Genshin Impact

2.6 Day 6 Guide for Outside the Canvas, Inside the Lens

Genshin Impact - Outside the Canvas, Inside the Lens Day 6 Guide
The challenges for day 6 of Outside the Canvas, Inside the Lens 2.6 are ''To The Deep Rock: I'' and ''To The Deep Rock: II.'' See the photo-taking locations in The Chasm for day 6, how to take the correct photos for the challenges on day 6, and all day 6 rewards here!

Outside the Canvas, Inside the Lens 2.6 Guides
Genshin - Outside the Canvas Inside the LensEvent Guide Genshin - Outside the Canvas Inside the Lens Day 1Day 1 Genshin - Outside the Canvas Inside the Lens Day 2Day 2 Genshin - Outside the Canvas Inside the Lens Day 3Day 3
Genshin - Photo Taking Event Day 4Day 4 Genshin - Photo Taking Event Day 5Day 5 Genshin - Photo Taking Event Day 6Day 6 Genshin - Photo Taking Event Day 7Day 7

All 2.6 Day 6 Challenges

2.6 Day 6 Challenges and Photo Notes

Day 6 Challenge Photo Notes

To the Deep Rock: I
Location: Fuao Vale, The Chasm
Photography Targets:
• The angle must span 1 photo-taking point
• Character pictured must be using a Geo Elemental Skill

To the Deep Rock: II
Location: Tiangong Gorge, The Chasm
Photography Targets:
• The angle must span 2 photo-taking points
• Character pictured must be walking or running

Features The Chasm

Genshin - The Chasm - Mines
For the Day 6 Stage, you need to be in Fuao Vale and Tiangong Gorge in The Chasm, so you need to unlock the Teleport Waypoints in those areas.

To unlock the surface of The Chasm, you need to complete at least The Chasm Charters, which is the first quest in The Chasm Delvers Quest Chain!

The Chasm Map Guide

2.6 To The Deep Rock: I Guide for Day 6

Example of A Correct Photo for To The Deep Rock: I

To The Deep Rock: I Photo Example

Photo-Taking Location for To The Deep Rock: I

Location Fuao Vale, The Chasm

Asagiri's Notes for To The Deep Rock: I
''Oh, this is bad... So there's this author who wanted me to draw an illustration that shows a deep valley...''

''I tried using a few places in Inazuma for reference, but he wasn't pleased with any of them, saying that he would like me to reference this place called The Chasm in Liyue...''

''Traveler, could you please help me see what The Chasm looks like?''

''What's the theme of this novel? Um, if I remember this right, it was about an adventure team exploring an underground space...''

How to Take the Correct Photo for To The Deep Rock: I

Photo Requirements
1 Head to Fuao Vale in The Chasm
2 Adjust the screen to span 1 photo-taking point
3 Characters need to use a Geo Elemental Skill

Go to Fuao Vale in The Chasm

Genshin - Outside the Canvas Inside the Lens Day 6 - Prepare to Photograph
Equip your trusty Kamera and head to The Chasm's Fuao Vale. When you get there, simply press on the Prepare to Photograph Button to start taking a photo!

Angle for 1 Photo-Taking Point

Genshin - Outside the Canvas Inside the Lens Day 6 - Photo-Taking Point
Adjust the screen to have that one photo-taking point in the frame. Note that the photo-taking point can be in any section of the photo, so you have a lot of angles to work with!

Use a Geo Elemental Skill

List of Liyue Characters
Genshin - Albedo Icon Albedo Genshin - Itto Icon Itto Genshin - Traveler (Geo) Icon Traveler (Geo)
Genshin - Zhongli Icon Zhongli Genshin - Noelle Icon Noelle Genshin - Ningguang Icon Ningguang
Genshin - Gorou Icon Gorou Genshin - Yun Jin Icon Yun Jin

Since using a Geo Elemental Skill is needed, you must edit your party to include a Geo Character, then promptly use their Elemental Skill! It's best to test out the character's Elemental Skill animation first before taking photos, so you can decide which section of the animation is best for the image.

2.6 To The Deep Rock: II for Day 6

Example of a Correct Photo for To The Deep Rock: II

To The Deep Rock: II Photo Example

Photo-Taking Location for To The Deep Rock: II

Location Tiangong Gorge, The Chasm

Asagiri's Notes for To The Deep Rock: II
''The Chasm... Just the sound of it gives one the impression of danger.''

''But if a dash of color could be added to such a perilous place, it might make things more interesting.''

''Traveler, could you please help me find this 'dash of vibrant color' in The Chasm?''

How to Take the Correct Photo for In The Deep Rock: II

Photo Requirements
1 Head to Tiangong Gorge in The Chasm
2 Capture 2 Photo-Taking Points
3 Character must walk or run in the area

Teleport to Tiangong Gorge

Genshin - Outside the Canvas Inside the Lens Day 6 - Prepare to Photograph
Head to Tiangong Gorge, the photograph area is in front of the Teleport Waypoint. Press on the Prepare to Photograph Button to start grabbing images!

Angle for 2 Photo-Taking Points

Genshin - Outside the Canvas Inside the Lens Day 6 - Photo-Taking Point
Since you will be running during this stage, it's best to test out running in the area first before taking pictures to ensure that the two photo-taking points are inside the frame!

Character must run or walk

Genshin - Outside the Canvas Inside the Lens Day 6 - 2 - Run or Walk Photo
You can use any character you want, and they must run or walk for this stage! They can either be running or walking face front towards the screen, or they can be moving away instead.

2.6 Day 6 Photo Challenge Rewards

Total Event Rewards

Day 6 Photo Challenge Total Rewards
Genshin - Primogem Icon Primogem x60 Genshin - Hero Hero's Wit x4 Genshin - Mora Icon Mora x40000

Breakdown of Event Rewards

Challenge Rewards
To The Deep Rock: I
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x20000
To The Deep Rock: II
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x20000

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