Genshin Impact

Core of the Apparatus Recipes and Product Archive

Genshin Impact - List of Robot Products and Redemption Vouchers
Here are all Core of the Apparatus recipes in Genshin Impact. We'll teach you how to unlock all robot furnishings and complete the Product Archive!

Core of the Apparatus Event Guide
Genshin - Core of the Apparatus Event GuideFull Event Guide Genshin - Core of the Apparatus Robot RecipesRobot Recipes Genshin - Core of the Apparatus Gadget GuideGadget Tutorial
Genshin Impact - Core of the Aparatus - Day 1 GuideDay 1 Guide Genshin Impact - Core of the Aparatus - Day 2 GuideDay 2 Guide Genshin Impact - Core of the Aparatus - Day 3 GuideDay 3 Guide

Core of the Apparatus Recipes

All Product Archive Robot Recipes

Recipes are taken directly from the event's Product Archive

# Voucher Materials Element Enemies
1 Genshin - Mirrorpool Horned Owl Turning VoucherMirrorpool Horned Owl: Turning Genshin - Fruits and FlowersFruits or
Genshin - Hydro ElementHydro Hypostases, Oceanids, Thunder Manifestations, Eyes of the Storm
2 Genshin - Mirrorpool Horned Owl Dancing VoucherMirrorpool Horned Owl: Dancing Genshin - Fruits and FlowersFruits or
Genshin - Hydro ElementHydro Genshin Impact - SlimeSlimes
3 Genshin - Mirrorpool Horned Owl Air Time VoucherMirrorpool Horned Owl: Air Time Genshin - Fruits and FlowersFruits or
Genshin - Hydro ElementHydro Genshin - SpecterSpecters
4 Genshin - Thundering Horned Owl Turning VoucherThundering Horned Owl: Turning Genshin - Fruits and FlowersFruits or
Genshin - Electro ElementElectro Hypostases, Oceanids, Thunder Manifestations, Eyes of the Storm
5 Genshin - Thundering Horned Owl Dancing VoucherThundering Horned Owl: Dancing Genshin - Fruits and FlowersFruits or
Genshin - Electro ElementElectro Genshin Impact - SlimeSlimes
6 Genshin - Thundering Horned Owl Air Time VoucherThundering Horned Owl: Air Time Genshin - Fruits and FlowersFruits or
Genshin - Electro ElementElectro Genshin - SpecterSpecters
7 Genshin - Flowfire Horned Owl Turning VoucherFlowfire Horned Owl: Turning Genshin - Fruits and FlowersFruits or
Genshin - Pyro ElementPyro Hypostases, Oceanids, Thunder Manifestations, Eyes of the Storm
8 Genshin - Flowfire Horned Owl Dancing VoucherFlowfire Horned Owl: Dancing Genshin - Fruits and FlowersFruits or
Genshin - Pyro ElementPyro Genshin Impact - SlimeSlimes
9 Genshin - Flowfire Horned Owl Air Time VoucherFlowfire Horned Owl: Air Time Genshin - Fruits and FlowersFruits or
Genshin - Pyro ElementPyro Genshin - SpecterSpecters
10 Genshin - Traveling Horned Owl VoucherTraveling Horned Owl Any. You get this at random.
11 Genshin - Mirrorpool Triped Tipping VoucherMirrorpool Triped: Tipping Genshin - OresOres Genshin - Hydro ElementHydro Hypostases, Oceanids, Thunder Manifestations, Eyes of the Storm
12 Genshin - Mirrorpool Triped Jiggy VoucherMirrorpool Triped: Jiggy Genshin - OresOres Genshin - Hydro ElementHydro Genshin Impact - SlimeSlimes
13 Genshin - Mirrorpool Triped Sitting VoucherMirrorpool Triped: Sitting Genshin - OresOres Genshin - Hydro ElementHydro Genshin - SpecterSpecters
14 Genshin - Thundering Triped Tipping VoucherThundering Triped: Tipping Genshin - OresOres Genshin - Electro ElementElectro Hypostases, Oceanids, Thunder Manifestations, Eyes of the Storm
15 Genshin - Thundering Triped Jiggy VoucherThundering Triped: Jiggy Genshin - OresOres Genshin - Electro ElementElectro Genshin Impact - SlimeSlimes
16 Genshin - Thundering Triped Sitting VoucherThundering Triped: Sitting Genshin - OresOres Genshin - Electro ElementElectro Genshin - SpecterSpecters
17 Genshin - Flowfire Triped Tipping VoucherFlowfire Triped: Tipping Genshin - OresOres Genshin - Pyro ElementPyro Hypostases, Oceanids, Thunder Manifestations, Eyes of the Storm
18 Genshin - Flowfire Triped Dancing VoucherFlowfire Triped: Dancing Genshin - OresOres Genshin - Pyro ElementPyro Genshin Impact - SlimeSlimes
19 Genshin - Flowfire Triped Sitting VoucherFlowfire Triped: Sitting Genshin - OresOres Genshin - Pyro ElementPyro Genshin - SpecterSpecters
20 Genshin - Traveling Triped VoucherTraveling Triped Any. You get this at random.

Mix Materials, Elements, and Cores to get Traveling Robots

For a higher chance at getting either the Traveling Triped or the Traveling Horned Owl vouchers, its best to use multiple types of materials, elements and enemies!

How to Complete the Product Archive

Create Robot Vouchers with the Material Collector

Genshin - Core of the Apparatus - Product Creation

  1. Equip the Material Collector
  2. Collect 5 materials of the right type
  3. Apply the right element on yourself for 15 seconds
  4. Defeat the right enemy type
  5. Go to Bertrandt to Craft a Voucher

You make Robot Vouchers the same way you use the Material Collector during the Core of the Apparatus quests. A combination of different materials, elements, and enemies will give you different vouchers.
Full Material Collector Guide

How to Use Robot Recipes

Redeem Furnishing for your Teapot

Genshin - Core of the Apparatus - Robot Furnishing
After unlocking a Robot Recipe, you'll get the chance to redeem it as a Furnshing item. You get a maximum of 4 redemptions though, so choose wisely! Just open up your Product Archive, pick your desired vouchers, and click on "Redeem Now."

Exchange Vouchers with your Friends

You can also ask for or send Vouchers to your friends! Check out our Co-Op boards and make some trading buddies!

Genshin Co-Op Boards
Genshin - Friend Request BoardFriend Request Board Genshin - Co-Op BoardCo-Op Board Genshin - Supporting castBoardSupporting Cast Board

Genshin Impact Related Guides

Genshin Impact - Core of the Apparatus Slim

Core of the Apparatus Event Guide

Core of the Apparatus Gameplay Guides

Important Core of the Apparatus Guides
Genshin Impact - How to Get Material Collector Gadget GuideMaterial Collector Gadget Genshin Impact - List of Robot Products and Redemption VouchersRobot Recipes

Core of the Apparatus Stage Guides

Stage Guides & Unlock Date
Genshin Impact - Core of the Apparatus - Day 1Day 1: Source Material Collection Genshin Impact - Core of the Apparatus - Day 2Day 2: Elemental Charge Genshin Impact - Core of the Apparatus - Day 3Day 3: Core Activation

Core of the Apparatus Quest Guides

Quest Guides Unlock Date
A-Toymaking We Shall Go June 29, 2022
A-Toymaking We Shall Go: Energy Storage June 30, 2022
A-Toymaking We Shall Go: Core Propulsion July 1, 2022
A-Toymaking We Shall Go: Mass Production July 2, 2022

Core of the Apparatus Furnishings

Core of the Apparatus Robot Toy Furnishings
Genshin - Mirrorpool Horned OwlMirrorpool Horned Owl Genshin - Thundering Horned OwlThundering Horned Owl Genshin - Flowfire Horned OwlFlowfire Horned Owl Genshin - Traveling Horned OwlTraveling Horned Owl
Genshin - Mirrorpool TripedMirrorpool Triped Genshin - Thundering TripedThundering Triped Genshin - Flowfire TripedFlowfire Triped Genshin - Traveling TripedTraveling Triped

All Genshin Impact Events

Genshin Impact - All Genshin Impact Events

List of Events


8 Anonymousover 2 years

ikr... it's such a shame.... why only 4 tho,, i was so excited cause it's hard for me to like any event in genshin but this one was nice but goddamn why only 4 redeem... i also chose the wrong 4 as the redeem

7 Anonymousover 2 years

I was so exited for having all of them ;-;. Turns out you can only have 4... Such a shame.

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