Genshin Impact

Legend of the Wind Knight III Photo Guide for the Greenery Chapter Day 4

Genshin Impact - Legend of the Wind Knight III Photo Note Guide

Legend of the Wind Knight III is one of the Day 4 challenges in Genshin Impact's Outside the Canvas, Inside the Lens: Greenery Chapter Event. See the full Legend of the Wind Knight III Photo Note Guide, and all the rewards here!

Legend of the Wind Knight 3 Photo Note Guide

Legend of the Wind Knight III Photo-Targets

  1. Angle must span 1 photo-taking point ▼
  2. Character must be from Mondstadt ▼
  3. Must include the character ▼
  4. Character must use an elemental skill ▼

Legend of the Wind Knight III Location

Location Stormterror's Lair, Mondstadt

Head to Stormterror's Lair using the Teleport Waypoint at its entrance. The Prepare to Photograph function is located at the bridge towards the building!

Angle Must Span 1 Photo-Taking Point

Genshin - Legend of the Wind Knight III Guide 1 - The Angle must span 1 photo-taking point
To adjust the angle, so it spans 1 photo-taking point, equip your Kamera and press on the "Prepare to Photograph" function. After that, choose among the three angles that include the photo-taking point!

How to Angle to Span Photo-Taking Points

Character Must be from Mondstadt

Genshin - Legend of the Wind Knight III Guide 2 - Character must be from Mondstadt
The photo must include a character hailing from Mondstadt, so switch up your party to include them! Here's the list of all playable Mondstadt characters as of Version 3.2.

List of Mondstadt Characters
Genshin - Albedo Icon Albedo Genshin - Eula Icon Eula Genshin - Aloy Icon Aloy
Genshin - Traveler (Anemo) Icon Traveler (Anemo) Genshin - Jean Icon Jean Genshin - Diluc Icon Diluc
Genshin - Venti Icon Venti Genshin - Klee Icon Klee Genshin - Mona Icon Mona
Genshin - Rosaria Icon Rosaria Genshin - Amber Icon Amber Genshin - Lisa Icon Lisa
Genshin - Kaeya Icon Kaeya Genshin - Barbara Icon Barbara Genshin - Razor Icon Razor
Genshin - Bennett Icon Bennett Genshin - Noelle Icon Noelle Genshin - Fischl Icon Fischl
Genshin - Sucrose Icon Sucrose Genshin - Mika Icon Mika Genshin - Diona Icon Diona

Must Include the Character

The Mondstadt character you have chosen needs to be in the photo, or else, you won't be able to complete the stages' photo targets or objectives!

Use an Elemental Skill

Genshin - Legend of the Wind Knight III Guide 4 - Character must use an elemental skill
Once you're done setting the angle and choosing a Mondstadt character, press on your character's Elemental Skill and click on the Kamera gadget button immediately to capture it! Note that you can hold or just press the character's skill.

Example of a Correct Photo for Legend of the Wind Knight III

Legend of the Wind Knight III Photo Example

Asagiri's Notes for Legend of the Wind Knight III

"The author of Legend of the Wind Knight has finally recovered!"

"Err, didn't I tell you about this? The writer always stays up late writing stories, and it has affected his health."

"But he didn't stop for a single day, not even when he was so sick that he could only lie in bed. I'd say he's the very definition of perseverance."

"...However, the writer of The Rockeater is always in good condition. I wonder what's keeping that writer healthy?"

Legend of the Wind Knight III Rewards

All Legend of the Wind Knight III Rewards

Legend of the Wind Knight III Rewards
Genshin - Primogem Image Primogem x30 Genshin - Mora Image Mora x20,000 Genshin - Hero Hero's Wit x2

Legend of the Wind Knight III Information

Part of the Outside the Canvas, Inside the Lens: Greenery Chapter Event

Genshin - Outside the Canvas Inside the Lens Greenery Chapter
Legend of the Wind Knight III is one of the Day 4 challenges in the 3.2 Rerun of the Outside the Canvas, Inside the Lens Event! Here, you'll be taking a photo with the Stormterror's Lair in Mondstadt as the backdrop and a character hailing from Mondstadt as the main focus point!

3.2 Outside the Canvas, Inside the Lens Guide

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Legend of the Wind Knight III
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