Pokemon Sword and Shield

Oval Charm Effect and How to Get It

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Oval Charm

Oval Charm is a Key Item in Pokemon Sword and Shield, Isle of Armor, and the Crown Tundra DLC. Find out its effects, how to get it, as well as tips on when and how to use it.

Oval Charm Effect

Oval Charm ImageOval Charm
Effect An oval charm said to increase the chance of Pokémon Eggs being found at the Nursery.

Getting the Oval Charm will ease your time in breeding Pokemon as the item will increase the chance of Eggs appearing in the Pokemon Nursery.

It is recommended to get this item when planning to breed competitive Pokemon as the Oval Charm helps speed up the process!

How to Get Oval Charm

1. Finish the Story

You can only get the Oval Charm once you finish the story.
Story Walkthrough

2. Travel to Circhester

Fly to Circhester and go to Hotel Ionia, the building on the left at the center of the city.

3. Battle the Police Officer

Enter the hotel and take the elevator. Head to the first room on the left and speak to the police officer.

Beat the police officer to obtain the Oval Charm. Take note that the police officer will have Pokemon that are Level 65 so be sure to bring atleast 6 Pokemon that are Level 70 or higher.

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