Genshin Impact

Wind Chaser Day 4 Guide for Realm of the Northwesterly Winds

Genshin Impact - Wind Chaser Day 4 Guide
Realm of the Northwesterly Winds is the Domain challenge for Wind Chaser Day 4 in Genshin Impact. See the full event guide for the perfect domain run, all the featured mechanisms, and all the rewards here!

Wind Chaser Event Guides
Genshin - Event GuideEvent Guide Genshin - Wind Chaser Day 1Day 1 Genshin - Wind Chaser Day 2Day 2
Genshin - Wind Chaser Day 3Day 3 Genshin - Wind Chaser Day 4Day 4 Genshin - Wind Chaser Day 5Day 5

Complete 3 Windgrasper Challenges in Day 4 Guide

Wind Chaser Day 4 Guide

How to Set Up Area 1

Genshin - How to Set Up Area 1
In the first area, there are various ways to take advantage of the two Snagwind Nexuses. You can let them face the wall or up. You can turn them off manually without using the Galebinder by avoiding the wind currents.

You can also make one of them face the other Snagwind Nexus while the other one is turned off to give you a boost during the challenge!

How to Set Up Area 2

How to Set Up Area 2
● Turn off all wind currents with the Galebinder.
● Adjust the first Snagwind Nexus on the right side of the room to face the Windward Terrace.
● Adjust the Snagwind Nexus in the middle of the room to face the Windward Terrace. It's already facing the right direction, you only need to change the direction it's blowing to down.
● Head to the Windgrasper Challenge starting location without triggering the challenge, then turn on all the wind currents with the Galebinder.
● Go up the platforms and head for the last Snagwind Nexus you need to adjust above. Change wind current direction to flow in the direction of the Windward Terrace.
● Head back to the starting point and start the challenge!

Note: You can skip this and adjust the the last Snagwind Nexus located high during the challenge itself.

How to Set Up Area 3

Genshin - How to Set Up Area 3
In the third area, you need to turn off all wind currents with the Galebinder function and adjust the first Snagwind Nexus you see to face the Windward Terrace! Afterwards, you can start the Windgrasper Challenge.

How to Get to the Finish Line

Finish Line Walkthrough
● Turn off all the wind currents using the Galebinder then glide down towards a Driftwind Platform.
● Turn on the Galebinder and wait for the platform to get lifted, then head for the first platform in the room that has a start button!
● Press start then wait for it to carry you towards the end of the coins, then glide towards the other coins.
● The last Drfitwood Platform is too high, so you need to turn off the all the wind currents to lower the platform.
● Once you're on the platform, you can turn on the wind currents again to get all the coins and reach the finish line!

How to Beat 3 Windgrasper Challenges

Area All Windgrasper Challenges
Run towards the Anemo particles and sprint when step on the Descending Platforms!
Follow the line of the Anemo particles until you reach the platform with the start button. Press on it then move on the next platform until you reach the other platform with a start button.
Turn off all the wind currents. Follow the line of Anemo particles, until you reach the Windward Terace. Turn on the wind currents again to cross to the next terrace. Then, turn the winds off again to cross another platform!

Realm of the Northwesterly Winds Domain Information

Galezone Day 4 Details

Realm of the Northwesterly Winds Domain Details
Description When you challenge the Galezone, you can use the Galebinder in your hand to control the various devices within that Galezone. Use the Galebinder to cause all wind currents in the Galezone to stop, and use it again to reactivate them all. In Co-Op Mode, all players within a Galezone will share a Galebinder CD.
Objectives ◆ Complete the Galezone.
◆ Collect a total of 25 Windcoins and reach the destination during a single challenge.
◆ Complete a total of 3 Windgrasper Challenges and reach the destination during a single challenge.

Mechanisms in the Day 4 Domain

Domain Mechanism and Description
1 Galebinder
The Galebinder is an item that can control the various devices within the Galezone. Use it to stop all the winds and reactivate it. In Co-Op Mode, all players within a Galezone will share a Galebinder CD.
2 Windward Terrace
This slanted platform is known as a Windward Terrace. When it receives wind currents from different directions, it will also tilt in different directions. Use this unique trait of such platforms to reach certain areas that might appear hard to reach....
3 Driftwind Platform
A level surface known as a Driftwind Platform. When affected by wind currents, this platform will rise up to a specific position, and when unaffected will return to its original location. Use this unique trait of such platforms to reach certain areas that might appear hard to reach...
4 Snagwind Nexus
The Galezone contains a strange device known as a Snagwind Nexus. This device will generate wind currents that blow in specific directions to block your movement. However, modifying the orientation of this device can also allow the wind currents produced to aid you greatly in traversing the Galezone...

Day 4 Domain Enemies

Wind Chaser Day 4 Enemies
Genshin - Blazing Axe Mitachurl Blazing Axe Mitachurl Genshin - Hydro Samachurl Hydro Samachurl Genshin - Anemo Samachurl Anemo Samachurl

Realm of the Northwesterly Winds Rewards

All Wind Chaser Day 4 Rewards

Objectives Challenge Rewards
Complete the Galezone.
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x20,000
Collect a total of 25 Windcoins and reach the destination during a single challenge.
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x20,000
Complete a total of 3 Windgrasper Challenges and reach the destination during a single challenge.
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x20,000

Realm of the Northwesterly Winds Information

Part of the Wind Chaser Event

Genshin - Wind Chaser

Stage Unlock October 20, 2022

Realm of the Northwesterly Winds is the Day 4 challenge for the Galezone Domains in the Wind Chaser Event. You'll be using Windward Terraces, and Driftwind Platforms to complete the stage!
Wind Chaser Event Guide

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