Genshin Impact

Tartaglia Chinju Forest Guide for Outside the Canvas Inside the Lens 3.2 Rerun

Genshin Impact - Tartaglia Chinju Forest Guide

Tartaglia (Childe) and Yoimiya will be in Chinju Forest playing with children during Genshin Impact's Outside the Canvas, Inside the Lens: Greenery Chapter Event. See Tartaglia and Yoimiya's locations, and why Childe is in Chinju Forest here!

Yoimiya and Tartaglia Chinju Forest Locations

Tartaglia Chinju Forest First Location

Day & Location Day 2 - Chinju Forest Entrance

On the second day of the Outside the Canvas: Greenery Chapter in Chinju Forest, you'll see Tartaglia as soon as you teleport in the area!

Yoimiya Chinju Forest First Location

Day & Location Day 2 - Inside Chinju Forest

Yoimiya with children is just a few paces away from Childe. Continue heading in the forest, and they can be seen immediately.

Yoimiya and Tartaglia Second Location

Day & Location Day 5 - Outside Chinju Forest

Yoimiya and Tartaglia will be located behind the teleport waypoint outside the entrance of Chinju Forest!

Why is Childe in Chinju Forest?

Tartaglia Saved a Child and Met Yoimiya

Genshin - Why is Childe in Chinju Forest 1 - Tartaglia Saved a Child and Met Yoimiya
Tartaglia is in Inazuma due to work. Which is possibly the mission in the Labyrinth Warriors Event. Before he leaves Inazuma, he wanted to bring home some souvenirs for his siblings and was scouring the forests for an Onikabuto for Teucer.

He saved a child who was running towards a monster camp and that child led him to Yoimiya who is known for being friendly with children.

Became an Anti-Mujina Specialist

Genshin - Why is Childe in Chinju Forest 2 - Became an Anti-Mujina Specialist
After talking to Yoimiya and the children, he was roped into becoming an ''Anti-Mujina Specialist'' and protected the children as they played in Chinju Forest to find the ''Great Mujina Youkai''.

The Traveler (You) first meets Tartaglia by the entrance of the forest, serving as the Anti-Mujina Specialist.

Yoimiya Knows Who Tartaglia Is

Genshin - Why is Childe in Chinju Forest 3 - Yoimiya Knows Who Tartaglia Is
Once you head further in, you'll see Yoimiya with the children looking for the ''Great Mujina Youkai''. They explain why they're looking for the youkai. The Traveler concludes that it's only the children playing pranks on each other.

When Tartaglia is mentioned, Yoimiya pulls you aside to explain that she knows who he is, but doesn't seem to mind him because he's nice to the children.

Souvenirs for Tartaglia's Siblings

Genshin - Why is Childe in Chinju Forest 4 - Souvenirs for Tartaglia
After a few days, you'll see Tartaglia and Yoimiya talking by the entrance of Chinju Forest. Yoimiya was suggesting what to bring to Tartaglia's siblings. Though, the children are no longer with them because their parents took them home.

Tartaglia mentions that his ship will arrive in a few days to take him home!

Tartaglia Chinju Forest Feature Information

Part of the Outside the Canvas, Inside the Lens Greenery Chapter Event

Genshin - Outside the Canvas Inside the Lens Greenery Chapter

Tartaglia and Yoimiya in Chinju Forest are character cameos featured in the Outside the Canvas, Inside the Lens: Greenery Chapter. This is the reason why their story quests are needed to unlock the event. Though, you can skip it with the Quick Start Button!

3.2 Outside the Canvas: Greenery Chapter

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