Genshin Impact

How to Get and Use Toy Medal

Genshin Impact - How to Get Toy Medal and Effects

Toy Medals are items obtained in Imaginarium Theater that can be exchanged for Thespian Tricks in Genshin Impact. See how to get and use Toy Medals here!

How to Get Toy Medals

Obtain from Performance Tour Rewards

Genshin - How to Get Toy Medals

Travelers can get three Toy Medals from the Performance Tour Rewards by completing and finalizing acts 3, 6, and 8 of Imaginarium Theater.

To access to the Performance Tour Rewards, travelers must first finish the first three acts. These will unlock a nearby chest, which can be used to check for rewards.

Alternatively, travelers can view the reward preview on the Imaginarium Theater menu.

Imaginarium Theater Guide

How to Use Toy Medals

Use to Learned Special Character Poses

Genshin - How to Use Toy Medals

Travelers can use the Toy Medals to learn Thespian Tricks from Wolfy. Simply speak to Wolfy and select the first option to view the available poses. This season, with only three medals, you can only learn three poses, so choose well!

Thespian Tricks Guide

Toy Medal Information

Toy Medal ImageToy Medal Rarity 4
Effect None

A shiny medal. It is a toy, yes, but it nonetheless represents the acknowledgment of the audience. Use it in the Imaginarium Theater to obtain Thespian Tricks from Wolfy.

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1 Anonymous2 days

Are they going to be transferred to the next season in case I don't want to spend them on any poses now?

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