Genshin Impact

Kamisato Ayato Story and Lore

Genshin Impact -  Ayato Story and Profile

Kamisato Ayato is the head of Inazuma's Yashiro Commission in Genshin Impact. Ayato is also the older brother of Ayaka. Learn more about Ayato's character profile, what other characters think of him, voice actors, in-game appearances, and more in this Character Lore guide!

Story Quest
Ayato's Character Guides
Genshin - Ayato Builds and RatingBuild Guide Genshin - Ayato Story and ProfileLore Quiet Elegance ImageSpecial Dish
Cypressus Custos Chapter
Genshin - Act 1The Firmiana Leaf Falls Genshin - Act 2Act 2 Genshin - Act 3Act 3

Kamisato Ayato's Character Profile

Information on Kamisato Ayato

Kamisato Ayato
Pillar of Fortitude
Nation: Inazuma
Faction: Yashiro Commission
Birthday: March 26
Vision: Hydro
Constellation: Cypressus Custos
Race: Human
Gender: Male

As the head of the Yashiro Commission, Kamisato Ayato is committed to maintaining the prosperity and stability of the region.

At a glance, he is low-profile and graceful. He is not a fan of public appearances and does not seek to show his skills overtly.

But those who do know him understand that he is not to be underestimated. Long ago, when the Yashiro Commission fell on hard times, and when the Kamisato Clan was on the verge of crumbling, it was this young man who rose to the occasion and stabilized the situation.

He could not have achieved his position without extraordinary resourcefulness and cunning. But perhaps, that impenetrable smile belies darker waves.

However, the most intriguing thing is that in most of these negotiations in which he participates, he is not ruthless nor competitive, and is even willing to share the benefits so that everyone can get a relatively satisfactory piece of the pie.

"What exactly is he up to?" is usually what people are thinking after all is said and done.

However, now that everyone has a piece of that pie, perhaps what is on Kamisato Ayato's mind isn't so important.

Kamisato Ayato's Voice Actors

Language Voice Actor
English Chris Hackney
Japanese 石田 彰 (Ishida Akira)
Chinese 赵路 (Zhao Lu)
Korean 장민혁 (Jang Min-hyeok)

List of Characters and Voice Actors

Kamisato Ayato Release Date

Genshin Impact Version 2.6
Genshin Impact - Version 2.6 - Zephyr of the Violet Garden
Release Date March 30, 2022

Released in Version 2.6

Ayato will be released on March 30, 2022 during the first phase of Version 2.6 of Genshin Impact.

2.6 Release Date & Patch Notes

Summary of Kamisato Ayato's Lore

Head of the Kamisato Clan

Genshin - Kamisato Ayato - Head of the Clan

Ayato is the eldest of the Kamisato siblings and along with his sister Ayaka, has inherited the role of running the Kamisato Clan's affairs after the death of their parents. As Head of the Kamisato Clan, he also manages the Yashiro Commission government affairs as the ''Yashiro Commissioner''.

Ayato Leads the Shuumatsuban

The Shuumatsuban is a secret ninja organization under the Yashiro Commission. Yae Miko has mentioned that the Shuumatsuban is under Ayato, so it is likely that Ayato is also its leader.

Often Busy with Work

Genshin - Kamisato Ayato - Kamisato Estate

With the responsibilities of being head of the clan, Ayato's schedules are often full keeping him busy from attending social gatherings and occasions. Ayaka attends it in his stead making her well-known and more liked compared to her brother.

Skilled with Polearm and Sword

Genshin - Kamisato Ayato - Polearm or Sword User

Nobumori, a doorman for the Kamisato Clan at Komore Teahouse, mentions that Ayato is very skilled with both the sword and the polearm.

During Nobumori's polearm instructor days, he challenged Ayato to a duel and lost. He gave up his Vision and has decided to serve the Kamisato Clan as a doorman.

Can Be Heard in Arataki Itto's Teaser Trailer

Ayato can be briefly heard in Arataki Itto's teaser trailer! Around the 1 minute mark, Thoma can be heard talking to his ''Lord,'' which can only be none other than Kamisato Ayato!

Arataki Itto's Official Teaser Trailer

Kamisato Ayato In-Game Appearances

All of Ayato's In-Game Appearances

Quest Name Type
The Firmiana Leaf Falls Story
The Strange Tales of Suikou's Tipsy Tincture Event

Story Quest Appearances

The Firmiana Leaf Falls

Genshin - Ayato Story Quest - Go to the Kamisato Estate to meet Ayato

The Traveler first meets Kamisato Ayato while confirming a rumor about a wedding between Kanjou Commission's Hiiragi Chisato and Tenryou Commission's Kujou Kamaji. Ayato confirms that he has heard the same news and invites the Traveler to congratulate the two in person. They learn that something suspicious is going regarding the wedding, later finding out that it was all a ploy by the minor clans of the Kanjou Commission to remove Chisato from power so that they can take control themselves.

The plan is foiled however by Ayato who devised a scheme that implies that the Tenryou Commission will take over the Kanjou Commission as soon as Chisato leaves Ritou to be married off, forcing to the other Kanjou Commission clans to call off the wedding, keeping Chisato as the head of the Hiiragi Clan and the Kanjou Commission.

The Firmiana Leaf Falls Quest Guide

Event Appearances

The Strange Tales of Suikou's Tipsy Tincture

Genshin Impact - Kamisato Ayato during Irodori Festival

During the Irodori Festival, Yae Miko is hard at work to make sure that the festival goes smoothly even going as far as to request the Traveler on a special commission. Ayato, as head of the Yashiro Commission helps manage the festival. He assigns the Traveler to be the guide to the outlanders who arrive in Inazuma for the festival.

The Strange Tales of Suikou's Tipsy Tincture Quest Guide

Character Thoughts on Kamisato Ayato

Character In-Game Thoughts
Genshin Impact - Ayaka ImageAyaka As the head of the Kamisato Clan, brother always has a full schedule of places he needs to be. I do try my best to share his load, but there is no changing the pressure he is subjected to all year round, and the toll it takes upon him. 'sigh' If you see him, remind him to take care of himself, for his sister's sake...
Genshin Impact - Itto ImageItto Haha, I only wish I could have met Ayato sooner. He really taught me something. "You can kindle the warrior spirit even in the weakest of bugs"... Yep, I really took that one to heart. If it weren't for those words of wisdom, I'm pretty sure I would have given up beetle fighting after losing for the 780th time... Yeah, I guess sometimes it takes a warrior to understand a warrior. When we're playing trading card games or battling beetles, we're always totally on the same wavelength.
Genshin Impact - Raiden ImageRaiden Kamisato... One of the most distinguished clans in all of Inazuma. Despite Ayato's trickery in regard of the Tri-Commission's affairs, he is nevertheless a loyal subject. His past misdeeds shall be excused.
Genshin Impact - Sayu ImageSayu Sometimes, when I'm taking a rest up in a tree, I overhear the shrine maidens talking about him. Sounds like he's pretty important and super busy most the time. I don't get it, though - it's only work, or whatever, so why doesn't he just... not do it?
Genshin Impact - Thoma ImageThoma As head of the Kamisato Clan, he's in a tough position. With all the political upheaval, he has to contend with public disquiet on one hand and a bunch of self-serving, degenerate public officials on the other. It's best not to dwell on it. All I can do is make sure to look out for him when he's at home.
Genshin Impact - Yae Miko ImageYae Miko The Yashiro rascal... he's always been an unpredictable one, even as a child. Don't be taken in by his warm smile. There's no knowing what devious scheme might be brewing inside his head — it's really quite maddening... What do you mean, "sly as a fox"? Hmph, if you're trying to insinuate that he and I are anything alike, you are sorely mistaken.

Kamisato Ayato's Thoughts on Others

Character In-Game Thoughts
Genshin Impact - Ayaka ImageAyaka About Ayaka
I am confident in Ayaka's abilities. But I want her to be able to hold on to her innocence. She shouldn't have to get personally involved in power struggles, or confront the darker side of life head-on. As her older brother, it's my job to shield her from all of that... Heh, just... between the two of us, of course. Sorry, that got a little more private a little ore quickly than I'd intended.
Genshin Impact - Itto ImageItto About Itto
Now he's an interesting case. Pitting docile Onikabuto against each other in battle... heh, that's a first... I was only speaking in polite platitudes when I gave him that little pep talk, but to my surprise he started calling me "bro"... To this day, he calls me "my bro Ayato" without the faintest idea of my true identity. It's quite alright by me, though, I have nothing against his... unique character.
Genshin Impact - Kazuha ImageKazuha About Kazuha
Once upon a time, the Kaedehara Clan was a subordinate branch of the Kamisato Clan. My forebears may have failed to save his family from decline, but even today I have a duty to support him. Now, naturally, there is nothing I can do to restore his clan's former fortunes. But as for helping him avoid arrest by the Tenryou Commission, that is well within my capabilities...
Genshin Impact - Ningguang ImageNingguang About Ningguang
I have heard a thing or two about how Her Eminence, the Tianquan operates. On the subject, I also happen to have a limited-edition copy of Liyue Millennial, if you're interested? What do you say, shall I have someone fetch it, so we can play a game?
Genshin Impact - Raiden ImageRaiden About Raiden Shogun
The cost of pursuing eternity has been great for the Almighty Shogun... and for all of Inazuma. These wounds will take time to heal, and as someone with a mediating role to play in the political process, I will be sure to fulfill that which is required of me.
Genshin Impact - Sara ImageSara About Sara
Old man Kujou capitalized on a golden opportunity to create a most formidable weapon indeed. The only flaw in his plan being, he is now no longer able to wield the weapon of his creation.
Genshin Impact - Sayu ImageSayu About Sayu
She looks awfully idle the majority of the time, and yet when it counts, she always rises to the occasion and provides indispensable assistance. Of course, you'd know far more about that than me, wouldn't you?
Genshin Impact - Thoma ImageThoma About Thoma
There is no doubt in my mind about Thoma's loyalty to the Kamisato Clan. A long time ago, partly to see where he stood, I advised him that he would be better off leaving if he didn't want to get drawn into the never-ending disputes that plague public life. Still, he chose to stay, and in all the time he's been with us, he's spared me much worry. There are very few people I trust completely these days, but Thoma is one of them.
Genshin Impact - Yae Miko ImageYae Miko About Yae Miko
Lady Guuji has been kind to us in the Kamisato Clan, but she has never quite taken to me personally. I trust you'll have heard the way she refers to me... "the Yashiro rascal" and other such flattering monikers. We run into each other semi-regularly, given the overlap in our work, and despite whatever private thoughts we each may have, our working relationship is quite a harmonious one. I have no great objection to this state of affairs — working with intelligent people always makes things highly efficient. In any case... However objectionable she might find me, she would be forced to admit that without me, she would have no one to help execute her weird and wonderful ideas.
Genshin Impact - Yoimiya ImageYoimiya About Yoimiya
Ah, the fireworks store owner. Yes, a most... spirited young lady. The Kamisato Clan is on rather close terms with her. She is around the same age as Ayaka, and the two get along very well. I trust her direct and outspoken disposition won't lead Ayaka astray. Ayaka has always been staunchily true to herself, ever since she was a young child.

Kamisato Ayato's Specialty Dish

Quiet Elegance Recipe

Original Dish Specialty Dish
Genshin Impact - Sakura Tempura Image Sakura Tempura Quiet Elegance Image Quiet Elegance
Flour Flour ×1

List of Character Specialty Dishes

Genshin Impact Lore Guides

Genshin Impact - Characters and Factions

List of Characters & Factions

Yashiro Commission

Genshin - Yashiro Commission Slim Banner

All Characters
Ayaka ImageAyaka Thoma ImageThoma Ayato ImageAyato

Yashiro Commission History and Lore


Genshin Impact - Locations - Inazuma

All Characters
Yoimiya ImageYoimiya Sayu ImageSayu Kazuha ImageKazuha
Yae Miko ImageYae Miko Ayaka ImageAyaka Raiden ImageRaiden
Kokomi ImageKokomi Sara ImageSara Thoma ImageThoma
Gorou ImageGorou Itto ImageItto Ayato ImageAyato
Shinobu ImageShinobu Heizou ImageHeizou Kirara ImageKirara

Inazuma History and Lore

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