Genshin Impact

How to Use Scarlet Quartz and Break Ancient Rime

Genshin Impact - How to Get Scarlet Quartz and Effects

Scarlet Quartz is an Item in Genshin Impact. Learn how to use and where to find it, its rarity and effects, and everything you need to know about Scarlet Quartz here!

How to Find Scarlet Quartz

Scarlet Quartz Locations

Genshin - Scarlet Quartz Locations

Scarlet Quartz is a special ore can be found scattered across Dragonspine. Once shattered, it provides temporarily warmth to your characters, halting the Sheer Cold gauge.

Claymore Users Recommended

Genshin - Scarlet Quartz - Claymore Users

Claymore users are recommended when gathering Scarlet Quartz in order to destroy the red rocks in one hit.

How to Use Scarlet Quartz

Used to Shatter Peculiar Ice

Genshin - Scarlet Quartz - Shatter the Peculiar Ice

Throughout Dragonspine, you will find objects frozen in Ancient Rime, usually big blocks of shining ice. Unlike normal ice found in other regions, this one cannot be shattered by weapons or Pyro elemental attacks.

You will need to pick up Scarlet Quartz first before hitting the ice to access the item inside.

Used to Unlock the Frostbearing Tree

To unlock the Frostbearing Tree, you must use the Scarlet Quartz located around it. Pick up one and hit the pillar once to thaw it out and unlock it.

Unlocks the Statue of the Seven

You also need to use a piece of Scarlet Quartz to unlock Dragonspine's Statue of the Seven

Dragonspine Unlock Guide

Unlocks Pillars during In the Mountain

Scarlet Quartz is imporant in thawing out the pillars during the In the Mountain quest. You have to locate each Quartz piece to unlock all pillars and finish the quest.

In the Mountains Walkthrough

Scarlet Quartz Effects and Basic Information

Adds Damage Bonus to Certain Enemies

Genshin - Scarlet Quartz - Bonus Damage

Certain enemies exposed to the effects of Scarlet Quartz may also suffer additional damage once the ore is shattered.

Temporarily Stops Sheer Cold

:Genshin - Scarlet Quartz - Stops Sheer Cold

Scarlet Quartz is a vital item to counter a new environmental mechanic found in Dragonspine. The Subzero Climate will inflict the Sheer Cold status on your characters, represented by a blue bar on the bottom of the screen.

Once this blue gauge fills, your characters will begin to gradually lose HP.

Usage Time Limit

You have a short amount of time where you can use the Scarlet Quartz effect until it disappears. So use it quickly before time runs out!

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