Genshin Impact

List of Fungus and Abilities in Fabulous Fungus Frenzy

Genshin Impact - List of Fungus and Abilities

Check out our list of fungus units and their abilities in Genshin Impact's Fabulous Fungus Frenzy here!

Fabulous Fungus Frenzy Event Guides
Genshin - Fabulous Fungus Frenzy - Prepare for TournamentPrepare for Tournament Genshin - Prepare for Tournament - Fungus CaptureFungus Capture Genshin - Prepare for Tournament - Coruscating PotentialCoruscating Potential Genshin - Prepare for Tournament - Special TrainingSpecial Training
Genshin - Fabulous Fungus Frenzy - Championship ProgressChampionship Progress Genshin - Fabulous Fungus Frenzy - Get Dori for FreeGet Free Dori Genshin - Fabulous Fungus Frenzy Event GuideList of Fungus Genshin - Wisdom Orb GadgetWisdom Orb Gadget

List of Fungi and Abilities

All Available Event Fungi

Fungi Skill Types
Genshin - Fabulous FungusGenshin - Fabulous Fungus
Damage Dealers
Genshin - Fabulous FungusGenshin - Fabulous FungusGenshin - Fabulous FungusGenshin - Fabulous Fungus
Genshin - Fabulous FungusGenshin - Fabulous Fungus
General Support
Genshin - Fabulous FungusGenshin - Fabulous Fungus

Healer Fungi

Fungus Skills and Abilities
Genshin - Floating Hydro Fungus ImageFloating Hydro Fungus Skill: Water Bomb - Unleashes a fantastical bubble that deals Hydro DMG to its target while healing fungi within the party.
Bubbly Prison - Unleashes a medium-sized bubble that deals Hydro DMG and traps smaller opponents within.
Aqua Strike - Unleashes a small bubble that deals Hydro DMG.
Genshin - Stretchy Anemo Fungus ImageStretchy Anemo Fungus Skill: RIsing Wind - Unleashes a field of rising winds that deals Anemo DMG to nearby opponents throughout its duration and also heals all its allies. It will also use Anemo to clear Elements applied to its party members.
Mournful Shot - Fires off 4 wind projectiles consecutively, dealing Anemo DMG.
Rushing Wind - Releases a powerful wind projectile that deals Anemo DMG.

Damage Dealer Fungi

Fungus Skills and Abilities
Genshin - Whirling Cryo Fungus ImageWhirling Cryo Fungus Skill: Frost Stream - Fires a solid icicle forward that deals Cryo DMG to opponents along its path.
Rime Shock - Quickly jumps up and initiates 3 attacks, dealing Cryo DMG to nearby opponents.
Icy Strike - Dives into ice and moves rapidly in the form of a glacial current, dealing Cryo DMG to nearby enemies when emerging.
Genshin - Stretchy Pyro Fungus ImageStretchy Pyro Fungus Skill: Delayed Deflagration - Unleashes a searing wave that deals Pyro DMG to nearby opponents and causes them to take continuous Pyro DMG for a certain period of time.
Blazing Impact - Rushes at nearby opponents, stops charging when it hits an opponent and deals Pyro DMG.
High-Temperature Field - Releases a heated shockwave that deals Pyro DMG to nearby opponents.
Genshin - Whirling Electro Fungus ImageWhirling Electro Fungus Skill: Thunderous Cry - Unleashes an Electro shockwave that deals a small amount Electro DMG to nearby opponents, entering a temporary Activated state in the process. In this Activated state, its Thundering Lashes will deal more DMG and attack more often.
Glaring Bolt - Charges up Elemental energy and causes its next Thundering Lash to have bonus Electro DMG.
Additionally, the first opponent hit by this Skill will have their DEF decreased for a time.
Thundering Lashes - Rushes at nearby opponents, swiveling around and performing another return slash after it hits and passes one target by, thus dealing 2 instances of Electro DMG.
Genshin - Floating Dendro Fungus ImageFloating Dendro Fungus Skill: Flowery Flechettes - Goes all out and fires 6 consecutive Wildgrass Bullets.
Spore Cannon - Fires a Wildgrass Bullet, dealing Dendro DMG to opponents.
Overgrowth - Heals the Fungus with the lowest HP in the party.

Crowd-Control Fungi

Fungus Skills and Abilities
Genshin - Floating Anemo Fungus ImageFloating Anemo Fungus Skill: Vortex of Blades - Unleashes a wind vortex in front of itself and continuously pulls in enemies within a wide area for a set duration. Will deal Anemo DMG to enemies within the vortex's range when the vortex disappears
Honed Whirlwind - Fires off a honed wind bullet that deals Anemo DMG to nearby opponents and pulls nearby opponents slightly.
Galeforce Shot - Releases a honed wind projectile that deals Anemo DMG.
Genshin - Whirling Pyro Fungus ImageWhirling Pyro Fungus Skill: Meltdown Blast - Charges Pyro energy and pulls opponents in before unleashing a blazing explosion that deals Pyro DMG to all nearby opponents and decreasing All Elemental RES of the injured targets.
Ember Cordon - Releases a heated ring that raises its own DEF, continuously deals Pyro DMG to nearby opponents for a period of time, and continuously taunts nearby opponents that have been attacked by it.
High-Temperature Field - Releases a heated shockwave that deals Pyro DMG to nearby opponents.

General Support Fungi

Fungus Skills and Abilities
Genshin - Stretchy Geo Fungus ImageStretchy Geo Fungus Skill: Rocks Fall - Leaps up high and initiates a devastating Plunging Attack that deals Physical DMG to nearby opponents and knocks them back. If it hits targets affected by Geo, it will drain a great amount of their Geo element.
Bedrock Line - Strengthens its own RES to attacks, and will taunt nearby opponents for a period of time. However, it may not be able to draw enemy fire to itself if other Fungi in the team are attacking the enemies very frequently
Hard Knock - Deals Physical DMG to nearby opponents using its flappy cap. If it hits targets affected by Geo, it will drain a small amount of their Geo element.
Genshin - Stretchy Electro Fungus ImageStretchy Electro Fungus Skill: Resonator - Inspires other Fungi friends and increases the ATK of all Fungi on the team for a set period.
Flashing Bolt - Unleashes a blast of lightning that deals Electro DMG to its target.
Lightning Sphere - Unleashes a ball-shaped charge that deals Electro DMG.

Genshin Impact Related Guides

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Fabulous Fungus Frenzy Event Guide

Fabulous Fungus Frenzy Phase Guides

Fabulous Fungus Frenzy Phases
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Fungus Capture Guides

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Capture Zone Guides
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Genshin - Prepare For Tournament 3Capture Zone 3 Genshin - Prepare For Tournament 4Capture Zone 4
Genshin - Prepare For Tournament LockedCapture Zone 5

Coruscating Potential Guides

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Path of Awakening Guides
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Special Training Guides

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Coordinated Assault Zone Defense
1 Genshin - Coordinated Assault Day 1 Through the Battlefront Genshin - Zone Defense Day 1 Precise Firepower
2 Genshin - Coordinated Assault Day 2 Elemental Stratagems Genshin - Zone Defense Day 2 Raid Disruption
3 Genshin - Coordinated Assault Day 3Rapid Chase Genshin - Zone Defense Day 3Spherical Threat
4 Genshin - Coordinated Assault Day 4 Combined Tactics Genshin - Prepare For Tournament 4Three-Dimensional Defense
5 Genshin - Coordinated Assault Day 5 Marauding Adversary Genshin - Zone Defense Day 5 All Domain Suppression

Championship Progress Guides

Championship Progress Challenges
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Genshin - Championship Progress Hardy Two-Blades4 - Two-Blades Genshin - Championship Progress Layla5 - Layla Genshin - Championship Progress Haniyyah6 - Haniyyah

Fabulous Fungus Event Quest Guides

Event Quests
Genshin Impact - The Most Fantastic Tournament You Event Quest Act 1 Genshin Impact Nilotpala Cup - Debut Match Event Quest Act 2
Genshin Impact - Dual Missions Progress and Probe Quest Guide Event Quest Act 3 Genshin Impact - Unfathomable Defenses Quest Guide Event Quest Act 4
Genshin Impact - The Strongest Opponent! The Biggest Crisis! Quest Guide Event Quest Act 5 Genshin Impact - Farewell My Shroom Buddies Quest Guide Event Quest Act 6

Other Fabulous Fungus Frenzy Guides

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Event Rewards and Items

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