Genshin Impact

Part 3 Guide of Concocted Reaction Event

◆ Latest: 5.5 Update, 5.5 Codes, Sacred Mountain
◆ Builds: Varesa, Iansan, Xianyun, Venti, Xilonen
◆ 5.5 (WIP): Skysplit Gembloom, Dracolite, Pyroculus
◆ Events: Tournament of Glory
◆ Upcoming: Version 5.6

Genshin Impact - Concocted Reaction Guide for A Parade of Providence Event

Learn all about Part 3 of the Concocted Reaction mini-game in Genshin Impact's 3.6 Phase 2 event, A Parade of Providence. Check out the best characters and concoctions to use, Part 3 details and strategy, Linchpin and Normal opponents, and all rewards here!

Concocted Reaction Event Guides
Concocted Reaction Part 1 Part 1 Concocted Reaction Part 2 Part 2 Concocted Reaction Part 3 Part 3

Concocted Reaction: Part 3 Guide

Best Concoctions: Part 3

Genshin - How to Play Concocted Reaction - Choose a Potion

Resilience Concoctions

Part 3 Resilience Concoctions
Organized Offense Each Normal opponent on the field will increase the Linchpin opponents' Physical and All Elemental RES by 15%.
Rapid Raid The Linchpin opponents "Eremite Scorching Loremaster" and "Eremite Floral Ring-Dancer" can unleash their Spirits of Omen immediately when taking the field.
All-Round Assault Opposing reinforcements have been deployed. Eremite Axe Vanguard, Eremite Ravenbeak Halberdier, and Treasure Hoarders: Pyro Potioneer (Normal opponents) will take the field.
Clinging Combustion Your active characters will be periodically inflicted with Smoldering Flames, causing them to take Pyro DMG until the Pyro element is removed.

Resilience Concoctions will help you resist negative effects that favor your opponents. At maximum, you can only select two.

Your eyes should immediately go to the worst effect in the bunch, which is Clinging Combustion. We highly recommend selecting this Concoction to resist it and allow you to focus on defeating the opponents in front of you instead of losing any of your characters.

To further make this challenge easier, we recommend selecting Organized Offense, since there will be a lot of opponents to cull and lowering their resistances is a much better option than lowering their initial number.

Enhancing Concoctions

Part 3 Enhancing Concoctions
Sturdy Morale When the character's HP is higher than 70%, increase their Elemental Mastery by 200.
Robust Rebuilding All party members' Healing Bonus is increased by 50%. When a character is healed, their ATK is increased by 60% for 8s.
Defensive Counterattack All party members' shield strength is increased by 50%. When a character is protected by a shield, a shockwave will be unleashed at the character's position every 2s and deal True DMG to nearby opponents.
Thriving Vitality After a character triggers Quicken, Spread, Aggravate, Burning, Bloom, Hyperbloom, or Burgeon reaction, the character will regain 5 Elemental Energy. This effect can be triggered once every 3s.

Enhancing Concoctions provide buffs to your party to make combat easier. At most, you can only select two.

All at the first glance, one can surmise that this challenge will be reliant on Dendro Reactions. While every Concoction in this challenge sounds great, two of them are actually the best when it comes to actively boosting your party's effectiveness in combat.

Selecting Sturdy Morale and Thriving Vitality will dramatically increase your characters' combat prowess, allowing you to eliminate the hoards of enemies coming your way with ease.

Concocted Reaction: Part 3 Best Characters

Best Team

Concocted Reaction Part 3 Best Team
Genshin - Nahida Nahida Genshin - Raiden Raiden Genshin - Kokomi Kokomi Genshin - Zhongli Zhongli

Having Raiden Shogun and Nahida up front will be your best bet in maximizing the effects of "Thriving Vitality", with Kokomi's Hydro application enabling Bloom reactions while keeping the party alive.

The downside of it all is Kokomi's lengthy Elemental Skill cooldown, which can easily be worked around on by switching between party members for varying attacks.

Zhongli's shield is by far the best in the game, and his Burst can be used in emergencies. It also adds to Raiden Shogun's Chakra Desiderata, providing more synergy.

Alternative Team

Concocted Reaction Part 3 Alternative Team
Genshin - Alhaitham Alhaitham Genshin - Yelan Yelan Genshin - Shinobu Shinobu Genshin - Zhongli Zhongli

Keeping up with the Dendro reaction pattern, Alhaitham is by far the strongest Dendro melee unit in the game, provided that you know how to maximize his Dendro infusion.

Simply start with his Burst to enable his Dendro infusion, do 3 or 4 strings of Normal Attacks, use his Skill to refresh the infusion's duration, then continue for 3 more strings of Normal Attacks. Lastly, follow up with a Charged Attack for that final infusion.

Yelan and Shinobu are great for setting up Hyperbloom, with the latter providing more better support for melee characters.

F2P Team

Concocted Reaction Part 3 Best F2P Team
Genshin - Traveler (Dendro) Traveler (Dendro) Genshin - Xingqiu Xingqiu Genshin - Shinobu Shinobu Genshin - Thoma Thoma

As far as Dendro F2P parties go, this is the best one to have in your arsenal.

The Traveler can be replaced with Collei if you wish, but they have a more active approach when it comes to keeping Dendro reactions up and running. Xingqiu and Shinobu can set up Hyperbloom effectively.

Thoma can keep enemies at bay with his shield, but can also set off Burgeon reactions occasionally, aiding your overall assault.

Concocted Reaction: Part 3 Strategy

Part 3 Enemies

Linchpin Opponents
Normal Opponents

There will be a total of 31 enemies to defeat in 5 minutes. They will spawn by waves, each one with a Linchpin opponent at their center.

While 31 enemies may seem a lot, the Dendro reactions you will be setting off paired with the Concoctions you have selected will be more than enough to quickly dwindle this number.

Crowd control tactics are also viable in this challenge, so if you have any characters that excel in keeping large groups of enemies in line like Venti or Kazuha, you can opt to have them take the field.

Concocted Reaction: Part 3 Rewards

All Part 3 Rewards

Objectives Rewards
Complete "Concocted Reaction: Part 3" on Easy difficulty or above
Genshin Impact - Gala ExcitementGala Excitement x50
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x30000
Complete "Concocted Reaction: Part 3" on Normal difficulty
Genshin Impact - Gala ExcitementGala Excitement x30
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x30000
Complete "Concocted Reaction: Part 3" on Hard difficulty
Genshin Impact - Gala ExcitementGala Excitement x20
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x30000

Concocted Reaction: Part 3 Information

Part of A Parade of Providence Event

Genshin Impact - A Parade of Providence Akademiya Event

This is the third and final stage of Concocted Reaction, a Spantamad Event featured in A Parade of Providence.

There are 3 stages of this event in total, unlocked at different dates.

Stage Date Unlocked
Concocted Reaction: Part 1 April 27, 2023
Concocted Reaction: Part 2 May 1, 2023
Concocted Reaction: Part 3 May 3, 2023

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