Monster Hunter Wilds

How to Farm Ancient Wyvern Coin

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An Ancient Wyvern Coin is a Special item in Monster Hunter Wilds you can farm by getting Curioshell Crabs. See how to farm Ancient Wyvern Coins, other ways to get them, and how to use them here!

How to Farm Ancient Wyvern Coin

Farming Ancient Wyvern Coins

Search for Ancient Wyvern Coins in the Windward Plains

Windward Plains Ancient Wyvern Coins

The Windward Plains has multiple Ancient Wyvern Coin spawn locations, with Area 14 being one of the best spots due to its three nearby spawn points. Follow the steps below to get all the Windward Plains Ancient Wyvern Coins:

  1. Check the two underwater coins in the diving sections near the Area 14: Underground Water Vein camp and a Curioshell Crab spawn point east of the camp.
  2. Fast travel to the Area 6: Valley Hideaway camp and head southeast for a possible Curioshell Crab spawn.
  3. Reach the mountaintop near Area 17 for another Curioshell Crab Spawn.

Windward Plains Map and Location Guide

Search for Ancient Wyvern Coins in the Scarlet Forest

Scarlet Forest Ancient Wyvern Coins

The Scarlet Forest is another good location for finding Ancient Wyvern Coins. Follow these steps to check all known spawn points in the Scarlet Forest:

  1. Start from the Area 6: Flowering Rocks camp and search for a Curioshell Crab near the exit. Then, look for a shining Ancient Wyvern Coin underwater in the nearby fishing spot.
  2. Fast travel to the Area 8: Underground Lake camp and search for a Curioshell Crab near the fishing spot. Then pass through the nearby diving spot to the other fishing spot for another possible coin spawn location.
  3. With your Seikret, get to the treetop in Area 8 for another possible Ancient Wyvern Coin spawn point.
  4. Move to the secret area behind the large waterfall in Area 12 and enter the large diving section. An Ancient Wyvern Coin can spawn in the section where you swim between the underground ruins.

Scarlet Forest Map and Location Guide

Check Other Coin Spawn Locations in Other Locales

Locale and Map Image Ancient Wyvern Coin Spawn Location

Oilwell Basin
  1. A Curioshell Crab at the exit of the Area 14: Mining Cave camp
  2. A Curioshell Crab in Area 18

Iceshard Cliffs
  1. An Ancient Wyvern Coin can spawn at the hallway near Area 20: Ancient Room
  2. A Curioshell Crab can spawn at the bottom of the stairs of the Area 15: Upper Corridor camp
  3. Crawl through the opening near the Area 18: Sinkhole camp for another Curioshell Crab location
  4. An Ancient Wyvern Coin can spawn at the corner of Area 7 below the Base Camp exit.

Ruins of Wyveria
  1. A Curioshell Crab can spawn beside the Area 8: Gap in Rubble camp
  2. A Curioshell Crab can spawn in a small area full of Gloamgrass in Area 6 where you have to crawl under the thicket of dense branches.

While Windward Plains and Scarlet Forest have the most concentrated coin spawn points, you can also find Ancient Wyvern Coins in Oilwell Basin, Iceshard Cliffs, and the Ruins of Wyveria. Check the table above for more information of these other Ancient Wyvern Coin locations.

Interactive Map and List of Locations

Reset the Locales by Resting at a Camp

Monster Hunter Wilds - Rest to Reset Locales

Once you've checked all available Ancient Wyvern Coin locations, you can reset the locales and the coin spawns by resting at a camp. To do so, enter any camp and select Rest from the menu, adjust the Environment and Time to your preference, then press the Confirm button and pay a small fee of 300 Guild Points.

How to Get Ancient Wyvern Coin

Catch or Kill Curioshell Crabs

The best method to get Ancient Wyvern Coins is to catch Curioshell Crabs, found across all five regions in the game. Players may slay these crabs and loot the coin off their corpses if catching them is too burdensome.

Known Curioshell Crab Locations

Locations Area/s
Windward Plains 4 Windward Plains 6 Windward Plains 7
Scarlet Forest 2 Scarlet Forest 6 Scarlet Forest 8
Oilwell Basin 18
Iceshard Cliffs 6
Wyveria 8

Curioshell Crab Location and How to Catch

Needed to Unlock A Prize Held High Achievement

A Prize Held High
A Prize Held High Trophy
Trophy: A Prize Held High Trophy Silver
Difficulty: ★★✩✩✩
Objective: Caught a creature that bears an ancient wyvern coin.

Collecting a Curioshell Crab for the first time is also a condition for unlocking the A Prize Held High achievement.

Clear Certain Quests

What We Protect

Only a handful of Quests give out Ancient Wyvern Coins as part of the reward after clearing them. Most notable of which are “Aberrant Atrocity” which rewards 5 coins after clear, and “What We Protect” which gives 10 Ancient Wyvern Coins upon completion.

Walkthrough and List of Main Story Chapters

Fish Gastronome Tuna

Monster Hunter Wilds - Catching a Gastronome Tuna

Gastronome Tuna can only be found in Sector 17 of the Scarlet Forest. Hunters can farm the rare fish for a good amount of Ancient Wyvern Coins. Make sure to farm them during the season of Plenty, otherwise this is a rare fish to find!

Gastronome Tuna Location and How to Catch

Trade with Rove

Rove Trade Shop

Players can also trade with Rove at the Iceshard Cliffs basecamp to obtain Ancient Wyvern Coins. One will cost players either two pieces of Chaliceweed or Gobletweed, both obtainable by harvesting Glass Algae nodes.

Item Trading Guide

Destroying Environment

Certain rock formations and pillars in Windward Plains (particularly Sector 5 and 15) can be destroyed either with the slingshot or by a large monster's movement during a hunt. On occasion, Ancient Wyvern Coins can be found amongst the rubble of the environmental damage.

Find Them Randomly Throughout the Map

Lastly, players can obtain Ancient Wyvern Coins by finding them randomly scattered across the map. You can check out the tagged locations where we have found coins in the overworld.

How to Use Ancient Wyvern Coin

Used to Trade With Gawdygog

Qty. Needed Item(s) Received Trade Limit
3x 2
5x 2
10x 2
10x 2
10x 2
10x 2
10x 2
10x 2
10x 2
10x 2
10x 2
10x 2
10x 2
10x 2
10x 2
30x 2

Ancient Wyvern Coins are used to trade with Gawdygog, a trade merchant in Scarlet Forests' Wudwud Hideout. As shown above, Gawdygog offers a variety of items including items like the Sinister Cloth, used to unlock and forge the Death Stench α Armor Set.

Item Trading Guide

Ancient Wyvern Coin Overview

Ancient Wyvern CoinAncient Wyvern Coin
Description A rarity found in the East. A coin bearing a delicate etched relief, long out of use.
Rarity 5 Type Special Item
Sell Price
Zenny 200z
Pouch Limit 99

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3 Anonymous12 days

There is a 2nd spawn in the Scarlet Forest Area 8, if u dive to the other side.

2 Anonymous13 days

Hit sent too early my bad lol, On the final Area thats listed here in the Plains. You go left from where you catch the crab and then theres another left with another dive section. Inside that dive area you can also grab a coin. Basically just check these spots along with the crabs and it should be x2 as fast. (As in the coins arent always guaranteed to be there, just like the crabs)


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