Genshin Impact

The Heart of Ouroboros Quest Guide

Genshin Impact - The Heart of Ouroboros World Quest Guide

The Heart of Ouroboros is a subquest under From Dusk to Dawn in Byakuyakoku quest chain in Enkanomiya for Genshin Impact 2.4. See how to unlock the World Quest, its walkthrough, and the rewards here in this guide!

From Dusk to Dawn Quest Guides
Entrance to Tokoyo Subterranean Trials
Trail of Drake & Serpent Heart of Ouroboros Dreams in the Gaps

How to Unlock The Heart of Ouroboros

Progress Through Subterranean Trials

Genshin Impact How to Unlock The Heart of Ouroboros - Complete the Prerequisite Quest

You can unlock The Heart of Ouroboros by progressing The Subterranean Trials of Drake and Serpent quest.

The Subterranean Trials of Drake and Serpent

The Heart of Ouroboros Walkthrough

Head to Serpent's Heart

Genshin Impact The Heart of Ouroboros - Head to Serpent

Head to the marked location in Serpent's Heart. Be careful of gaps between the islands, and investigate the Sunfire Phantasm at the center of the altar.

Set Enkanomiya to Evernight

Genshin Impact The Heart of Ouroboros - Set Enkanomiya to Evernight

If Enkanomiya is not in the Evernight Phase, find the Whitenight/Evernight Mechanism to the right of the altar and activate it.

Solve the Riddle of the Altar

Genshin Impact The Heart of Ouroboros - Solve the Riddle of the Altar

To solve the riddle of the Altar in Serpent's Heart, you need to interact with the symbols on the Phase Walls following the order of the symbols on the ground. Alternatively, refer to the image above to know the order!

After successfully interacting with the symbols on the correct order, you'll get an Exquisite Chest, and a fragment of the Reins of Revival!

The Heart of Ouroboros Information

Sub-Quest of From Dusk to Dawn in Byakuyakoku

The Heart of Ouroboros is a subquest of the quest, From Dusk to Dawn in Byakuyakoku, where we work with a mysterious person who identifies himself as Enjou, and uncover the secrets that lie within Enkanomiya!

From Dusk to Dawn in Byakuyakoku Guide

The Heart of Ouroboros Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

There are no rewards for completing this quest.

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Other From Dusk to Dawn in Byakuyakoku Quest Guides

From Dusk to Dawn in Byakuyakoku Quest Guides
The Entrance to Tokoyo The Subterranean Trials of Drake and Serpent Dreams in the Gaps
The Trail of Drake and Serpent The Heart of Ouroboros

From Dusk to Dawn in Byakuyakoku Quest Line Guide

All Enkanomiya World Quests Guide

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Dreams in the Gaps Hyperion's Dirge Kunado's Trial
Lotus Eater The Entrance to Tokoyo The Heart of Ouroboros
The Phaethons' Syrtos The Subterranean Trials of Drake and Serpent The Three Great Martial Trials
The Trail of Drake and Serpent Tricolor File Yachimatahiko's Trial
Yachimatahime's Trial

List of World Quests


1 Anonymousabout 3 years

great guide

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