Genshin Impact

My Archaeological Notes Photo Guide for the Greenery Chapter Day 5

Genshin Impact - My Archaeological Notes Photo Note Guide
My Archaeological Notes is one of the Day 5 challenges in Genshin Impact's Outside the Canvas, Inside the Lens: Greenery Chapter Event. See the full My Archaeological Notes Photo Note Guide and all the rewards here!

My Archaeological Notes Photo Note Guide

Day 5 Photography Targets

  1. 1 Photo-Taking Point▼
  2. Must include the character▼
  3. Character's Weapon must be a Polearm▼
  4. Character using Normal Attack ▼

My Archaeological Notes Location

Location Land of Lower Setekh, Sumeru Desert

You can find this location near Teleport Waypoint above the Dendro Hypostasis in the Sumeru Desert.

How to Get to the Photo Location

Genshin - Greenery Chapter Day 5 My Archaeological Notes Location In-game
After using the Teleport Waypoint, simply glide down until you're at the shore.

The Angle must Span 1 Photo-Taking Point

Genshin - Day 5 The Angle must Span 1 Photo
There are three views as you edit the Kamera Settings, the extreme wide shot, the wide shot, and the close angle shot. What's most important is having the blue circle inside your camera angle.

Must Include the Character

Genshin - Day 5 Tip 2 - Must Include the Character
The image needs to have a character in it. This is why you need to study your chosen character's normal attacks and how that normal attack animation will affect the shot as you take the photo!

Character Must Use Polearms

Genshin - Day 5 Tip 3 - Must use Polearm
Asagiri requests that the character you photograph is a Polearm user. There are many Polearm characters to choose from, select the one you are familiar with the normal attack animations!

All Polearm Available Characters
Genshin - Xiao Icon Xiao Genshin - Xiangling Icon Xiangling Genshin - Zhongli Icon Zhongli
Genshin - Hu Tao Icon Hu Tao Genshin - Rosaria Icon Rosaria Genshin - Cyno Icon Cyno
Genshin - Thoma Icon Thoma Genshin - Raiden Icon Raiden Genshin - Shenhe Icon Shenhe
Genshin - Yun Jin Icon Yun Jin Genshin - Candace Icon Candace Genshin - Mika Icon Mika
Genshin - Yaoyao Icon Yaoyao

Use a Normal Attack When the Picture is Taken

Genshin - Day 5 Tip 4 - Use Normal Attacks
The final part of the challenge is to capture the perfect shot of your character's normal attack. Pick the best normal attack animation that you want to showcase, then think of how many steps they get before they reach that attack.

Characters move a lot as they attack, either to come close or to move away. You need to estimate a spot where they will do your desired move to grab the perfect shot!

Use the Photoshoot Function

To properly estimate distance in the shot, use the photoshoot function. It will have a line near the icon that you can use to judge how close or far you are in the photo!

Example of the Correct Photo

Genshin - Greenery Chapter Day 5 - My Archaeological Notes Example Photo
My Archaeological Notes Photo Example

Asagiri's Notes for My Archaeological Notes

"This author is an up-and-coming novelist who is highly recommended by Miss Moriko. It's said that he has traveled to many places."

"Hmm... According to the author, this is an adventure novel, and the plot revolves around an archaeology team and their bizarre experiences."

"He says that the team is comprised of an adventurer from Mondstadt, an Antique dealer from Liyue, a samurai from Inazuma, and a scholar from Sumeru."

"Hehe, a story with this many characters must be quite the engaging one indeed."

"Um, wait a minute! Doesn't that mean I'll have to draw that many characters, too?"

"Oh no!"

My Archaeological Notes Rewards

All Cloud Devouring Rewards

My Archaeological Notes Rewards
Genshin - Primogem Image Primogem x30 Genshin - Mora Image Mora x20,000 Genshin - Hero Hero's Wit x2

My Archaeological Notes Information

Part of the Outside the Canvas, Inside the Lens: Greenery Chapter Event

Genshin - Outside the Canvas Inside the Lens Greenery Chapter
My Archaeological Notes is one of the Day 5 challenges in the 3.2 Rerun of the Outside the Canvas, Inside the Lens Event. Here, you'll be taking a photo in the Sumeru Desert with Polearm Characters!

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