Genshin Impact

Wind-Dial Photo Guide for the Greenery Chapter Day 6

Genshin Impact - Wind-Dial Photo Note Guide
Wind-Dial is one of the Day 6 challenges in Genshin Impact's Outside the Canvas, Inside the Lens: Greenery Chapter Event. See the full Wind-Dial Photo Note Guide, and all the rewards here!

Wind-Dial Photo Note Guide

Day 6 Photography Targets

  1. Weapon must be a Claymore or a Sword▼
  2. Include the Character▼
  3. 1 Photo-Taking Point▼
  4. Character using Charged Attack▼

Wind-Dial Location

Location Thousand Winds Temple, Mondstadt

Teleport to either the nearest waypoint or towards the Midsummer Courtyard Domain to get to the area. The Prepare to Photograph is on top of a ruined arched pillar!

How to Get to the Photo Location

Follow the marker on the mini-map and climb up one of the pillars with an arch! It's the one with the bird eggs near it.

Character's Weapon Must be a Claymore or a Sword

The character that you use must be a Claymore or a Sword user! Take note that sword characters have short areas of attack and Claymore users have a large area of attack, this will affect the angle suited for them.

Must Include the Character

The image must include the character in it. This is why you need to check your character's charged attack animation, most of the Claymore character's attacks have a large range that may put them out of the frame.

Some Sword characters may disappear during their charged attack animations. You also need to note if your characters take a large step because the pillar they're standing on doesn't have much space to move in, so the characters might fall!

The Angle Must Span 1 Photo-Taking Point

You need to include the photo-taking point within the photo, which is the far-off distance near the roaming Ruin Guard. Take note that claymore characters may be harder to grab photos of in the third angle option!

Mark out a spot with the photoshoot function, take draft photos of the spot where you want your character to be, then test out how many steps they take to get to that part in their charged attacks!

Use a Charged Attack When the Picture is Taken

Sword characters tend to be fast in their charged attacks, while Claymore characters tend to have long-winded charged attacks. Choose a frame or pose you like during their charged attack, then plan out how you will grab that pose on Kamera!

Example of the Correct Photo

Wind-Dial Photo Example

Asagiri's Notes for Wind-Dial

"The author is from Mondstadt."

"He's an outstanding novelist as well as an ingenious poet."

"We've made a deal with him that he'll come to us first if he wishes to publish his poetry collection."

Wind-Dial Rewards

All Wind-Dial Rewards

Wind-Dial Rewards
Genshin - Primogem Image Primogem x30 Genshin - Mora Image Mora x20,000 Genshin - Hero Hero's Wit x2

Wind-Dial Information

Part of the Outside the Canvas, Inside the Lens: Greenery Chapter Event

Genshin - Outside the Canvas Inside the Lens Greenery Chapter
Wind-Dial is one of the Day 6 challenges in the 3.2 Rerun of the Outside the Canvas, Inside the Lens Event. Here, you'll be taking a photo in the Thousand Wind Temple with Claymore or Sword Characters doing a charged attack!

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