Genshin Impact

Albedo Story and Profile

Genshin Impact -  Albedo Story and Profile

Albedo also known by his pen name Calx is a character from Mondstadt in Genshin Impact. Learn more about Albedo's story and lore, Albedo's connection to Durin and Rhinedottir or Gold, voice actors, available outfits, specialty dish, and other details here!

Story Quest
Albedo's Character Guides
Genshin - Albedo Builds and RatingBuild Guide Genshin - Albedo Story and ProfileLore Woodland Dream ImageSpecial Dish
Princeps Cretaceus Chapter
Genshin - Act 1Traveler Observation Report Genshin - Act 2Act 2 Genshin - Act 3Act 3

Albedo Character Information

Albedo Character Profile

Nation: Mondstadt
Faction: Knights of Favonius
Birthday: September 13
Vision: Geo
Constellation: Princeps Cretaceus
Race: Synthetic Human
Gender: Male

Albedo Voice Actors

Language Voice Actor
English Khoi Dao
Japanese 野島 健児 (Nojima Kenji)
Chinese Mace (Mace)
Korean 김명준 (Kim Myung-jun)

List of Characters and Voice Actors

Albedo Release Date

Released in Version 1.2

Albedo was released during the first half of Version 1.2 on December 23, 2020.

1.2 Release Date & Patch Notes

Albedo Story Summary


Genshin - Albedo Story

No-one can dispute Albedo's talent, but the source of the knowledge he possesses..It once brought about the destruction of a glorious nation... It hails from Khaenri'ah: The Art of Khemia. Soil and chalk, the universe and earth, pure dust and the birth of human life..
Source: Dainsleif, the Bough Keeper

Albedo is the Chief Alchemist of the Knights of Favonius. Possessing a knowledge of alchemy beyond the Sumeru Academy, Albedo is a more than capable scholar and field researcher.

Albedo came to Mondstadt on the recommendation of his teacher and was inducted into the Knights. He has his own laboratory with Sucrose and Timaeus as his assistants.

Albedo is described as calm and collected and is well liked by most that meet with him. Although, from the traveler's interactions with him on Dragonspine Mountain we can see that he lacks in social interactions and emotional responses. However, there are some who are weary of Albedo and his potential, like Rosaria and even Dainsleif.

From Dust to Chalk

Genshin - Albedo From Dust to Chalk

Albedo has heavily hinted that he was created rather than born. Aside from Homuncular Nature being one of the names of his talents, Albedo remarks that he has no memory of relatives and his earliest memories are of him traveling with his teacher, Rhinedottir.

During the Chalk Prince and the Dragon Event, Albedo was able to quickly understand that the Traveler is not from Teyvat and they they are both made of undefined substances. At the conclusion of the event, Albedo stated that Durin's life force resonated with him simply because of what he is. As Durin was a dragon created from alchemy, we can assume so too was Albedo.

Rhinedottir's Creation and Brother of Durin

Genshin - Albedo - Rhinedottir and Durin Connections

During the Shadows Amidst Snowstorms event, Albedo revealed that Rhinedottir, his teacher and the great alchemist from Khaenri'ah known as ''Gold,'' is also his creator. He treats Rhinedottir as his ''mother', which also means that Albedo is Durin's brother by creation. Both Durin and Albedo were hinted to have been created some time after Khaenri'ah was destroyed.

Albedo also reveals that he and Durin are ''inextricably linked'' to one another, which explains why he is so wary of himself, as he may perform the same endeavor as Durin did in Mondstadt.

Khaenri'ah and Khemia

Genshin - Albedo - Khaneriah and Khemia

The ability to create and change life, Khemia, is a powerful form of alchemy which was said to be from Khaenri'ah and what brought about its destruction. Due to this, Albedo's knowledge and misuse of Khemia could have catastrophic consequences. Even Albedo himself seems aware of this, but does not stop in his mission to uncover the secrets of the world. At the end of the Dragonspine, event he wonders if Durin was actually Rhindottir's creation and whether meeting the Traveler was a good idea.

The Chalk Prince and The Spark Knight

Genshin - Albedo - Chalk Prince and the Spark Knight

With the monumental mission of uncovering the secrets of the world, Rhinedottir sent Albedo to Mondstadt with a letter of recommendation to give to Alice. After arriving, Alice not only helped set up a lab for him in the Knights of Favonius but also entrusted him with her daughter, Klee. Albedo was to consider Klee and Alice family, though eventually Alice would take off on an adventure and Albedo would spend most of his free time cleaning up Klee's explosive messes.

Albedo's Pen Name

Aside from being the Knights of Favonius Chief Alchemist, Albedo also has the hobby of drawing and painting. He was even commissioned by Xingqiu to make the art for his books. The published books are famous in Inazuma, where he is known by his pen name Calx.

Albedo In-Game Appearances

All of Albedo's In-Game Appearances

Quest Name Type
Traveler Observation Report Story
The Chalk Prince and the Dragon Event
Midsummer Island Adventure Event
Shadows Amidst Snowstorms Event
The Strange Tales of Suikou's Tipsy Tincture Event
A Story for You Event

Story Quest Appearances

Traveler Observation Report

Albedo has shown great interest in the Traveler and them from being another world. He puts the Traveler through some tests to check how different they are from a normal human.

Traveler Observation Report Story Quest Guide

Event Appearances

The Chalk Prince and the Dragon

Genshin Impact - Chalk Prince and the Dragon - Banner

Sucrose is curious as to what Albedo is hiding and asks the Traveler to investigate. Albedo reveals the secret to be a mysterious sword, the Festering Desire which he is investigating. He asks the Traveler to use the sword in Dragonspine hoping to awaken its power and reveal its secrets.

The Chalk Prince and the Dragon Event Guide

Midsummer Island Adventure

Genshin - Midsummer Island Adventure Event

A mysterious letter arrived for Klee, threatening that they'll take Dodoco away from her unless she goes to the Golden Apple Archipelago. Albedo also received a similar letter and joined in to make sure Klee is safe, but unlike the others who received a letter, he already had an idea who was behind it. It's revealed that it was all Alice's plan to give Klee an exciting new adventure, just like Albedo presumed.

Midsummer Island Adventure Event Guide

Shadows Amidst Snowstorms

Genshin Impact - Version 2.3 Banner

A mysterious being has appeared causing trouble in Dragonspine, causing suspicion to be thrown at Albedo. The Traveler uncover the secret of the trouble-maker and of Albedo's origin.

Shadows Amidst Snowstorms Event Guide

The Strange Tales of Suikou's Tipsy Tincture

With the Sakoku Decree abolished, outlanders can now visit Inazuma once more. As part of the Irodori Festival, invitations were sent out to foreign guests to join the festivities. Albedo is an invited guest, who is well-known in Inazuma by his illustrations in Xingqiu's book. He was also asked to paint the murals depicting the Five Kasen.

He brings along Klee with him so she can visit Inazuma.

The Strange Tales of Suikou's Tipsy Tincture Quest Guide

A Story for You

While Albedo is busy with his engagements in Inazuma during the Iradori Festival, he asks the Traveler and Paimon to show Klee around to explore Inazuma.

A Story for You Quest Guide

Character Thoughts on Albedo

Character In-Game Thoughts
Genshin Impact - Amber ImageAmber Albedo spends most of his time in his workshop, tinkering away with all of his awesome stuff. But, when you see him in person, you never can quite tell what he's thinking... Who knows what goes on in that mind of his...
Genshin Impact - Diona ImageDiona Alchemy genius? Hmm... I wonder if he knows of a way to finally help me make a drink that people don't like?
Genshin Impact - Jean ImageJean Sometimes I feel that terms like "genius" were originally created for Albedo.
Genshin Impact - Kaeya ImageKaeya Albedo, eh? Calm, collected, and incredibly talented. He's the type everybody likes, some even more so than others. What, you into him as well?
Genshin Impact - Klee ImageKlee Me and Albedo have a secret code! Whenever he puts a sign on his workshop door saying "Experiment in Progress," that's code for "Come back later, Klee." Albedo's really nice and he's so patient with me, so I don't mind waiting until he's finished with his work.
Genshin Impact - Lisa ImageLisa Albedo is quite the alchemist. Just say the word and he'll come up with a good solution. He's easy on the eyes too, just like you.
Genshin Impact - Mona ImageMona Albedo? Ah... I envy his ability to solely focus on his research without getting bogged down in mundane worldly affairs. What a wonderful life! If that batty old lady hadn't had one too many screws loose, perhaps that's the life I'd be living by now myself...
Genshin Impact - Rosaria ImageRosaria He's like an oil painting you find hanging on the wall in some ancient hall, profound and mysterious... hard to see through. But what can I say, I find people with stories... interesting.
Genshin Impact - Sucrose ImageSucrose Artistry: As his Assistant I learn so much each and every day. What's key is not his existing knowledge, but his talented way of thinking. No matter how complex the task at hand, his way of thinking ensures he gets to the bottom of it, and is able to explain it thoroughly. His methodologies are amazing... to me, it's where alchemy meets art.
Talent: Talent? Let's hypothesize that he and I were to perform the same research — I'd spend my whole life playing catch up. But, my studying of bio-alchemy has nothing to do with evading his line of research, we just happen to have different interests and dreams — nothing more.
Genshin Impact - Venti ImageVenti How do you explain white chalk in black soil, or the earth's dense crust amidst the emptiness of space? Same reason the purest soil gave birth to human life... It's an ancient power with unmistakable properties. Trying to harness it is dangerous indeed, I can't imagine what would happen if someone lost control of it in the city... Ah, never mind! What goes on within Mondstadt's walls is up to Mondstadt's people to deal with!
Genshin Impact - Xingqiu ImageXingqiu I've thought of all the illustrations I want for each of the major event in the next three volumes! I should write my thoughts down before I forget them, and send them to Mr. Kreideprinz...

Albedo's Thoughts on Others

Character In-Game Thoughts
Genshin Impact - Barbara ImageBarbara About Barbara
Barbara? She's a very earnest Deaconess. I once had the opportunity to sketch her a simple portrait... What happened to the sketch? Ah yes... Albert offered to purchase it, but I rejected his bid and gave it to the Acting Grand Master. Social relations... really require a lot of effort.
Genshin Impact - Jean ImageJean About Jean
Jean? She has served exceptionally well as Acting Grand Master, one can even say she is more reliable than Grand Master Varka. Perhaps in our hearts, we all eagerly await the day she can become the official Grand Master herself.
Genshin Impact - Klee ImageKlee About Klee
Indeed, I view Klee as my younger sister. Whenever she gets herself into some explosive sort of trouble, I can only console myself with the fact that her current destructiveness is nothing compared to that of Miss Alice.
Genshin Impact - Lisa ImageLisa About Lisa
Lisa? I always am impressed by the valuable perspectives she brings to discussions. But is a person with her talents satisfied with such a basic occupation as librarian? There must be some hidden reason for this.
Genshin Impact - Sucrose ImageSucrose About Sucrose
Direction: Sucrose? I think I more or less understand why she is so dedicated to her research in bio-alchemy... Either way, I'm happy to see her succeed more and more in her endeavors.
Habits: Working with Sucrose on alchemy research is quite pleasant, but she has some... stubborn qualities in regards to certain aspects unrelated to research. For example, I have told her numerous times to just call me "Albedo" since we are about the same age, but she insists on addressing me in an excessively formal manner. ...Whatever she prefers, I guess.
Genshin Impact - Xingqiu ImageXingqiu About Xingqiu
Oh, Xingqiu? I find his written works quite interesting. The Yae Publishing House in Inazuma has been asking that I cooperate with a different author for greater royalties. Hmph, do I seem the type to be swayed by a few extra Mora?

Albedo Specialty Dish

Woodland Dream Recipe

Original Dish Specialty Dish
Genshin Impact - Sunshine Sprat Image Sunshine Sprat Woodland Dream Image Woodland Dream
Fish Fish ×3
Salt Salt ×1

List of Character Specialty Dishes

Genshin Impact Related Guides

Genshin Impact - Characters and Factions

List of Characters & Factions

Knights of Favonius

Genshin - Knights of Favonius

All Characters
Sucrose ImageSucrose Noelle ImageNoelle Lisa ImageLisa
Klee ImageKlee Kaeya ImageKaeya Jean ImageJean
Eula ImageEula Amber ImageAmber Albedo ImageAlbedo
Mika ImageMika

Knights of Favonius History and Lore


Genshin Impact - Locations - Mondstadt

All Characters
Venti ImageVenti Varka ImageVarka Sucrose ImageSucrose
Rosaria ImageRosaria Razor ImageRazor Noelle ImageNoelle
Mona ImageMona Lisa ImageLisa Klee ImageKlee
Kaeya ImageKaeya Jean ImageJean Fischl ImageFischl
Eula ImageEula Diona ImageDiona Diluc ImageDiluc
Bennett ImageBennett Barbara ImageBarbara Amber ImageAmber
Alice ImageAlice Albedo ImageAlbedo Aloy ImageAloy
Mika ImageMika

Mondstadt History and Lore


3 Genshin Walkthrough Team@Game8over 3 years

Thank you for pointing this out! Albedo's character thoughts should be fixed now and displaying the correct info.

2 Anonymousover 3 years

I think there’s a bug where Albedo’s thoughts on other characters are actually Bennett’s thoughts, not sure if that’s the real case though.

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