Genshin Impact

Elemental Trials in Temple of the Lion

Genshin Impact - Elemental Trials

The Elemental Trials in the Temple of the Lion Domain is a series of Elemental Reaction Trials in Genshin Impact. Find out about the Elemental Trials, how elemental reactions work, Trial enemies, rewards and other information here!

What Are Elemental Trials?

Trial Domain Challenges

Genshin - Temple of the Lion - Elemental Trials
Elemental Trials are a series of challenges that can be found in the Temple of the Lion domain. These challenges are designed to help Travelers learn more about Elemental Reactions, which is an important part of the game's combat system.

Complete each challenge to gain weapon and character EXP materials, along with some precious Mora!

Temple of the Lion Domain Guide

All Elemental Trials

List of All Elemental Trials

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Vaporize Melt Overloaded Superconduct
Electro-Charged Frozen Crystallize Swirl

Elemental Trial: Vaporize

Genshin - Elemental Trials - Vaporize

Trigger Vaporize with Hydro and Pyro

The first Elemental Trial is for the Vaporize Reaction. The best way to finish this trial quickly is by using Xiangling's skill, and switching to Barbara and using her charged attack. This allows you to vaporize multiple enemies at once, and do some high damage numbers in the process.

Challenge Objectives and Details

・Trigger 15 Vaporize Reactions
・Deal 14,000 DMG to monsters
Playable Characters
Barbara Image Barbara Xiangling Image Xiangling
Genshin Impact - Adventurer Adventurer's Experience x2 Genshin Impact - Mystic Enhancement Ore Image Mystic Enhancement Ore x2 Genshin Impact - Mora Image Mora x10,000

Elemental Trial: Melt

Genshin - Elemental Trials - Melt

Trigger Melt with Cryo and Pyro

Similar to Vaporize, Melt is another reaction that you can use early in the game. Constantly switch between Xiangling and Kaeya's elemental skills, and you would be able to create multiple reactions quickly.

Challenge Objectives and Details

・Trigger 20 Melt Reactions
・Deal 24000 DMG to Monsters
Playable Characters
Xiangling Image Xiangling Kaeya Image Kaeya
Genshin Impact - Adventurer Adventurer's Experience x2 Genshin Impact - Mystic Enhancement Ore Image Mystic Enhancement Ore x2 Genshin Impact - Mora Image Mora x10,000

Elemental Trial: Overloaded

Genshin - Elemental Trials - Overloaded

Trigger Overloaded with Pyro and Electro

Overloaded is an Elemental Reaction caused by inflicting Pyro and Electro damage. The best way to finish this trial is by using Lisa's Elemental Skill on multiple enemies, and then switching to Xiangling to create the reaction once enough enemies are hit.

Challenge Objectives and Details

・Trigger 15 Overloaded Reactions
・Deal 15000 DMG to monsters
Playable Characters
Xiangling Image Xiangling Lisa Image Lisa
Genshin Impact - Adventurer Adventurer's Experience x2 Genshin Impact - Mystic Enhancement Ore Image Mystic Enhancement Ore x2 Genshin Impact - Mora Image Mora x10,000

Elemental Trial: Superconduct

Genshin - Elemental Trials - Superconduct

Trigger Superconduct with Cryo and Electro

Superconduct is an Electro and Cryo combination, which is effective in areas like Dragonspine. Similar to the Overloaded Trial, use Lisa's Elemental Skill to set your enemies up for Kaeya's Cryo skill.

Challenge Objectives and Details

・Trigger 20 Superconduct Reactions
・Deal 22000 DMG to monsters
Playable Characters
Lisa Image Lisa Kaeya Image Kaeya
Genshin Impact - Adventurer Adventurer's Experience x2 Genshin Impact - Mystic Enhancement Ore Image Mystic Enhancement Ore x2 Genshin Impact - Mora Image Mora x10,000

Elemental Trial: Electro-Charged

Genshin - Elemental Trials - Electro-Charged

Trigger Electro-Charged with Electro and Hydro

This trial requires you to use Lisa and Barbara, who are both Catalyst users. Use Lisa's attack and skill to inflict Electro, and then use Barbara's charged attack to hit more enemies and trigger the reaction.

Challenge Objectives and Details

・Trigger 20 Electro-Charged Reactions
・Deal 9000 DMG to monsters
Playable Characters
Barbara Image Barbara Lisa Image Lisa
Genshin Impact - Adventurer Adventurer's Experience x2 Genshin Impact - Mystic Enhancement Ore Image Mystic Enhancement Ore x2 Genshin Impact - Mora Image Mora x10,000

Elemental Trial: Frozen

Genshin - Elemental Trials - Frozen

Trigger Frozen with Hydro and Cryo

This Elemental Trial requires you to freeze multiple opponents at the same time. Set this up by using Barbara to inflict the Wet status and use Kaeya's skill to freeze them in place.

Challenge Objectives and Details

・Trigger 20 Frozen Reactions
・Freeze 4 opponents within 2s.
Playable Characters
Barbara Image Barbara Kaeya Image Kaeya
Genshin Impact - Adventurer Adventurer's Experience x2 Genshin Impact - Mystic Enhancement Ore Image Mystic Enhancement Ore x2 Genshin Impact - Mora Image Mora x10,000

Elemental Trial: Crystallize

Genshin - Elemental Trials - Crystallize

Trigger Crystallize with Geo and Other Elements

This is one of the more challenging Trials, as you'll be switching around between three elements to create shields. Use Xiangling and Kaeya's skills on enemies, and then attack them with Ningguang to gather crystals. You would have to get hit by enemies in this challenge while you have a shield, which means you have to stop yourself from dodging attacks to block the required amount of damage.

Challenge Objectives and Details

・Block 1500 DMG using Shields
・Create 8 Pyro Shards via Crystallize Reactions
・Create 8 Cryo Shards via Crystallize Reactions
Playable Characters
Ningguang Image Ningguang Kaeya Image Kaeya Xiangling Image Xiangling
Genshin Impact - Adventurer Adventurer's Experience x2 Genshin Impact - Mystic Enhancement Ore Image Mystic Enhancement Ore x2 Genshin Impact - Mora Image Mora x10,000

Elemental Trial: Swirl

Genshin - Elemental Trials - Swirl

Trigger Swirl with Anemo and Other Elements

Swirl is an Elemental Reaction that works best against groups of enemies, and this Trial will help you learn how to combine different elements with it. Gather up your enemies using Sucrose's skill and burst, and combine it with Xiangliang's or Kaeya's skills to deal massive damage!

Challenge Objectives and Details

・Trigger 30 Swirl Reactions
・Deal 27000 DMG to Monsters
Playable Characters
Sucrose Image Sucrose Xiangling Image Xiangling Kaeya Image Kaeya
Genshin Impact - Adventurer Adventurer's Experience x2 Genshin Impact - Mystic Enhancement Ore Image Mystic Enhancement Ore x2 Genshin Impact - Mora Image Mora x10,000

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