Genshin Impact

Wind Chaser Day 5 Guide for Realm of the Southerly Winds

Genshin Impact - Wind Chaser Day 5 Guide
Realm of the Southerly Winds is the Domain challenge for Wind Chaser Day 5 in Genshin Impact. See the full event guide for the perfect domain run, all the featured mechanisms, and all the rewards here!

Wind Chaser Event Guides
Genshin - Event GuideEvent Guide Genshin - Wind Chaser Day 1Day 1 Genshin - Wind Chaser Day 2Day 2
Genshin - Wind Chaser Day 3Day 3 Genshin - Wind Chaser Day 4Day 4 Genshin - Wind Chaser Day 5Day 5

Windchaser Day 5 Guide

Windchaser Day 5 Perfect Run

How to Beat 24 Opponents

Recommended Characters

Main DPS
Genshin - Tartaglia ImageGenshin - Hu Tao ImageGenshin - Yanfei ImageGenshin - Yoimiya ImageGenshin - Ayato ImageGenshin - Tighnari Image
Genshin - Fischl ImageGenshin - Sucrose ImageGenshin - Xiangling ImageGenshin - Xingqiu ImageGenshin - Kazuha ImageGenshin - Collei Image
Genshin - Barbara ImageGenshin - Bennett ImageGenshin - Zhongli ImageGenshin - Yun Jin ImageGenshin - Traveler (Dendro) ImageGenshin - Dori Image

Best Team Comp Guide

Bring Pyro, Hydro, or Dendro Characters

Genshin - Bring Pyro, Hydro, or Dendro Characters
Your main opponent in this challenge is the Lawachurls that will appear in the later waves. To effectively counter them, bring characters that use elements that go against them like Pyro, Dendro, and Hydro!

Aim to Spread Reactions!

Genshin - Aim to Spread Reactions
To quickly beat the enemies, interrupt and gather them by unleashing an AoE Anemo attack then release a barrage of Elemental Bursts! After defeating the enemies, the Windgrasper challenges will start.

Trigger the Buffs!

Genshin - Trigger the Buffs
Keep in mind that Normal, Charged, and Plunging Attacks will trigger the Whirling Winds buff which will give you a significant boost in defeating the enemies!

How to Get 25 Windcoins

Part All Windcoin Challenges
● Glide up using the wind currents from the unlocked Snagwind Nexus.
● Grab all the coins on the first platform in and ride the wind current of the Snagwind Nexus there until you reach the other end of it.
● Change the Wind Current Direction to face up then use the Windchurner Nexus to glide you up the next platform.
● On the next platform, turn off all the wind currents with the Windstopper Hub and collect all the windcoins.
● Adjust the wind current direction to face up the Snagwind Nexus with the coins in it.
● Ride the wind current up then set foot on the platform with the Windchurner Nexus!
● Use the Windchurner Nexus to boost all the wind currents on the platform.
● Run as you enter the wind currents to keep yourself from falling off the platforms.
● Use the platform with the start button to lift you to the second level.
● Use the Windchurner Nexus again then run in the wind current.
● Run where the wind currents are directing you until you reach the platforms with the two floating coins!

Get All the Coins within the Time Limit

If you don't get all the coins within the time limit in the last challenge, you'll be facing another wave of enemies before the challenge ends!

Realm of the Southerly Winds Domain Information

Galezone Day 5 Details

Realm of the Southerly Winds Domain Details
& Buffs
When you challenge the Galezone, you can also try out these Windgrasper Challenges. Collect a specific number of Windcoins within the time limit to complete that challenge. When initiating these Windgrasper Challenges, you can also obtain the following buffs:

◆ The active character obtains the Whirling Winds effect, Normal, Charged, and Plunging Attacks that hit opponents will create an Eye of the Squall, which will constantly pull opponents in a small AoE towards its position. The Eye of the Squall will last for 4s. Whirling Winds can activate at 4s intervals.

◆ All party members obtain the Plantar Winds effects that will greatly increase the active character's jumping height and increase Plunging Attack DMG by 50%.
Objectives ◆ Complete the Galezone.
◆ Collect a total of 25 Windcoins and complete the challenge during a single challenge.
◆ Defeat a total of 24 opponents

Mechanisms in the Day 5 Domain

Domain Mechanism and Description
1 Windchurner Nexus
This strange device is known as a Windchurner Nexus. Activate this device to cause the AoE of wind currents near the Windchurner Nexus to expand temporarily. The wind currents thus affected will revert to their original state after some time.
2 Windstopper Hub
This strange device is known as a Windstopper Hub. Activate this device to cause wind currents near the Windstopper Hub within the Galezone to cease operation temporarily. The wind currents thus affected will revert to their original state after some time.
3 Snagwind Nexus
The Galezone contains a strange device known as a Snagwind Nexus. This device will generate wind currents that blow in specific directions to block your movement. However, modifying the orientation of this device can also allow the wind currents produced to aid you greatly in traversing the Galezone...
4 Descending Platforms
This strange platform is not affected by wind currents. When a character passes this platform by, it will descend slowly. Once the character leaves, this platform will return to its original location.

Day 5 Domain Enemies

Wind Chaser Day 5 Enemies
Genshin - Frostarm Lawachurl Frostarm Lawachurl Genshin - Thunderhelm Lawachurl Thunderhelm Lawachurl Genshin - Ice Shieldwall Mitachurl Ice Shieldwall Mitachurl
Genshin - Crackling Axe Mitachurl Crackling Axe Mitachurl Genshin - Blazing Axe Mitachurl Blazing Axe Mitachurl Genshin - Hydro Samachurl Hydro Samachurl
Genshin - Pyro Hilichurl Shooter Pyro Hilichurl Shooter Genshin - Electro Hilichurl Shooter Electro Hilichurl Shooter Genshin - Hilichurl Berserker Hilichurl Berserker

Realm of the Southerly Winds Rewards

All Wind Chaser Day 5 Rewards

Objectives Challenge Rewards
Complete the Galezone.
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x20,000
Collect a total of 25 Windcoins and complete the challenge during a single challenge.
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x20,000
Defeat a total of 24 opponents.
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x20,000

Realm of the Southerly Winds Information

Part of the Wind Chaser Event

Genshin - Wind Chaser

Stage Unlock October 20, 2022

Realm of the Southerly Winds is the Day 5 challenge for the Galezone Domains in the Wind Chaser Event. You'll be getting Windcoins on various platforms after defeating the enemies!
Wind Chaser Event Guide

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