Genshin Impact

Metropole Trials Event Guide

Genshin Impact - Metropole Trials Event Guide

Metropole Trials is a domain combat event in Genshin Impact 4.8. See all event stages, how to play, how to unlock, and event rewards right here!

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Metropole Trials Schedule

Metropole Trials Stages

Fayz Debate Stage Unlock Dates
1 - Honed Vanguard July 19, 2024
2 - Resolute Foe July 21, 2024
3 - Device Suppression July 23, 2024
4 - Fierce Faceoff July 24, 2024

Metropole Trials Stage 1 - Honed Vanguard

Sample Team Comps
First Half AoE-Focused:
Genshin - FurinaGenshin - NahidaGenshin - NilouGenshin - Baizhu
Genshin - AyatoGenshin - FischlGenshin - BennettGenshin - Venti

Genshin - ColleiGenshin - Traveler (Dendro)Genshin - ShinobuGenshin - Xingqiu
Second Half Geo-Focused:
Genshin - NaviaGenshin - SigewinneGenshin - FurinaGenshin - Chiori
Genshin - IttoGenshin - GorouGenshin - AlbedoGenshin - Zhongli

Genshin - LynetteGenshin - XianglingGenshin - FischlGenshin - Bennett
Valor Buffs
During A Time For Valor, the DMG dealt by all party members' Elemental Skills is increased by an additional 20/50%. If the character is off-field, the DMG dealt by Elemental Skills is increased by an additional 20/50%.

Bring Characters that Primarily Use Elemental Skills

The first trial buffs Elemental Skills, and greater buffs if the character is off-field. Characters like Furina, Fischl, Yae Miko, Chiori, and Nahida are prime examples.

Bring AoE units in the first half, as there will be multiple waves of Hilichurl enemies, in which groupers like Venti will thrive. Second half is primarily Geo-focused, with shielded Mitachurl and Praetorian Golems who are weak against the element.

Metropole Trials Stage 2 - Resolute Foe

Sample Team Comps
First Half Pyro-Focused:
Genshin - Arlecchino Genshin - YelanGenshin - ZhongliGenshin - Bennett
Genshin - Hu Tao Genshin - XianyunGenshin - FurinaGenshin - Yelan

Genshin - LynetteGenshin - XianglingGenshin - FischlGenshin - Bennett
Second Half Wide Coverage:
Genshin - NeuvilletteGenshin - FurinaGenshin - BaizhuGenshin - Kazuha
Genshin - XiaoGenshin - FaruzanGenshin - FurinaGenshin - Xianyun

Genshin - YaoyaoGenshin - ShinobuGenshin - HeizouGenshin - Xingqiu
Valor Buffs
During A Time For Valor, all party members' Normal, Charged, and Plunging Attacks deal 30/75% increased DMG, and Stamina costs are decreased by 20/50%.

Bring Your Best Characters for Single and AoE Situations

Stage 2 generally buffs all Normal, Charged, and Plunging Attacks, and reduces Stamina costs, which greatly favors characters like Hu Tao, Neuvillette, Arlecchino, and Xiao who excels at such buffs.

The first half starts with singular beefy Hilichurl Rogue and Lawachurl enemies, whose elements are basically hinting to run Pyro DPS characters. Watch out for the Lawachurls most especially as they can hit very hard, so focus on removing their shields first.

The second half consists of multiple mobile Ruin machines, Bathysmal Vishaps, and Geovishaps, which can get annoying if you don't have characters who can attack multiple enemies at once. Try moving away from the mobs to one spot so they can all follow towards you, which allows you to cleave your attacks to them.

Metropole Trials Stage 3 - Device Suppression

Sample Team Comps
First Half Burst-Focused:
Genshin - RaidenGenshin - XingqiuGenshin - XianglingGenshin - Bennett
Genshin - NahidaGenshin - AlhaithamGenshin - ShinobuGenshin - Xingqiu

Genshin - KaeyaGenshin - BennettGenshin - XianglingGenshin - Lynette
Second Half AoE-Focused:
Genshin - BennettGenshin - XianglingGenshin - TartagliaGenshin - Kazuha
Genshin - AyatoGenshin - FischlGenshin - BennettGenshin - Venti

Genshin - FaruzanGenshin - HeizouGenshin - XingqiuGenshin - Fischl
Valor Buffs
During A Time For Valor, the DMG dealt by all party members' Elemental Bursts is increased by 30/75%, and their Energy Recharge is increased by 20/50%.

Bring Characters with good Elemental Bursts and AoE Attacks

The first trial features tough opponents that come one at time, so bringing burst-centric and general Elite-Killer units like Raiden Shogun and Alhaitham work well for cycling between abilities while dealing consistent damage.

The second half primarily features multiple fodder opponents, so bringing AoE damage dealers like Xiangling, Tartaglia, Gaming, as well as groupers like Venti, and Kazuha can do wonders for removing them quickly.

Metropole Trials Stage 4 - Fierce Faceoff

Sample Team Comps
First Half Skill-Focused:
Genshin - FurinaGenshin - NahidaGenshin - NilouGenshin - Baizhu
Genshin - ClorindeGenshin - NahidaGenshin - KazuhaGenshin - Fischl

Genshin - HeizouGenshin - ShinobuGenshin - Traveler (Dendro)Genshin - Xingqiu
Second Half Single Target:
Genshin - XingqiuGenshin - ZhongliGenshin - Hu TaoGenshin - Yelan
Genshin - FaruzanGenshin - WandererGenshin - XingqiuGenshin - Fischl

Genshin - KaeyaGenshin - BennettGenshin - XianglingGenshin - Lynette
Valor Buffs
During A Time For Valor, all party members' Elemental Mastery is increased by 60/150. For 3s after a character triggers an Elemental Reaction, all party members' Elemental Mastery will further increase by 60/150.

Bring Characters that Can Use Elemental Reactions

Both halves feature tough elite-type opponents that pose as a DPS check for your characters, so playing to the Valor Buffs' strengths prove useful here.

For the first half, try to run teams that have some form of AoE potential such as a Nilou Bloom team or a Clorinde team to deal with each group of opponents. For the second half, prepare good single-target units to shred down opponents.

How to Play Metropole Trials

Form Two Unique Teams to Get Valor

Genshin - Metropole Trials - Form Two Unique Teams
Each stage in Metropole Trials requires you to build two teams. Unlike previous combat events, there are no Trial characters. Instead you can use the same characters on both stages should you wish so, but with a small penalty.

You will not gain Valor points for that character if you repeat them. Valor is shared between the two teams, and gives a buff during the combat trial depending on the number of points from the team you've formed.

Read the Valor buffs and enemy list first to decide which teams best suit the stages!

Only need 6 Valor to max out buffs

Genshin - Metropole Trials - Valor Points
At the very least, you will only need 6 unique characters in your party to gain the full Valor buffs. The remaining two party members can repeat.

Defeat Enemies Under the Time Limit

Genshin - Metropole Trials - A Time For Valor Combat Stage
When inside the domain, waves of enemies will continuously appear under a time limit. Defeating enemies will give you points, and you only need 5000 points total to get the maximum rewards possible!

Defeat Opponents and Fill the Valor Bar

Genshin - Metropole Trials - A Time For Valor
Defeating enemies will also accumulate the Valor bar on top of your screen. After filling it up, your party members gain the A Time For Valor effect, which gives a massive buff to your characters specified in the stage description.

The Valor buff only lasts for a few seconds, so use this time wisely especially against the Elite foes.

How to Unlock Metropole Trials

Complete Part 2 of Summertide Scales and Tales Quest

Metropole Trials unlocks in the Constellation Metropole area of Simulanka during the second part of the Summertide Scales and Tales event quest, which opened on July 19, 2024 server time.

Once you've done the first Constellation Clockwork puzzle and helped the toy guard, both the Metropole Trials and Flying Hatter's Trick events will be accessible.

Metropole Trials Event Information

Part of the Summertide Scales and Tales Event

Genshin Impact - Summertide Scales and Tales Event

Metropole Trials is a combat mini-game for the Summertide Scales and Tales event in Genshin Impact 4.8, where players form teams and defeat opponents under a time limit to get points!

Summertide Scales and Tales Event Guide

Metropole Trials Event Rewards

Stage 1 - Trial: Honed Vanguard

Objective Rewards
Score 500 points
Mora Mora x20000
Score 2000 points
Mora Mora x20000
Score 5000 points
Mora Mora x20000

Stage 2 - Trial: Resolute Foe

Objective Rewards
Score 500 points
Mora Mora x20000
Score 2000 points
Mora Mora x20000
Score 5000 points
Mora Mora x20000

Stage 3 - Trial: Device Suppression

Objective Rewards
Score 500 points
Mora Mora x20000
Score 2000 points
Mora Mora x20000
Score 5000 points
Mora Mora x20000

Stage 4 - Trial: Fierce Faceoff

Objective Rewards
Score 500 points
Mora Mora x20000
Score 2000 points
Mora Mora x20000
Score 5000 points
Mora Mora x20000

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20 Anonymous6 months

Got the game at the beginning of Simulanka event. I have been grinding this whole time to try to beat this event. Even pulled two five stars. I can't even break 500. I only need to get 500 in one of them to get the free Kiaria and my highest is just above 400. I hope future events aren't so brutal.

19 Anonymous7 months

Stage 2 is the most pain in the butt to clear. The only way to clear is to kill that pesky Hydro Hilichurl Rogue as fast as you can especially using DPS Hu-Tao charge and auto attack. Second phase is most likely hyperbloom aoe or any units to kill all foes. Fearless mode gives you bigger points to make 5k manageable.

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