Genshin Impact

2.6 Day 7 Guide for Outside the Canvas, Inside the Lens

Genshin Impact - Outside the Canvas, Inside the Lens Day 7 Guide
The challenges for day 7 of Outside the Canvas, Inside the Lens 2.6 are ''The Seventh Samurai'' and ''The Seven Great Elements.'' See the photo-taking locations for day 7, how to take the correct photos for the challenges on day 7, and all day 7 rewards here!

Outside the Canvas, Inside the Lens 2.6 Guides
Genshin - Outside the Canvas Inside the LensEvent Guide Genshin - Outside the Canvas Inside the Lens Day 1Day 1 Genshin - Outside the Canvas Inside the Lens Day 2Day 2 Genshin - Outside the Canvas Inside the Lens Day 3Day 3
Genshin - Photo Taking Event Day 4Day 4 Genshin - Photo Taking Event Day 5Day 5 Genshin - Photo Taking Event Day 6Day 6 Genshin - Photo Taking Event Day 7Day 7

All 2.6 Day 7 Challenges

2.6 Day 7 Challenges and Photo Notes

Day 7 Challenge Photo Notes

The Seventh Samurai
Location: Inazuma City, Inazuma
Photography Targets:
• In front of Tenshukaku
• The angle must span 1 photo-taking point
• Night (19:00 - 00:00)
• Character's weapon must be a Polearm or a Sword
• Use Normal Attack or Charged Attack when the picture is taken

The Seven Great Elements
Location: Amakane Island, Inazuma
Photography Targets:
• Mt. Yougou
• The angle must span 2 photo-taking points
• Character pictured must be using an Elemental Skill

2.6 The Seventh Samurai Guide for Day 7

Example of A Correct Photo for The Seventh Samurai

The Seventh Samurai Photo Example

Photo-Taking Location for The Seventh Samurai

Location Inazuma City, Inazuma

Asagiri's Notes for The Seventh Samurai
''So I still have to draw... an image of samurai brandishing a sword at night.''

''Eh? Why? Well... this outlander named Xavier commissioned this piece. He said that this is intended for a ''film advertisement poster.''

''Mr. Xavier had a samurai with him, and he had originally intended for that samurai, Toranosuke, to model for this image. However, the latter refused quite firmly.''

''In the end, Ms. Moriko told me to exercise my own creativity. As for the samurai's weapon... I guess it'll have to either be a sword or a spear.''

How to Take the Correct Photo for The Seventh Samurai

Photo Requirements
1 Head to Inazuma City in front of Tenshukaku
2 Capture 1 photo-taking point
3 Adjust the time to night
4 Character's weapon should be a Spear or a Sword
5 Use Normal Attack or Charged Attack

Go to Tenshukaku in Inazuma City

Genshin - Photo Event Day 7 - Prepare to Photograph
Go to the designated location in front of Tenshukaku, the home of the Raiden Shogun, in Inazuma City. When you get there, press the Prepare to Photograph Button to start taking a photo!

Angle must Include a Photo-Taking Point

Genshin - Photo Event Day 7 -  Photo-Taking Point
The photo-taking point this time is the mask-like face on the castle of Tenshukaku! It needs to be in the frame, so make sure to always angle the camera where it can be seen. Since it's only one photo-taking point, you can adjust the angle various ways.

Change the Time to Night

Genshin - Photo Event Day 7 - Adjust the Time
According to Asagiri's request, the author wants the image to be about a sword or spear user practicing at night. As such, the perfect time for it is around 19:00 to 00:00! It has a long duration inside the game world, so you can take or re-take images as much as you like.

Use a Polearm or Sword Character

Genshin - Photo Event Day 7 - Edit Party
Edit your party to include a Polearm or Sword user, as requested by Asagiri! As of Version 2.6, there are currently 11 Sword characters and 9 polearm users in the game, including the newly released character, Ayato! There are many characters to choose from.

Use Normal Attack or Charged Attack

Genshin - Photo Event Day 7 - Use Normal or Charged Attacks
After editing your party, you need to capture an image of your character using Normal Attack or Charged Attack. Normal Attack can be done by pressing repeatedly on the attack button, while Charged Attack can be done by holding on the attack button.

Take note that for Poelarm and Sword characters, the attack animation is fast, so you need to test out which animation frame is the one you want first before snapping that photo!

Who is Xavier?

Genshin - Tatara Tales Final Preparations - Talk to Xavier
Xavier is the main Quest Giver in the time-locked quest chain, Tatara Tales. He's a researcher from Fontaine who wanted to solve the problem in Tatarasuna.

After completing the quest chain, he will then appear in another world quest, The Seventh Samurai, where you'll find attempting to create a film. It seems the image taken from this stage will be used for the film's poster!

The Seventh Samurai Quest Guide

2.6 The Seven Great Elements Guide for Day 7

Example of a Correct Photo for The Seven Great Elements

The Seven Great Elements Photo Example

Photo-Taking Location for The Seven Great Elements

Location Amakane Island, Inazuma

Asagiri's Notes for The Seven Great Elements
''This author is currently writing a story in which two heroes who use elemental powers clash with one another.''

''This author is also really particular about the 'backdrop,' even insisting to me several times that it has to look as cool as possible.''

''You know Mt. Yougou here in Inazuma? I reckon that it would make a cool backdrop.''

''Mm, yes, I think that wielding one's elemental powers underneath Mt. Yougou would make for a most awesome scene indeed!''

How to Take the Correct Photo for The Seven Great Elements

Photo Requirements
1 Take a Photo in Amakane Island
2 Capture 2 photo-taking points
3 Character must use an Elemental Skill

Head to Amakane Island in Inazuma

Genshin - Photo Event Day 7 - Prepare to Photograph
Teleport near Amakane Island and make your way towards the Prepare to Photograph Button facing the twin mountains in Mt. Yougou. Press on the button once you're ready to start the stage!

Capture Two Photo-Taking Points

Genshin - Photo Event Day 7 - Two Photo-Taking Points
The two photo-taking points are the tops of the mountains in Mt. Yougou, so you need to angle your screen to include those! Since there's only two points, you can have a variety of angles to choose from. You are also free to adjust the time however you want!

Use an Elemental Skill

Genshin - Photo Event Day 7 - Use an Elemental Skill
Any character can be used during this stage, and you are free to face whatever direction you want as you execute an Elemental Skill.

Test out your character's Elemental Skill animation first to find out which frame you want to capture, then take a shot of that moment!

2.6 Day 7 Photo Challenge Rewards

Total Event Rewards

Day 7 Photo Challenge Total Rewards
Genshin - Primogem Icon Primogem x60 Genshin - Hero Hero's Wit x4 Genshin - Mora Icon Mora x40000

Breakdown of Event Rewards

Challenge Rewards
The Seventh Samurai
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x20000
The Seven Great Elements
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x20000

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