Genshin Impact

Diluc Story and Profile

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Diluc is a character in Genshin Impact. Learn about Diluc's story, background, birthday, and history in this complete story profile!

Story Quest
Diluc's Character Guides
Genshin - Diluc Builds and RatingBuild Guide Genshin - Diluc Story and ProfileLore Once Upon a Time in Mondstadt ImageSpecial Dish
Noctua Chapter
Genshin - Act 1Darknight Hero's Alibi Genshin - Act 2Act 2 Genshin - Act 3Act 3

Diluc Profile Info

Diluc Ragnvindr
Nation: Mondstadt
Birthday: 4/30
Constellation: Noctua
Vision: Pyro
Title: Dawn Winery Owner, Darknight Hero

Diluc Story Summary


Diluc Story

As the Dawn Winery's owner, Diluc dominates Mondstadt's alcohol industry. Wealth and information are at his fingertips. Modes and refined, yet quick to act whenever Mondstadt faces a crisis. What caused him to choose this path?
Source: Dainsleif, The Bough Keeper

Diluc Ragnvindr is the owner of Mondstadt's Dawn Winery and Angel's Share Tavern. As a former Knight of Favonius, Diluc is skilled in both combat and commerce.

Diluc is the son of the late Crepus Ragnvindr and the adoptive brother of Favonius Knight Captain Kaeya Alberich who he has a continuing sibling rivalry with.

Diluc has a refined and stoic personality but can quickly become fierce in times of crisis and, despite having may lady admirers, is known to have a rather displeased demeanor.

Family Secrets

Diluc Leaves Mondstadt

Wealth and intrigue often go hand in hand and the Ragnvindr family is no exception.

4 years ago Crepus Ragnvindr, who'd somehow come into the possession of a Pyro Delusion, defended Diluc when the Fatui lured Ursa the Drake directly to them. Crepus was able to drive off Ursa with the power of the Delusion but at the cost of his own life as it backfired and mortally wounded him. To save his father from suffering Diluc ended his life.

Later that day, distraught over the death of his adoptive father and his own life of secrecy, Kaeya would confess his Khaenri'ahn origins to Diluc which resulted in a fight that drove the brothers apart.

After returning to the Knights of Favonius headquarters, Diluc was ordered to cover up the fact that Ursa was repelled by his father, a citizen, an not a Knight in order to save face for Mondstadt. Disgusted at the Knights lack of respect prominent citizens of Mondstadt like his father, Diluc immediately resigned from the Knights of Favonius and surrendered his Vision.

Diluc then left Mondstadt and traveled across Teyvat searching for answers to his father's death, the origin of Delusions and a greater power to protect. On his journey Diluc would learn of the Fatui and their Harbingers and the creation of Delusions.

Information is Power

In his quest for answers Diluc infiltrated many Fatui outposts earning the attention of the Fatui Harbingers. Diluc was able to narrowly avoid death at the hands of the Harbingers with the sudden help of an underground intelligence network. Diluc later joined this mysterious group and quickly rose through its ranks. Currently, Diluc's connection to this group after returning to Mondstadt and reclaiming his Vision have yet to be revealed.

The Darknight Rises

After 4 years of travel Diluc quietly returned to Mondstadt. Though no longer a Favonius Knight, Diluc found his own way of protecting Mondstadt without the need of authority or bureaucracy. After his return rumors began to spread about a Darknight Hero defending Mondstadt's streets from the shadows.

Diluc's Thoughts on Other Characters

Character In-Game Thoughts
Genshin Impact - Diona ImageDiona About Diona
Diona's attitude towards me is... how should I put it? Rather rigid. I've yet to find the opportunity to speak with her properly. I'm not sure if it's an issue with my family line or— Oh? It's not? She simply despises alcohol? Huh... I never thought I'd come across another bartender like myself in Mondstadt.
Genshin Impact - Eula ImageEula About Eula
Ah yes... I've heard about her. She has her own convictions. Her determination to liberate herself from the shackles of her clan is praiseworthy. But, she's... joined the Knights of Favonius.
Genshin Impact - Jean ImageJean About Jean
Enemies: Trifling matters can become Jean's greatest enemy.
Responsibilities: Her unparalleled sense of responsibility is the sole reason why she still hasn't found her true calling.
Genshin Impact - Kaeya ImageKaeya About Kaeya
Kaeya? You can only trust half of what he says... at best.
Genshin Impact - Lisa ImageLisa About Lisa
I believe Lisa has the potential to become the most reliable of the knights. If she's willing.
Genshin Impact - Mona ImageMona About Mona
The land of Mondstadt, by the Anemo Archon's grace, is bountiful. I see no need for the harvest forecasts of astrologers.
Genshin Impact - Varka ImageVarka About Varka
Grand Master Varka... Whilst I understand his disposition, I can make no sense of his actions ...IーI've said too much already. I've long since left the Knights of Favonius. Forget I said anything.

Character Thoughts on Diluc

Character In-Game Thoughts
Genshin Impact - Barbara ImageBarbara Oh, Master Diluc? Last time, when I was performing at Angel's Share, he kept frowning... Maybe he doesn't like my singing?
Genshin Impact - Diona ImageDiona Diluc... I can't stand him! If there was no Diluc, there would be no Mondstadt wine industry; if there was no Mondstadt wine industry, Daddy wouldn't drink; and if Daddy didn't drink... he would keep me company. Ohhhh...
Genshin Impact - Eula ImageEula I don't get along with some of the knights, and he doesn't think much of them in general, so you'd think that would make us allies.
But the way he always acts so aloof - he's even worse than Acting Grand Master Jean. I want nothing to do with him.
Genshin Impact - Jean ImageJean Disillusion: Master Diluc has his reasons for being so critical of the Knights of Favonius. I am not proud of the way things went, but I cannot change the past. All I can do is keep working hard, in the hope he may one day see us in a better light... This is my duty.
Respect: Master Diluc is my senior, and I have the utmost respect for him. Though we have gone separate ways, I can sense we share the same strong commitment to protecting Mondstadt at all costs.
Genshin Impact - Kaeya ImageKaeya Diluc? He was cute as a young lad. But nowadays he just seems to be in a world of his own... Overall, not much fun to hang out with.
Genshin Impact - Klee ImageKlee He's one of the weird grown-ups. He's so grumpy all the time... Why does he never smile?
Genshin Impact - Lisa ImageLisa You want to know about Diluc? Haha, in that case, I know someone else you should talk to.
Genshin Impact - Mona ImageMona Diluc Ragnvindr. His constellation, Noctua, represents vigilance in the darkness of night... A lone guardian keeping watch, longing for the splendor of dawn, yet destined to solitude in the dark days preceding its arrival. ...Or, wait, maybe Noctua's the one tied to wealth...?
Genshin Impact - Razor ImageRazor Diluc is red and black. Hot and cold.
Genshin Impact - Rosaria ImageRosaria Isn't it obvious? There's more than meets the eye to that rich tycoon. He's confident, yet discreet... and even a little bit dangerous.
Genshin Impact - Venti ImageVenti I'm not surprised you want to befriend Master Diluc. Just think of all the vintage wine he must have stored away... Mwuhahaha... Huh? He doesn't let you sample it? Not even the slightest drop? Huh... Well, I guess you can still appreciate the aroma. That's still better than no wine at all, right? No?

Diluc's Cosmetics

Diluc's 5-Star Character Outfit

Genshin - Diluc Skin Red Dead of Night
Diluc's Skin, the Red Dead of Night, will release on Version 2.8. It is the first 5-star skin and the story behind it is featured on the Hidden Strife Event!

Diluc New Skin: Red Dead of Night

Diluc's Default Character Outfit

Outfit Description
Darknight Blaze

Diluc's outfit. A smart and tasteful suit fit for a nobleman.
How to Get:
• Default Outfit

Diluc's Friendship Namecard

Diluc: Flames
How to Get Reach Friendship 10 with Diluc

Namecard Description

Master Crepus painted many eagles during his lifetime, but he never could've foreseen creating an eagle with such fire.

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List of Characters & Factions

Dawn Winery

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Diluc ImageDiluc


Genshin Impact - Locations - Mondstadt

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Rosaria ImageRosaria Razor ImageRazor Noelle ImageNoelle
Mona ImageMona Lisa ImageLisa Klee ImageKlee
Kaeya ImageKaeya Jean ImageJean Fischl ImageFischl
Eula ImageEula Diona ImageDiona Diluc ImageDiluc
Bennett ImageBennett Barbara ImageBarbara Amber ImageAmber
Alice ImageAlice Albedo ImageAlbedo Aloy ImageAloy
Mika ImageMika

Mondstadt History and Lore

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