Genshin Impact

How to Get Iron Coins for Lost Riches | Iron Coin Locations

Genshin Impact - How to Get Iron Coin and Effects

Iron Coin is an event currency used in the Lost Riches Event in Genshin Impact. See how to spend it, where to find it, and everything else you need to know about Iron Coin here!

How to Get Iron Coins

Iron Coin Locations

Iron Coins will be spread out in specific locations during the Lost Riches event, and you will need to borrow the Treasure-Seeker Seelie to track them down.

Like past events, you will unlock an area every day to find more treasures with the Seelie.

Lost Riches Event Guide


Day 1 Falcon Coast, Mondstadt
Lingju Pass, Liyue
Day 2 Starfell Lake, Mondstadt
Guili Plains, Liyue
Day 3 Cuijue Slope, Liyue
Windrise, Mondstadt
Day 4 Mingyun Village, Liyue
Stormterror's Lair, Mondstadt
Day 5 TBA
Day 6 TBA
Day 7 TBA

60 Coins per Area

Genshin - A limit of 60 Iron Coins per area Genshin - Get Iron Coins in Bulk

Each area will have multiple spots wherein you can dig up the Iron Coins by following the Treasure-Seeker Seelie gadget that Ulman provides at the beginning of the event.

Note: You can collect up to 60 Iron Coins on each area, giving you a total of 120 Iron Coins per day.

How to Use Iron Coins

Lost Riches Event Shop

You can use the Iron Coins that you have obtained through the event on the Event Shop to purchase the following items.

The table below shows our estimate of what you should prioritize.

Item Iron Coins Buy Limit Buy Rating
Genshin Impact - Mini Seelie - Dayflower Image Mini Seelie - Dayflower 280 1 ★★★★★
Genshin Impact - Mini Seelie - Rosé Image Mini Seelie - Rosé 280 1 ★★★★★
Genshin Impact - Mini Seelie - Dayflower Image Mini Seelie - Dayflower 280 1 ★★★★★
Genshin Impact - Primogem Image Primogem x100 80 3 ★★★★
Genshin Impact - Hero Hero's Wit 8 10 ★★★★
Genshin Impact - Mystic Enhancement Ore Image Mystic Enhancement Ore 4 20 ★★★
Genshin Impact - Mora Image Mora x10,000 8 20 ★★★

Iron Coin calculations

If the event lasts seven days, and each day grants 120 Iron Coins, you would end up with 840 Iron Coins to spend in total.

Iron Coin Effects and Basic Information

Iron Coin ImageIron Coin Rarity -
Type Event Item
Effect None

An ancient type of coinage that Ulman is collecting. Perhaps he may offer you something in exchange for Iron Coins. Long ago, there was once an organization that attempted to found their own nation. These coins were the nation's minted currency at the time.

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List of Items and Materials

List of Event Items

List of Items
Fading StarFading Star's Might Fading StarFading Star's Essence Iron Coin ImageIron Coin
Scarlet Quartz ImageScarlet Quartz Festering Dragon Marrow ImageFestering Dragon Marrow Rime-Worn Fragment ImageRime-Worn Fragment
Rime-Worn Crystal ImageRime-Worn Crystal Warm Essence ImageWarm Essence Glimmering Essence ImageGlimmering Essence
Miraculous Essence ImageMiraculous Essence Peace Talisman ImagePeace Talisman Xiao Lantern ImageXiao Lantern
Wick Material ImageWick Material Lantern Fiber ImageLantern Fiber Plaustrite Shard ImagePlaustrite Shard
Festive Fever ImageFestive Fever Veneficus Sigil ImageVeneficus Sigil Heart of the Spring ImageHeart of the Spring
Festive Tour Ticket ImageFestive Tour Ticket Peculiar Collab Coupon ImagePeculiar Collab Coupon Windtrace Coin ImageWindtrace Coin
Mini "Harpastum" ImageMini "Harpastum" Shiny Flotsam ImageShiny Flotsam SakuyaSakuya's Special Gardening Package


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