Arcane Fruits and defeat the Fellflower.
Genshin - Vanquisher x120
Genshin Impact - Hero x2
Genshin Impact - Mora Image x20,000
When the Fellflower activates its snowball attack, use Arcane Fruits to interrupt that attack and defeat the Fellflower.
Genshin - Vanquisher x120
Genshin Impact - Hero x2
Genshin Impact - Mora Image x20,000
Defeat 4 monsters created by the Arcane Fruits in total.
Genshin - Vanquisher x120
Genshin Impact - Hero x2
Genshin Impact - Mora Image x20,000
Defeat the Fellflower without allowing to absorb any Arcane Essence at all.
Genshin - Vanquisher x120
Genshin Impact - Hero x2
Genshin Impact - Mora Image x20,000
Defeat the Fellflower without being hit by its subterranean attack.
Genshin - Vanquisher x120
Genshin Impact - Hero x2
Genshin Impact - Mora Image x20,000
After the Fellflower throws out its Arcane Fruits, defeat it without being hit by the Fruits' hammer-strikes.
Genshin - Vanquisher x120
Genshin Impact - Hero x2
Genshin Impact - Mora Image x20,000

Back to Fellflower Boss Guide ▲

Rise of the Fell Flower Rewards

Total Rewards from the Challenge

Rewards from Tasks

All Rewards from Special Training Tasks
Genshin - VanquisherVanquisher's Emblem x720 Genshin - Hero Hero's Wit x12 Genshin - Mora Icon Mora x120000

How to Use Vanquisher's Emblems

Vanquisher's Emblem Currency
Genshin - Vanquisher

The Vanquisher's Emblems you get from completing Fellflower missions, or by defeating the Fellflower itself, can be used to buy valuable items in the Shadows Amidst Snowstorms event shop! You can see a full list of shop items in our event guide:
Shadows Amidst Snowstorms Event Guide

Rise of the Fell Flower Information

Part of Shadows Amidst Snowstorms

Genshin Impact - Shadows Amidst Snowstorms Event Guide
Rise of the Fell Flower is part of the Shadows Amidst Snowstorms event. It's a Dragonspine Event in Version 2.3 with story quests that involve Albedo and other Mondstadt characters, as well as various challenges!

Learn everything you can do during Shadows Amidst Snowstorms in our full event guide:
Shadows Amidst Snowstorms

How to Unlock the Mysterious Challenge: Rise of the Fell Flower

Genshin Impact - The Shadows Deepen World Quest Guide

Complete the Event's Story Quest for Act 2

The Shadows Deepens Event Quest needs to be completed in order to unlock this Mysterious Challenge, which will be revealed to be named the ''Rise of the Fell Flower.''
The Shadows Deepen Story Quest Guide

Mysterious Opponent Revealed

Genshin - Mysterious Opponent Revealed
Completing the event quest will reveal that the Mysterious Challenge opponent is a mutated Cryo Whopperflower known as the Fell Flower!

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Shadows Amidst Snowstorms Event Guide

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+ Snowmen Components
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Genshin - Icon - Mora Genshin - Icon - Primogem Genshin - Snowstrider Emblem
+ Snowmen Components

Shadows Amidst Snowstorms Items

Event-Exclusive Rewards
Genshin - Cinnabar SpindleCinnabar Spindle Genshin - Alkahest Refinement MaterialAlkahest Refinement Material Genshin - Snowmen Components IconSnowman Components Genshin - Paimon Portrait Furnishing

Shadows Amidst Snowstorms Quests

Main Event Quest
Genshin Impact - Shadows Amidst Snowstorm Act 1 - The Snowy Past Event Quest Guide
Act I: The Snowy Past
Genshin Impact - Shadows Amidst Snowstorm Act 2 - The Shadows Deepen Event Quest Guide
Act II: The Shadows Deepen
Genshin Impact - Shadows Amidst Snowstorm Act 3 - A Secret Born From Ashes Quest Guide
Act III: A Secret Born From Ashes

All Genshin Impact Events

Genshin Impact - List of Events

List of Events

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