Genshin Impact

2.6 Day 3 Guide for Outside the Canvas, Inside the Lens

Genshin Impact - Day 3 Guide for Outside the Canvas Inside the Lens

The challenges for day 3 of Genshin Impact's Outside the Canvas, Inside the Lens 2.6 are ''The Proper Use of Thunder, Lightning and Blades'' and ''The Fable of Qingce Village.'' See the photo-taking locations for day 3, how to take the photos, and all day 3 rewards here!

Outside the Canvas, Inside the Lens 2.6 Guides
Genshin - Outside the Canvas Inside the LensEvent Guide Genshin - Outside the Canvas Inside the Lens Day 1Day 1 Genshin - Outside the Canvas Inside the Lens Day 2Day 2 Genshin - Outside the Canvas Inside the Lens Day 3Day 3
Genshin - Photo Taking Event Day 4Day 4 Genshin - Photo Taking Event Day 5Day 5 Genshin - Photo Taking Event Day 6Day 6 Genshin - Photo Taking Event Day 7Day 7

All 2.6 Day 3 Challenges

2.6 Day 3 Challenges and Photo Notes

Day 3 Challenge Photo Notes

The Proper Use of Thunder, Lightning and Blades
Location: Wolvendom, Mondstadt
Photography Targets:
• Wolvendom
• Include 1 photo-taking point
• Character must be using an Electro Elemental Burst

The Fable of Qingce Village
Location: Qingce Village, Liyue
Photography Targets:
• Near Qingce Village
• Angle must span 3 photo-taking points
• Photo taken at 06:00 - 18:00
• Character must be idling

2.6 The Proper Use of Thunder, Lightning and Blades Guide for Day 3

Example of A Correct Photo for Thunder, Lightning and Blades

Thunder, Lightning and Blades Photo Example

Photo-Taking Location for Thunder, Lightning and Blades

Location Inside the arena in Wolvendom

Asagiri's Notes for The Proper Use of Thunder, Lightning and Blades
''Did you know that there is a region in Mondstadt that once belonged to the Great Wolf King of the North?''

''I've heard it mentioned in this book that he was once a regional god, and that he was related to both ice and wind.''

''I was thinking that adding some lightning to the scene might make the battle even more awesome!''

''Why lightning, you ask? Well, lightning's just cool!''

''Not to be challenged lightly, you say? Well... Alright, let's just have the lightning, shall we? And make it very cool! This is going into a cover page, you know!''

How to Take the Correct Photo for The Proper Use of Thunder, Lightning and Blades

Photo Requirements
1 Photograph Wolvendom
2 The angle must span 1 photo-taking point
3 Use an Electro Elemental Burst

Have the Wolvendom carving in the frame

Genshin - Photo Event Day 3 - Equip your Kamera and find the wolf eyes
Head towards Andrius' arena in Wolvendom until you get inside and find the location. With your Kamera equipped, press on the Prepare to Photograph button. Then, adjust the angle so that the wall of the arena with wolf eyes is in view.

Have one photo-taking points in the frame

Genshin - Photo Event Day 3 - Keep the photo-taking point in the frame
You need to have the single photo-taking point inside the frame of your image. It should pose you no problems as the wolf's eyes can already fit on your screen! Check on the objectives and make sure it has a check mark on it before doing the rest of the instructions!

Use an Electro Elemental Burst in the photo

List of Electro Characters
Genshin - Lisa Icon Lisa Genshin - Razor Icon Razor Genshin - Fischl Icon Fischl
Genshin - Beidou Icon Beidou Genshin - Keqing Icon Keqing Genshin - Cyno Icon Cyno
Genshin - Yae Miko Icon Yae Miko Genshin - Sara Icon Sara Genshin - Raiden Icon Raiden
Genshin - Traveler (Electro) Icon Traveler (Electro) Genshin - Shinobu Icon Shinobu Genshin - Dori Icon Dori

The last photo target is to grab an image of an Electro Elemental Burst, so that means you need to edit your party to include an Electro character, with the Elemental Burst fully charged!

2.6 The Fable of Qingce Village for Day 3

Example of a Correct Photo for The Fable of Qingce Village

The Fable of Qingce Village Photo Example

Photo-Taking Location for The Fable of Qingce Village

Location Inside Qingce Village beside the Teleport Waypoint

Asagiri's Notes for The Fable of Qingce Village
''This adventure novel is related to Qingce Village's...''

''...Uh, how do I read this? 'Chi'? Yeah, it's got to do with this 'Chi' thing.

''That said, I'm pretty sure Qingce Village is a really sleepy place, isn't it?''

How to Take the Correct Photo for The Fable of Qingce Village

Photo Requirements
1 Photograph Qingce Village
2 Angle must be 3 photo-taking points
3 Adjust the time to 06:00 - 18:00
4 Character is Idling

Take a photo of the rice paddies in Qingce Village

Genshin - Photo Event Day 3 - Equip your Kamera and find the rice paddies
Teleport east of Qingce Village, and the rice paddies down below should be in frame! Head to the photo-taking area and press on the Prepare to Photograph button.

Have three photo-taking points

Genshin - Photo Event Day 3 - Include all 3 Photo-taking points
Adjust the angle of the camera until the three photo-taking points are visible on the screen. Be careful of the ground obstructing one of the lower points! Once you have the perfect angle for this objective, it will have a check mark on it.

Adjust the time before taking a photo

Genshin - Photo Event Day 3 - Adjust the time to daytime
The timing of the photo needs to be in day, so you need to adjust the time between 06:00 - 18:00 for the perfect lighting!

Have your character do an Idle animation

Genshin - Photo Event Day 3 - Wait for an idle animation
Wait for your chosen character to do an idle animation before taking a photo. It should automatically complete the task on the checklist.

2.6 Day 3 Photo Challenge Rewards

Total Event Rewards

Day 2 Photo Challenge Total Rewards
Genshin - Primogem Icon Primogem x60 Genshin - Hero Hero's Wit x4 Genshin - Mora Icon Mora x40000

Breakdown of Event Rewards

Challenge Rewards
The Proper Use of Thunder, Lightning and Blades
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x20000
The Fable of Qingce Village
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x20000

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Outside the Canvas, Inside the Lens 2.6 Guides
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Genshin - Photo Taking Event Day 5Day 5 Genshin - Photo Taking Event Day 6Day 6 Genshin - Photo Taking Event Day 7Day 7

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