Genshin Impact

Trouble With Letters World Quest Walkthrough and Rewards | Meteoric Wave Quest

Genshin Impact - Trouble With Letters World Quest Guide

Trouble With Letters is a World Quest in Genshin Impact. Learn how to unlock this Quest and where it is found, as well as its rewards and a full walkthrough for completing the Quest.

Trouble With Letters Basic Information

Quest Details

Quest Type World Quest
Chapter Star of Destiny: Meteoric Wave
Location Liyue Harbor, Liyue
Required AR 20
Quest Giver Jiyai

How to Unlock

This quest is found in the Unreconciled Star Event which has a requirement of Adventure Rank 20, and is unlocked after completing the What the Skies Conceal, the Water Reveals story quest.

Unreconciled Stars Quests
Genshin - Unreconciled Stars - Unknown StarUnknown
Genshin - Unreconciled Stars - Star of Deceitful DreamsDeceitful Dreams Genshin - Unreconciled Stars - Star of DestinyStar of
Where Ancient Stars Align.pngWhere Ancient Stars Align

Unreconciled Stars Event Guide

Trouble With Letters Walkthrough and Rewards

Trouble With Letters

Due to the meteor shower, Jiayi's plans to return home to see his family have been canceled yet again. He is looking for someone to send a letter to Qingce Village...

Trouble With Letters Objectives

  • Talk to Jiayi
  • Clear the monsters near Qingce Village out
  • Deliver Jiayi's letter to Little Liu
  • Ask the villagers about Little Liu's whereabouts
  • Give Jiyai's letter to Little Liu
  • Report back to Jiyai


1 Speak to Jiyai.jpg
Speak to Jiyai in Liyue Harbor.
2 Clear out the monsters 2.jpg
Head to the marked location and defeat the monsters there. A Cryo Abyss Mage and a couple of hilichurls will be waiting for you.
3 Speak to the villagers.jpg
Head to Qingce Village. You will need to speak to 3 of the villagers. Speak to Yundan to progress the quest.
4 Speak to Little Liu.jpg
Talk to Little Liu on the cliff to the east of the Qingce Village waypoint. There are ladders you can climb to get to her.
5 Speak to Jiyai give letters.jpg
Head back to Liyue Harbor. Speak to Jiyai and give him Little Liu's Letter to complete the quest.


Genshin Impact - Fading Star Fading Star's Essence ×20 Genshin Impact - Primogem Image Primogem ×20 Genshin Impact - Mora Image Mora ×25000

Trouble With Letters Tips & Strategies

Use a Pyro Character Against the Cryo Abyss Mage

Clear out the Monsters.jpg
Have a Pyro character on your team before heading to the area to clear the monsters. There is going to be a Cryo Abyss Mage and a Pyro character can make quick work of its Cryo shield.

Use the Ladders to get to Little Liu

Little Liu Ladders.jpg
Little Liu will be located on a cliff. You can use the ladders and scaffolding nearby to get up to her.

Genshin Impact Related Links

Genshin Impact - Unreconciled Stars Event

Unreconciled Stars Event Guide

List of Unreconciled Stars Quests

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Unreconciled Stars Event Guides

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