Genshin Impact

List of Viewpoints | How to Complete the Geography Archive

Genshin Impact - Viewpoint Locations Guide
There are a total of 156 Viewpoint Locations found all over Teyvat in Genshin Impact. Find all Viewpoint Locations, learn more about various views in Teyvat, and complete your Geography Archive with this guide!

All Viewpoint Locations

All Viewpoint Locations
Mondstadt 1 - 10 Liyue 11 - 27 Chasm 28 - 38
Inazuma 39 - 55 Rainforest 56 - 71 Desert 72 - 106
Fontaine 107 - 143 Chenyu Vale 144 - 156

Having trouble finding Viewpoints in Teyvat? Here are all the locations for each region. Select a region to jump to that section!

All Mondstadt Viewpoint Locations

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There are a total of 10 Viewpoints in Mondstadt that you can collect!

Name and Location
1 The City of Wind - Mondstadt (City), Mondstadt
At the tip of a cliff south of Starfell Lake, overlooking the Whispering Woods and Mondstadt City.
2 The Marsh of Celestial Guardians - Starfell Lake, Mondstadt
On the cliff just south of Starfell Lake, overlooking the lake.
3 Windswept Wilderness - Windrise, Mondstadt
By the road outside of Mondstadt City, overlooking Windrise.
4 Land of Clear Springs - Springvale, Mondstadt
Across the road from the Teleport Waypoint north of Springvale.
5 Manor of Daybreak - Dawn Winery, Mondstadt
South of Wolvendom, on a cliff overlooking Dawn Winery.
6 Favonius Cathedral - Mondstadt (City), Mondstadt
Inside the Favonius Cathedral in Mondstadt City.
7 Knights of Favonius - Library - Mondstadt (City), Mondstadt
Inside the Knights of Favonius' Library in Mondstadt City.
8 Ancient Thousand Winds Temple - Thousand Winds Temple, Mondstadt
On top of the northern ruins at the Thousand Winds Temple, by Starsnatch Cliff.
9 Forgotten Sword Cemetery - Dadaupa Gorge, Mondstadt
Right by the Teleport Waypoint in Dadaupa Gorge.
10 Abandoned Capital of Howling Winds - StormTerror's Lair, Mondstadt
On a cliff at Brightcrown Canyon, overlooking the entirety of Stormterror's Lair.

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All Liyue Viewpoint Locations

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There are a total of 20 Viewpoints in Liyue, including the Chasm Surface, that you can collect.

Name and Location
11 A Home in the Hills - Qingce Village , Liyue
On a wooden bridge close to the leftmost Teleport Waypoint in Qingce Village.
12 Marsh of Rustling Reeds - Dihua Marsh, Liyue
On top of a rock by the water at Stone Gate.
13 Vigilant Guardian's Vantage Point - Wangshu Inn, Liyue
On the stone bridge south of Wangshu Inn, located at Dihua Marsh.
14 Moonlit Tree - Nantianmen, Liyue
Across the river from the giant golden tree at the base of Mt. Hulao.
15 Mist-Veiled Stone Forest - Huaguang Stone Forest, Liyue
By the Teleport Waypoint up on top of Qingyun Peak.
16 Where Mountains Peak Beyond the Clouds - Jueyun Karst, Liyue
Located on high ground east of the Teleport Waypoint in Jueyun Karst, overlooking the area.
17 Nine Pillars of Peace - Cuijue Slope, Liyue
Located at the eastern end of Cuijue Slope.
18 Weeping Garden - Luhua Pool, Liyue
Right beside the leftmost Teleport Waypoint at Luhua Pool, overlooking the area.
19 Ruins of Guili - Guili Plains, Liyue
Located on a cliff overlooking the circular pool in Guili Plains.
20 A Drop in the Ocean - Guyun Stone Forest, Liyue
At the tip of the mainland cliff closest to Guyun Stone Forest, north of Liyue Harbor.
21 Where Merchants Flock and All Ships Dock - Liyue Harbor, Liyue
To the east of the Teleport Waypoint found on the northern road leading to Liyue Harbor. It will be located by the cliff overlooking the city.
22 Yujing Terrace - Liyue Harbor, Liyue
On the roof of Bubu Pharmacy in Liyue Harbor.
23 Feiyun Slope - Liyue Harbor, Liyue
Located at the Center of Liyue Harbor, on the upper half of the city.
24 Chihu Rock - Liyue Harbor, Liyue
Located south of Liyue Harbor, by the Blacksmith's shop.
25 Dunyu Ruins - Dunyu Ruins, Liyue
Located on a cliff southwest of Dunyu Ruins, north of Lingju Pass.
26 Beyond the Chasm - Chasm, Liyue
Located by the road in between Lingju Pass and Qingxu Pool, in the direction of The Chasm Mines.
27 Qingxu's Forsaken Tower - Qingxu Pool, Liyue
South of Qingxu Pool, overlooking the waters.
28 View from The Chasm's Surface - The Chasm Surface, Liyue
Located at the entrance to the Chasm north of Lingxu Pool, past the guards.
29 Mouth of the Great Mine - The Chasm's Maw, Liyue
Located on a rock southeast of the Chasm's Maw, overlooking the entrance to the Chasm Underground Mines.
30 The Ancient Battlefield of Fuao Vale - Fuao Vale, Liyue
On a cliff south of Fuao Vale, near the Statue of the Seven.

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All Chasm Mines Viewpoint Locations

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There are a total of 7 Viewpoints in The Chasm's Underground Mines that you can find and collect.

Name and Location
31 The Underground Mines - The Chasm Main Mining Area, Chasm Mines
Located on a wooden structure south of the Teleport Waypoint just past the Ad-Hoc Main Tunnel.
32 The Blocked Path - The Chasm Main Mining Area, Chasm Mines
At the center of the Chasm Main Mining Area.
33 Underground Waterway - Underground Waterway, Chasm Mines
Located at the entrance of the Underground Waterway.
34 The Inverted City - Nameless Ruins, Chasm Mines
By the Teleport Waypoint at the upside-down Nameless Ruins inside the mines.
35 Crystal Fragment - Stony Halls, Chasm Mines
Located north of the Stony Hall, overlooking the large cavern.
36 The Great Mushroom's Place - The Glowing Narrows, Chasm Mines
Located south of the Glowing Narrows, by the giant glowing mushroom.
37 The Court of Pillars - The Glowing Narrows, Chasm Mines
At the entrance to the deepest end of the Chasm Mines.

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All Inazuma Viewpoint Locations

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There are a total of 18 Viewpoints in Inazuma that you can find and collect!

Name and Location
38 Ritou, Narukami Island - Narukami Island, Inazuma
Located by the Teleport Waypoint at the tip of Ritou's docks.
39 Grand Narukami Shrine, Mt. Yougou - Narukami Island, Inazuma
Located in front of the Grand Narukami Shrine, right by the Teleport Waypoint.
40 The Sacred Forest in the Moonlight - Chinju Forest, Inazuma
Located by the Teleport Waypoint at Chinju Forest.
41 Suburbs, Inazuma City - Inazuma City in Narukami Island, Inazuma
Located by the Teleport Waypoint in the fields just outside of Inazuma City.
42 Tenryou, Inazuma City - Inazuma City in Narukami Island, Inazuma
Located on top of the archway at the Tenryou Commission headquarters, near the Teleport Waypoint in the middle of Inazuma City.
43 Front Line, Kannazuka - Kannazuka, Inazuma
Located by the gate northeast of the Kujou Encampment in Kannazuka.
44 Tatara Islands' Vantage Point - Kannazuka, Inazuma
Near the Teleport Waypoint in the middle of Kannazuka.
45 Tidal Flat Amidst the Flames of War - Nazuchi Beach in Kannazuka, Inazuma
On the north side of Nazuchi Beach, near the Teleport Waypoint.
46 Rift Valley, Yashiori Island - Yashiori Island, Inazuma
Located on the rightmost end of Musoujin Gorge, on a wooden plank overlooking the water.
47 Overlooking Serpent Head - Yashiori Island, Inazuma
Inside Higi Village in Yashiori Island, by the large tree surrounded by swords.
48 The Moon-Bathed Deep - Watatsumi Island, Inazuma
Located on a cliff overlooking the center of Watatsumi Island, north of Bourou Village.
49 Village of the People of the Deep - Bourou Village in Watatsumi Island, Inazuma
By the road near the center of Bourou Village.
50 The Pearlescent Palace - Watatsumi Island, Inazuma
Located by the Teleport Waypoint to the left of Bourou Village, overlooking most of the island.
51 Where Swirling Stormclouds Gather - Seirai Island, Inazuma
Located on a small stone outcrop on the northern beach of Koseki Village.
52 The Silent Fishing Village - Koseki Village in Seirai Island, Inazuma
At the edge of Koseki Village, north of the Statue of the Seven in Seirai Island.
53 The Stranded Flagship - Seirai Island, Inazuma
On a small island to the left of the Seiraimaru ship.
54 Where the Provisional Head Priestess Lives - Asase Shrine in Seirai Island, Inazuma
Located on the hill by the entrance to Asase Shrine, appearing after completing the Neko is a Cat quest chain.
55 Tsurumi Island - Tsurumi Island, Inazuma
Located inside Mt. Kanna, appearing after completing the Through the Mists quest chain.

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Sumeru Rainforest Viewpoint Locations

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There are a total of 16 Viewpoints in Sumeru Rainforest that you can collect!

Name and Location
56 The Land of Mawtiyima - Mawtiyima Forest, Sumeru Rainforest
Located underground north of Mawtiyima, appearing after completing the Agnihotra Sutra quest chain.
57 Aranaga's Little Garden - Mawtiyima Forest, Sumeru Rainforest
Located at the center of Mawtiyima Forest, appearing after completing the Memory's Final Chapter quest.
58 Memory of Alcazarzaray - Palace of Alcazarzaray, Sumeru Rainforest
Located by the road just before the entrance to the Palace of Alcazarzaray.
59 The City Where All Wisdom Resides - Sumeru City, Sumeru Rainforest
Located by the Teleport Waypoint south of Sumeru City and west of Gandharva Ville.
60 The City Above the Forest - Ghandarva Ville, Sumeru Rainforest
On the road halfway between the Statue of the Seven and Gandharva Ville.
61 The Village by the River - Vimara Village, Sumeru Rainforest
Right by the Teleport Waypoint just outside of Vimara Village.
62 The Colossus Watching Devantaka - Devantaka Mountain, Sumeru Rainforest
Found by the Teleport Waypoint on the north side of Devantaka Mountain, appearing after completing the Vimana Agama quest chain.
63 The Harbor Betwix the Two Trees - North of Port Ormos, Sumeru Rainforest
Located north of Port Ormos, by the road west of the giant ruin machine.
64 The Garden of Deep Thought - Pardis Dhyai, Sumeru Rainforest
By the Teleport Waypoint just outside of Pardis Dhyai.
65 The World of the Aranara - Vanarana, Sumeru Rainforest
Located near the house and pond at the center of Vanarana, appearing after completing the ''Hello,'' ''Thank You,'' and the Final ''Goodbye'' quest.
66 Nursery of Lost Dreams - Old Vanarana, Sumeru Rainforest
By the Teleport Waypoint at the entrance of Old Vanarana, appearing after completing the ''Hello,'' ''Thank You,'' and the Final ''Goodbye'' quest.
67 The Littlest Dream - Old Vanarana, Sumeru Rainforest
Located by the mural of Aranara friends in Old Vanarana, appearing after completing the ''Hello,'' ''Thank You,'' and the Final ''Goodbye'' quest.
68 The Garden's New Sprouts - Old Vanarana, Sumeru Rainforest
Underground in Old Vanarana, where you fought the Marana during the ''Hello,'' ''Thank You,'' and the Final ''Goodbye'' quest.
69 The Frontier Beneath the High Wall - Caravan Ribat, Sumeru Rainforest
Located on the crossroads leading to Caravan Ribat.
70 Varunastra - Apam Woods, Sumeru Rainforest
By the Teleport Waypoint in Apam Woods just north of the Tower of Abject Pride domain.
71 The Rain's End - Apam Woods, Sumeru Rainforest
Found underground at Rain's End, appearing after completing the Varuna Gatha quest chain.

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Sumeru Desert Viewpoint Locations

Sumeru Desert Viewpoint Locations

Sumeru Desert and Desert of Hadramaveh

Gavireh Lajava and Realm of Farakhkert
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There are a total of 35 Viewpoints that you can find in Sumeru Desert. This includes the Desert of Hadramaveth and the Girdle of the Sands areas on the northern side of the Desert.

Name and Location
72 Refugee Shelters - Aaru Village, Sumeru Desert
Right by the Statue of the Seven just outside of Aaru Village.
73 Verdant Fields' Vantage Point - Land of Lower Setekh, Sumeru Desert
Located on the highest point north of Aaru Village, high enough to see the Rainforest area.
74 The Barren Land Where Sand Dances - Land of Lower Setekh, Sumeru Desert
Northwest of Aaru Village, on a sandy hill.
75 Khaj-Nisut - Khaj-Nisut or Eye of the Sands, Sumeru Desert
North of Khaj-Nisut, appearing after completing the Dreams Beneath the Searing Sand sub-quest of Golden Slumber.
76 Lifeless Dar al-Shifa - Dar al-Shifa, Sumeru Desert
On the crossroads leading into Dar al-Shifa, south of Aaru Village.
77 Thamud Oasis - Dar al-Shifa, Sumeru Desert
By the Oasis south of Dar al-Shifa.
78 Towers of Betrayal - Land of Lower Setekh, Sumeru Desert
On the road coming from Dar al-Shifa and going towards an unnamed ruin.
79 The Giant of the Wind-Eroded Valley - Valley of Dahri, Sumeru Desert
On the ground level, north of the Valley of Dahri, appearing after completing the Afratu's Dilemma quest.
80 The Mausoleum of King Deshret - Hypostyle Desert, Sumeru Desert
Located on the ruins right in front of the Mausoleum of King Deshret.
81 Aaru's Shut - Hypostyle Desert, Sumeru Desert
Found on top of the Mausoleum of King Deshret, appearing after completing the Dual Evidence quest.
82 The Thousands of Entombed Chambers - Hypostyle Desert, Sumeru Desert
Located underground, west of the Dune of Carouses. Entrance is under the Mausoleum of King Deshret.
83 The Bottomless Hall - Hypostyle Desert, Sumeru Desert
Found in the Duat Hall ruins, after completing the Golden Slumber quest and during the Dual Evidence quest.
84 Wenut Tunnels - Wenut Tunnels, Desert of Hadramaveth
Found deep within the Wenut Tunnels
85 The Forgotten River Valley - Debris of Panjvahe, Desert of Hadramaveth
By the water, south of the Teleport Waypoint in the Debris of Panjvahe
86 The Lost Hermitage - Apep's Resort, Desert of Hadramaveth
Found within the cave leading to the entrance to Apep's Boss Domain.
87 The Court of Dried Springs - Bayt Al-Sukr, Desert of Hadramaveth
Found underground at the Sands of the Three Canals, during the Dirge of Bilqis quest chain
88 The Paradise of Eternal Peace - The Orchard of Pairidaeza, Desert of Hadramaveth
Found inside the hidden paradise at the end of the Dirge of Bilqis world quest chain
89 Where a Titan's Shins Were Broken - Wounded Shin Valley, Desert of Hadramaveth
At the top of a rocky outcrop overlooking the Wounded Shin Valley
90 The Court of Withered Life - Bayt Al-Hayah, Desert of Hadramaveth
Near the underground Teleport Waypoint unlocked during the Dune-Entombed Fecundity Part 3 quest
91 Ad-Hoc Headquarters of the Fatui Expeditionary Force - Wadi Al-Majuj, Desert of Hadramaveth
Found north of Wadi Al-Majuj after the Apocalypse Lost world quest
92 Remnants of the Ancient Orchard - Wadi Al-Majuj, Desert of Hadramaveth
In front of an entrance to underground ruins in Wadi Al-Majuj after the Apocalypse Lost world quest
93 The Gap of the Hidden Ruins - Wadi Al-Majuj, Desert of Hadramaveth
At the bottom of the crevice north of Safhe Shatranj
94 Liloupar's Gaol - Liloupar's Cell, Desert of Hadramaveth
Found in the underground garden during the Temple Where the Sand Flows Like Tears world quest
95 Safhe Shatranj - Safhe Shatranj, Desert of Hadramaveth
On top of some corner ruins overlooking the giant chess board unlocked after the Apocalypse Lost world quest
96 The Palace Abandoned by the Gods - Safhe Shatranj, Desert of Hadramaveth
Located at the eastern end of the Safhe Shatranj ruins
97 Mt. Damavand, Where Sandstorms Never Cease - Tanit Camps, Desert of Hadramaveth
Located just north of the Tanit Camps
98 The Tanit Encampment - Tanit Camps, Desert of Hadramaveth
Found at the entrance of the Tanit Camps, close to the Statue of the Seven
99 The Temple of Buried Dominion - Bayt Al-Muazzam, Desert of Hadramaveth
Found underground, at the base of the Passage of Ghouls
100 The Moon Blue Canals - The Sands of Al-Azif, Desert of Hadramaveth
Located by the Teleport Waypoint just by the entrance to the Wenut Boss enemy.
101 Amrita Nourished Nest - Vourukasha Oasis, Girdle of the Sands
Only appears after finishing "Khvarena of Good and Evil" Questline; Near the Statue of Seven
102 Valley of the Unsullied - Tunigi Hollow , Girdle of the Sands
Only appears after finishing "Hymn of Tir Yazad" Quest; Near the Teleport Waypoint
103 Gate of Everlasting Mourning - Hangeh Afrasiyab , Girdle of the Sands
Use the Teleport Waypoint near Tunigi Hollow; Unlock the location in the quest "As Khvarena Light Shows"
104 Forged of the Abandoned Foundry - Hangeh Afrasiyab , Girdle of the Sands
Use the Teleport Waypoint near Tunigi Hollow; Unlock the location in the quest "As Khvarena Light Shows"
105 Harvisptokhm - Vourukasha Oasis , Girdle of the Sands
Only appears after finishing "Khvarena of Good and Evil" Questline; Near the Teleport Waypoint
106 Elder Pine Atop the Wastes - Hills of Barsom , Girdle of the Sands
Appears only after finishing the quest "Awakening's Real Sound"

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Fontaine Viewpoint Locations

Fontaine Viewpoint Locations

4.0 Fontaine Viewpoints

4.1 Fontaine Viewpoints
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4.2 Fontaine Viewpoints
4.6 Fontaine Viewpoints
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There are a total of 37 Viewpoints in Fontaine that you can collect!

Name and Location
107 Scenery Within Elynas' Depths - "A Very Warm Place", Fontaine
Located in "A Very Warm Place" within the island of Elynas, in the land of Melusines.
108 Scenery Within Elynas' Deepest Depths - "A Very Warm Place", Fontaine
Can only be accessed after Mamere's World Quest Line and completing its final quest.
109 Foamy Home - Merusea Village, Fontaine
Located at the entrance of Merusea Village.
110 Ancient Conch Melody of Yore - "A Very Bright Place", Fontaine
Can be found in front of the giant underwater conch in "A Very Bright Place" in the land of Melusines.
111 Where Dark Tides Echo - Poisson, Fontaine
Located near the entrance of Poisson.
112 Sunken Glory - Institute of Natural Philosophy, Fontaine
Located in the underwater entrance to the Institute of Natural Philosophy.
113 Court of Dew and Springs - Court of Fontaine: Vasari Passage, Fontaine
Can be found in Court of Fontaine: Vasari Passage.
114 Land of Corroded Shadows and Tainted Currents - Court of Fontaine: Fleuve Cendre, Fontaine
Located in the underground sewers of Court of Fontaine.
115 Seaworn Cavern - Salacia Plain, Fontaine
Located underwater in front of Elynas' skull.
116 Erinnyes' Whirling Dance - Fountain of Lucine, Fontaine
Located directly in front of the Fountain of Lucine.
117 Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale - Opera Epiclese, Fontaine
Can be found inside the Opera Epiclese.
118 Narzissenkreuz Kingdom - Annapausis, Fontaine
Located at the entrance of Annapausis.
119 Graveyard of Ships - Elton Trench, Beryl Region, Fontaine
Located in an underwater cave in the Elton Trench.
120 Morning in the Beryl Mountains, Clear Weather - West of Elynas, Fontaine
Appears only after finishing the quest "Good Stuff, but Terrible Taste World". Can be found west of Elynas, near the Water Volume Detecting Crystal puzzle.
121 Fontaine Hot Springs - Central Elynas, Fontaine
Only appears after completing the quest "Good Stuff, but Terrible Taste World". Located near the hot spring at Elynas.
122 The Seaside Village - Southeast of Elynas, Fontaine
Appears only after finishing the quest "Good Stuff, but Terrible Taste World". Located on a hill southeast of Elynas.
123 View from Mont Automnequi - West Slopes of Mont Automnequi, Fontaine
Appears only after finishing the quest "Good Stuff, but Terrible Taste World". Can be found in West Slopes of Mont Automnequi, in the open field with the second water crystal puzzle.
124 Memories of Mont Esus - Northwest of the Court of Fontaine, Fontaine
Appears only after finishing the quest "Awakening's Real Sound". Can be found northwest of the Court of Fontaine, under an aquabus line.
125 A Sea of Exile - Liffey Region, Fontaine
Located underwater to the north of the Liffey Region Statue of Seven, on top of a big coral.
126 The Copper Keep - Administrative Area, Fontaine
Located underground in the Fortress of Meropide.
127 The Remnants of Brilliant Wisdom - Fontaine Research Institute of Kinetic, Fontaine
Located inside a wrecked building west of the Experimental Field Generator boss location.
128 Scattered References - Fontaine Research Institute of Kinetic, Fontaine
Can be found near the Hilichurl Camp, east of the Central Laboratory Ruins.
129 The Wreck of Shattered Dreams - Central Laboratory Ruins, Fontaine
Appears only after finishing the quest "Fontaine Research Institute Chronicles".
130 The Drunkard's Ship - The Rusty Rudder, Fontaine
Found by the water, near the Foggy Forest Path.
131 A Distant Harbor - Lumidouce Harbor, Fontaine
Can be found on Lumidouce Harbor
132 Erinnyes's Watery Weeping Willow - Weeping Willow of the Lake, Fontaine
Appears only after the Wild Fairy of Erinnyes quest
133 The World's Amniotic Fluid - Narzissenkreuz Ordo, Fontaine
Appears only in the Savior's Wake World Quest
134 Tower of Gestalt - Morte Region, Fontaine
Located in Morte Region, north of the giant tower or where it used to be.
135 The Lovely Legends of Petrichor - Petrichor, Fontaine
Located in the town of Petrichor, near the Statue of the Seven.
136 Stage of Faded Gold - Faded Castle, Fontaine
Located on the middle level of the Faded Castle, near the teleport waypoint.
137 Secret Locale of the Ancient Order - Faded Castle, Fontaine
Located on the north side of the Faded Castle, past the teleport waypoint.
138 Slumbering Eternal City - Sea of Bygone Eras, Fontaine
Located south-west of Initium Iani, perched atop the giant pink mushroom.
139 Where Only the Bell Tolls - Sea of Bygone Eras, Fontaine
Found inside the Portus Anticus, past the enormous bell.
140 Harmony's Shadow - Sea of Bygone Eras, Fontaine
Can be seen inside the cave in Collegium Phonascorum, near the entrance.
141 The End of An Ancient Dream - Sea of Bygone Eras, Fontaine
Appears only after the Canticles of Harmony quest and is located near the steps in the Domus Aurea.
142 Gradus ad Capitolium - Sea of Bygone Eras, Fontaine
Appears only after the Gradus ad Capitolium quest, located in the end of Golden Aqueducts and next to a teleport waypoint.
143 Domus Requiem - Sea of Bygone Eras, Fontaine
Appears only after the Canticles of Harmony quests and is located within Sacellum Requietis.

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Chenyu Vale Viewpoint Locations

Chenyu Vale Viewpoint Locations
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There are a total of 13 Viewpoints in Chenyu Vale that you can collect!

Name and Location
144 Bishui's Twilight Luster - Teatree Slope, Chenyu Vale
Located northeast of Teatree Slope on the other side of the river.
145 The Blossoming Warmth of Qiaoying Sunlight - Qiaoying Village, Chenyu Vale
Located just south of the Statue of the Seven by Teatree Slope, beside a gazebo.
146 The Clouds Cascade Around the Wharf - Yilong Wharf, Chenyu Vale
Found north of Mt. Lingmeng, by the bridge leading towards Yilong Wharf.
147 Past Glories of Wangshan - Mt. Lingmeng, Chenyu Vale
Found just north of the Mt. Lingmeng Teleport waypoint.
148 Jade Elegy of Bishui - Jademouth, Chenyu Vale
Only appears after completing the quest ''Floating Jade, Treasure of Chenyu''.
149 Ancient Pact - Teatree Slope, Chenyu Vale
This viewpoint rests on a hill just east of the Teatree Slope waypoint.
150 Valley of Vibrant Butterflies - Teatree Slope, Chenyu Vale
Found on a cliff overlooking a ravine south of Teatree Slope.
151 Herb-Housing Hall - Lingshu Courtyard, Chenyu Vale
Appears during the Silently the Butterfly Crosses the Valley world quest
152 Clear Skies Over Xuanlian - Yaodie Valley, Chenyu Vale
Found on a rock northeast of the waypoint south of Yaodie Valley.
153 Desolate Foothill Shrines - Chizhang Wall, Chenyu Vale
Found right beside the Chizhang Wall Teleport waypoint
154 Trails of Laixin - Chiwang Terrace, Chenyu Vale
Only appears after you complete the quest ''An Ancient Sacrifice of Sacred Brocade''
155 Chiwang Peak - Chiwang Terrace, Chenyu Vale
Only appears after progressing through the world quest chain ''Chenyu's Blessings of Sunken Jade''
156 Clarion Echo - Carp's Rest, Chenyu Vale
Only appears after progressing through the world quest chain ''The Cloud-Padded Path to Chiwang Repose''

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Viewpoint Images and Details

All Viewpoints per Region
Mondstadt Liyue Chasm Area
Inazuma Sumeru Rainforest Sumeru Desert
Fontaine Chenyu Vale

All Mondstadt Viewpoint Details

Viewpoint Details
1 The City of Wind
The wind will carry dandelion seeds, songs, and stories far afield, and it also guides the gentle Traveler's to its realm. Welcome to Mondstadt
2 The Marsh of Celestial Guardians
A poem says that a star once fell to the earth, forming this lake. But others even say that even the stars that shine as bright as the Anemo Archon's eyes will fall into this lake.
3 Windswept Wilderness
This plain bathes in an everlasting breeze. An ancient, monumental tree left behind by an ancient heroine speaks softly amidst the winds.
4 Land of Clear Springs
A peacefull and idyllic suburban town. It has a long history of hunting, of sweet springwater, and of passing down the legend of a beneficient spirit dwelling within the waters.
5 Manor of Daybreak
Filled with the fragrance of grapes and wine, this is the estate of one of Mondstadt's distinguished houses. It has conquered drinkers the city over with its unmatched wines, and is in some ways the holy land to which all who love the bottle must make pilgrimage.
6 Favonius Cathedral
A holy place managed by the devoted adherents of the Anemo Archon. It was once a palatial estate from which the aristocracy flaunted their authority.
7 Knights of Favonius - Library
The Library with the most books in all the northern lands. Other than those collected in the restricted section, all the books here are open for public reading.
8 Ancient Thousand Winds Temple
The ruins of an ancient amphitheater. A thousand melodious wins gather here, bringing with them countless tales far and wide.
9 Forgotten Sword Cemetery
Hundreds of years have passed, and the world is once again at peace. This forest of blades stands as testament to the song of clashing swords, the battle-hymns of warriors, the thundering footfalls of monsters, and the crimson sky, as red as blood.
10 Abandoned Capital of Howling Winds
The one who once dwelt in that lonely tower is no more. the murmuring winds that shourd the desolate city tell of that most ancient of stories, which no mortal now remembers: they tell os their erstwhile master, the nameless wind sprite, and the chorus that caused the tower to quail...

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All Liyue Viewpoint Details

Viewpoint Details
11 A Home in the Hills
Mighty Mt. Qingce gently cradles this peaceful village, silently protecting the old, the young, and the abundant croplands within its embrace. The legen of the ancient threat subdued beneath the mountain has been consigned to legend along with those who know of it, never again to return.
12 Marsh of Rustling Reeds
The is where the sifting of the wavy silvergrass and the croaking of frogs join in song, and it is also the final resting place of many a martial nomad.
13 Vigilant Guardian's Vantage Point
The inn that stands at the southern end of Dihua Marsh seems to serve as something other than a resting place for guests. They say that Wangshu Inn is a haven for lovers' moonlit rendezvous. Folk stories also have it that even ones as august as adepti sometimes bask in the moonlight here.
14 Moonlit Tree
A strange tree whose branches flow with clear, cold moonlight. Perhaps its roots, that reach deep into the heart of the earth, are connected to something that awaits an opportunity to once again emerge and bask in the moon's light.
15 Mist-Veiled Stone Forest
These stone spires poke out of the clouds like great pavilions. Though this place is forbidden to mortal steps, such as beauteous sight is bound to attract the eyes of those who yearn for the sky, and for those who dwell in adepti realms.
16 Where Mountains Peak Beyond the Clouds
They say that the adepti dwell somewhere within these countless towering, cloud-ringed peaks. Few mortals may set foot here.
17 Nine Pillars of Peace
Nine shackles of stone were said to have been laid down deep in the valleys of Cuijue Slope to drive off evil and cleanse the world.
18 Weeping Garden
Legends has it that a deep, pure affection filled this ancient garden, creating the Luhua Pool as it is known today.
19 Ruins of Guili
Once, this was thriving city where a certain flower bloomed in abundance. But all dreams must turn to waking. This earthly paradise was consumed by war, and those who gathered here were once again scattered.
20 A Drop in the Ocean
The roud, lonely stone mountains here are said to have been the place where Rex Lapis subdued a great sea monster. They say that those sensitive of heart can sometimes hear a strange, stirring rhythm emanating from deep within that oceanic abyss.
21 Where Merchants Flock and All Ships Dock
A prosperous port city where a thousand ships drop anchor. Under the aegis of countless contracts and regulations, unnimerable goods change hands and grace the seven nations with their presence. Welcome to Liyue, wayfaring Traveler.
22 Yujing Terrace
Far from the bustling harbor, the Yujing Terrace rises along with Mt. Tianheng. Here the Qixing and the leaders of many enterprises tirelessly drive Liyue's prosperity and stability/
23 Feiyun Slope
Here live those merchants who have made it. Here, the residens are prosperous and carefree. there, the lights are bright and never go out.
24 Chihu Rock
The ever-pulsating hear of Liyue Harbor that pumps lifeblood into its veins. The lively city scene here is the source of Liyue Harbor's limitless vitality.
25 Dunyu Ruins
The Land of Hidden Jade. But the war of ages past is long over, and the mounds of glittering jade have long been destroyed. Now, only the whisper of flowing water remains.
26 Beyond the Chasm
The junction between Liyue Harbor and the great mines ofthe Chasm. Work has ceased here as of late due a shift within the Chasm.
27 Qingxu's Forsaken Tower
A ruined tower amid a verdant field. It still stands, defending a bygone age long returned to dust.
28 View from The Chasm's Surface
When I first came here, the miraculous, terrifying geography silenced me... I have never forgotten the sense of utter awe and respect that I felt.
But even such wondrous visions became monotonous after too much hustle and bustle on behalf of the Ministry of Civil Affairs...
Speaking of which, I must thank the Traveler for helping me continue with my own adventure...
29 Mouth of the Great Mine
The entrance to The Chasm's mines, known to the miners as 'The Chasm's Maw.' Since the latest earthquake, the tunnels, which were already sealed by the Qixing, have been even more treacherous and inscrutable than ever...
But with the Traveler's help, the array sealing the opening has been broken. Let's just hope that the Qixing don't come down too hard on us...
30 The Ancient Battlefield of Fuao Vale
This is the site of the deadly battle between Azhdaha and Rex Lapis. I'm just a young and inexperienced adventurer, and writing is not my forte... But I cannot help but stand in awe of this place.
How small we mortals are before time, which respects neither night nor day, or gods, who can shake heaven and earth...

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All Chasm Viewpoint Details

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31 The Underground Mines
I once grew up at the mines of Mingyun Village. The miners' rowdy labor, their joys and sorrows... Those encompassed my entire childhood.
Looking upon these underground tunnels, far more vast yet silent and deserted, these memories of yesteryear resurface in my mind... albeit sadder and more lonesome.
32 The Blocked Path
The miners sealed the tunnels that led further within when they dispersed, but they did leave one 'Mountainator' here.
Perhaps it was the orders of the higher-ups... It's not as if it would be practical to seperate Liyue's mercantile pursuits from Glazed Sand Crystal for too long.
33 Underground Waterway
As I was exploring by myself, I discovered this waterway. The waters here are clean and cool, perfect for taking a break and wash all the ill-fortune accumulated on the way off.
There are some gentle elemental creatures nearby who move most slowly, rare beings who have no quarrel with the rest of the word... I drew the waterway on the map. I hope the Traveler can follow it and find this place.
34 The Inverted City
As I was traveling alone, I discovered this vast and terrible ruin. Perhaps this all the remains of an ancient civilization that was punished and destroyed. This ancient city seems to resist the presence of any outsiders... It might even have something todo with those purple-black crystals, or that mud-like substance.
I stayed for a time, but I had to leave its ominous, upended silhouette behind.
35 Crystal Fragment
The crystal that was once here was the very same 'culprit' that cause the closure of the Chasm back then. Its strange movements have again caused the Ministry of Civil Affairs much distress.
Fortunately, the Traveler was on hand to return it to a place deeper below, leaving us with nothing but this empty, grim hall of stone.
36 The Great Mushroom's Place
An underground cavern where a strange, gigantic mushroom grows. I could've sworn that I heard something strange calling to me. Perhaps it is just an illusion - or a hallucination, in which case this place must be full of poisonous gas, and I must leave as soon as possible.
37 The Court of Pillars
Despite the Traveler's warnings, I still followed in (his/her) footsteps to arrive at this place.
I can barely comprehend the sight of this huge sky-blue crystal pillar before me. It cannot be from this continent — only the heavens, with which it shares its shade, could have been its home.
I have decided to explore deeper within through secret paths to uncover its secrets... I wonder how far I can press on, and what further records I shall leave behind...

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All Inazuma Viewpoint Details

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38 Ritou, Narukami Island
Legend has it that hundred of years ago, Lord Hiiragi Hiroshi of the Kanjou Commission miraculously built a prosperous trade center from a deserted island, and greatly impressed the Shogun. In the days when the Sakoku Decree was in force, the headquarters of the Kanjou Commission still flourished. However, the merchants from faraway nations languished, and the streets were no longer the bustling appearance of a century ago. Perhaps this is the best reflection of the business of mortals: those who become successful overnight will also lose everything in a day.
39 Grand Narukami Shrine, Mt. Yougou
The Grand Narukami Shrine is located at the peak of Mt. Yougou and is the largest shrine in Inazuma, guarding the Sacred Sakura. It provides much-needed comfort and peace to the people of Inazuma in these unsettling times.
40 The Sacred Forest in the Moonlight
Legend has it that in the past, this sacred forest was once home to many demons. To this day, the legend of the "tanuki-bayashi" still surrounds this tranquil woodland.
41 Suburbs, Inazuma City
The outskirts of Inazuma City exude a time-worn and leisurely atmosphere as you make your way up the old paths. It seems that the prosperity of the city has not influenced the scenery here. The power and grace of the Shogun can also be observed here, bringing a quiet and different kind of vitality.
42 Tenryou, Inazuma City
The many streets and lanes of Tenryou intersect and cross paths, and finally gather in front of the Tenshukaku - the undisputed center of power in Inazuma. Under the eternal and silent gaze of Her Highness, the Ogosho Shogun, the people living in the hustle and bustle of the city will finally be free from the worries of obsession, and move to a paradise where they no longer need to chase and compete for their aspirations - but what is the view of the eternal paradise that the Shogun sees?
43 Front Line, Kannazuka
Legend has it that during a disaster hundred of years ago, Shigeyori Kujou, a mortal general whom Her Highness valued greatly, built a battlefront fortress in just one night and fought valiantly against the forces of darkness, flying the banner of the Electro Mitsudomoe high. Hundreds of years later, the descendants of the Kujou family have also inherited outstanding military engineering skills.
44 Tatara Islands' Vantage Point
The ring of islands surrounded by jagged, rocky terrain is the perfect topographic barrier to the Shogunate's smelting facilities. The magnificent giant Blast Furnace here is used to produce a steady stream of high-quality Jade Steel for Inazuma. Recently, however, due to the war, the Mikage Furnace that drove the production has been damaged.
45 Tidal Flat Amidst the Flames of War
In the ancient language of the Inazuma ancestors, ''Nazuchi'' means ''to be tenderly caressed by the hands of the gods.'' Ironically, Nazuchi Beach has been ravaged by war since a thousand years ago and has become a place for scavengers and pirates, with few inhabitants.
46 Rift Valley, Yashiori Island
According to legend, the blow that brought an end to the serpent god was struck right here. Even to this day, the remnant reverbations of lightning continue to ring across this deep canyon in Yashiori Island, as if the spirits of thunder still chatter about the legendary scene that tore through the sky and the earth thousands of years ago...
47 Overlooking Serpent Head
According to legend, the giant serpent that once ventured into the deep sea was finally slain on Yashiori Island. It is also said that when the sea breeze passes through the eyes and sharp fangs of the giant snake, sounds of a whistle will ring in the wind. That is the requiem it composed for itself. Now, this requiem also provides repose for those who have fallen or were displaced in the war.
48 The Moon-Bathed Deep
The entrance to Enkanomiya. The water in this pool shine year in and year out with light akin to that of the moon, hence the named ''Moon-Bathed.''
49 Village of the People of the Deep
An ancient village on Watatsumi Island. It is said that the ancestors of its people came from deep beneath the waves.
It is also an important rallying point for those who are opposed to the Vision Hunt Decree.
50 The Pearlescent Palace
This is the center of government and religion alike on Watatsumi Island. Shells and skerries flank the palace in which lie the relics of the serpent god.
51 Where Swirling Stormclouds Gather
The great battle where the sea and sky changed color have become lost to time, but the vast storms that were called upon at this time still remain.
52 The Silent Fishing Village
The laughter of the old days and the cries of cicadas were at last lost to the thunder. The people of today only remember that this place was abandoned due to the furious, unchecked storms.
53 The Stranded Flagship
This rundown atakebune warship was mighty once upon a time. In its remains, marked by starlit tears, one can still vaguely see the image of a vessel proudly sailing, blessed by the shrine maidens and villagers of a bygone age.
54 Where the Provisional Head Priestess Lives
Hibiki will return.
The shrine looks wonderful now, thanks to you. She will return very soon.
55 Tsurumi Island
'Pirka chikappo! Kapatcir kamuy!''
''We slumber together in a spider-silk nest of fog.''

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All Sumeru Rainforest Viewpoint Details

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56 The Land of Mawtiyima
This is where the memories and dreams of the forest gather. It seems to have its own consciousness.
57 Aranaga's Little Garden
Here, the pomegranate sings and the apples clap.
58 Memory of Alcazarzaray
A purple garden lies before the palace in the depths of the woods. The flowers dance and the warblers sing — a more fitting scene for a lovely encounter one could not find.
59 The City Where All Wisdom Resides
The root of all wisdom on earth. Under the luxuriant Divine Tree, the sages of the academy city have accumulated all the knowledge there is to be gathered. Welcome to Sumeru, O Traveler seeking answers.
60 The City Above the Forest
The city of wisdom is ours, as is the forest of ignorance. Atop the tree lies the remnants of the kingdom of lost dreams.
61 The Village by the River
There is nothing to Vimara Village apart from a tranquil life. Come, exhausted traveler, rest here awhile.
62 The Colossus Watching Devantaka
Behold. Thousands of years of ancient Khaenri'ah history lie before us!
63 The Harbor Betwix the Two Trees
Bah! The lectures of the sages are beyond boring. Why don't we get ourselves some fine wine garnished with floral honey and set out on a journey across the seven seas?
64 The Garden of Deep Thought
Countless flowers lie within the garden, each more lovely than the most beautiful crystalfly.
This is the paradise of people of goodwill.
65 The World of the Aranara
No matter how dark the sky and land may get, as long as your spirit emits warmth like a golden sun, there will always be hope.
66 Nursery of Lost Dreams
Friends will stroll through the forest again. That which is good will return, and the painful memories will vanish. Just like a stream purifying itself or a withered tree sprouting once more.
67 The Littlest Dream
They might have done so clumsily, but they made many preparations to welcome their Nara friend nonetheless.
68 The Garden's New Sprouts
The forest will remember.
69 The Frontier Beneath the High Wall
The mighty wall defends against the searing sandstorms but has also blocked the spread of wisdom's blessing. Is divine wisdom not meant to shine on all people?
70 Varunastra
The Varuna Contraption shows forth its power, bringing forth the water of life and turning Valuka into Vana, turning the barren lands into a land full of life.
71 The Rain's End
There is no rain here, and yet it is the birthplace of rain. The purification of Vana rains begins ― and ends ― here.

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All Sumeru Desert Viewpoint Details

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72 Refugee Shelters
The well-versed poets of Tulaytullah, ''the city of sapphire,'' Thamudian gladiators with golden eyes in Saleh, Jinn in Ay-Khanoum... Countless kingdoms that rose and fell after the great kingdom of King Deshret collapsed, together with their heroes and legends, were all immortalized in ancient nursery rhymes in this village, echoing around the children's beds...
After all those years, the remnants of King Deshret have long muddled the boundaries between histories and myths, blending them all seamlessly into their memories...
73 Verdant Fields' Vantage Point
From the barren desert, you can behold the forest realm of hidden wisdom, its verdant silhouette secure behind the mighty wall that blocks out the sandstorms, coldly looking down its nose at the desert realm swept by searing winds...
Surely, the vassal lords whose fragmented kingdoms survived King Deshret's fall must also have looked upon that land of plenty with bitter jealousy...
74 The Barren Land Where Sand Dances
Once, a god resided to the west of the Wall of Samiel. Perhaps the desert was also a paradise for all living beings and a place where wisdom gathered at that time. It is indeed a shame that nothing but endless sandstorms and bleak ruins remain to be seen here today.
75 Khaj-Nisut
Yon golden slumber summons thee, wandering sand. Drink not that bitter salt water, for the sorrows of tomorrow have gone away.
76 Lifeless Dar al-Shifa
The hospital, named after a prayer for patients, is now missing the busy figures of the doctors and the glad songs of those who have recovered, leaving naught but dilapidated remains.
77 Thamud Oasis
The golden-eyed Thamudians and the seven walls of their magnificent city-state rose up over the corpses of ancient kingdoms, and would itself be sucked down into the vortex of wars between nations and obliterated...
The short-lived kingdom has been lost for a long time, but the oases are still like gems that adorn the sea of sand, accommodating caravans and wanderers with springs and plants alike.
78 Towers of Betrayal
These huge obelisks have been standing here since the death of King Deshret. The desert dwellers call them the ''Towers of Betrayal'' and regard them as symbols of shame that serve as constant reminders of the fact that the desert kings had broken their oath with King Deshret...
The obelisks' true history could date back to a period preceding that of those short-lived desert kingdoms, but it has unfortunately long been forgotten.
79 The Giant of the Wind-Eroded Valley
The giant lies silent in the valley, and the demonic swarms from the abyss now seem almost like poetic exaggerations. Only a power great enough to destroy mountains serves as the best proof that what the researchers say is nothing but the truth.
80 The Mausoleum of King Deshret
The huge cone is like a supporting pillar between the high sky and the yellow sands that has stood in the middle of the desert since time immemorial. Standing in front of it, be you a commoner, a wealthy man, or a well-informed researcher, you shall feel that you are but a few grains of sand all the same.
81 Aaru's Shut
There are neither coveted treasures nor gem-laden chambers at the pinnacle of the Mausoleum of King Deshret — only the desolation and decay of the desert, and the shreds of a grand dream.
82 The Thousands of Entombed Chambers
In dark places where the sands do not ravage, countless chambers and statues slumber, waiting for the time when their master shall visit them again...
83 The Bottomless Hall
Legend has it that in the depths of the desert, an ancient god tried to recreate the underworld and the heavens, so that sinners would fall into the underworld and the ones favored by him would live in paradise.
84 Wenut Tunnels
The mortal palaces have long fallen, and the Wenut rule here now, transforming it into a court and garden more to their liking.
85 The Forgotten River Valley
This great river valley once irrigated Panjvahe. Here, the nobles of Gurabad once sailed in ornate boats, releasing their sleek hunting falcons...
But even those proud hawks would devolve into the wild red vultures of the desert.
86 The Lost Hermitage
It is said that a friend of King Deshret once built their court in a great cavern beneath the dunes.
Wenut served here as court officials, and flying serpents as companions. But today, both creatures have lost their noble wit and vigor.
87 The Court of Dried Springs
The ancient people of Gurabad memorialized the years of the gardens with, song, and dance. But forgetting caused all joys to wither and crumble to dust...
88 The Paradise of Eternal Peace
"...Its leaves shall not be seized by autumn's arms, and the circles of time shall not avail to subject its newborn spring-joy to the curse of years..."
89 Where a Titan's Shins Were Broken
Wounded Shin Valley has been its moniker for a long time, but now that an iron giant has lost its footing in this place, its name surely bears some extra weight now, no?
90 The Court of Withered Life
The ancient people of Gurabad once planted many-hued plants and succulent fungi along these halls and courts, but forgetting caused all life here to become barren...
91 Ad-Hoc Headquarters of the Fatui Expeditionary Force
A vanguard troop from the snowy land in the north has set up camp here amidst the whispers of ancient shrines.
92 Remnants of the Ancient Orchard
Before it fell into the dark valley rift, the great gate of Gurabad was once a place where poetry and beauty gathered.
Only the cream of the crop had the privilege of standing here and beholding the noble mortal lord...
93 The Gap of the Hidden Ruins
Mighty Gurabad and the monumental buildings raised in its heyday could not, in the end, escape falling into the dark valley rift.
And as if their destruction was not humiliation enough, their mansions and estates would come to be nests for roving bandits...
94 Liloupar's Gaol
What sort of dire criminal did this prison that has now become an oasis once hold?
And what changes will her awakening bring to the lonesome desert tribes?
95 Safhe Shatranj
To the desert tribes, this abandoned, ruined square goes by the name Safhe Shatranj. Researchers believe that this was once a training field for ancient war machines.
96 The Palace Abandoned by the Gods
The ruins of the temple of Gurabad. The desert songs say that long-lived giants once dwelled here.
But they were cast down into a rift in the earth within a single night, never to be seen again... and so did the great temple also become some ruins in a valley rift.
97 Mt. Damavand, Where Sandstorms Never Cease
An unending sandstorm swirls at the heart of Mt. Damavand.
The desert people say that this sandstorm hides the location of the Eternal Oasis.
98 The Tanit Encampment
Part of an ancient structure's ruins, once home to the ghosts of people of old...
Now, it is the home of a desert tribe known as the Tanit.
99 The Temple of Buried Dominion
The ancient people of Gurabad used to worship their God King of the desert in these long halls and grand courts. But forgetting caused the gulf between the noble and the base to lose its meaning...
100 The Moon Blue Canals
The ancient tales of the desert people tell of this place being the site where three canals met, nourishing fertile fields and rich gardens.
But nothing remains now of those halcyon days, only the dulled shades of a dream...
101 Amrita Nourished Nest
The purest Amrita nourishes the homeland of the Pari, with only unbesmirched warriors allowed entry into these forbidden grounds. The countless scattered kindred of the Khvarena are fated to converge here in eventuality.
102 Valley of the Unsullied
"...The filth pouring out from the abyss will eventually recede and the lost descendants of the Dahri will be shocked into uprightness. As a chorus of thousands sing their song, there will come a lull to the rains."
103 Gate of Everlasting Mourning
A grand and majestic gate leading to a world beneath the soil. It is sealed tight as of the present, and the once prosperous kingdom that lay behind the door has also long since turned to rubble.
104 Forged of the Abandoned Foundry
In the past, there were humans that yearned to use their own might to surpass the gods. This massive furnace stands as some manner of symbol relating to that desire. Although the ancient foundry has long been abandoned, the sparks within the forge yet flicker still.
105 Harvisptokhm
"Praise be the Harvisptokhm, extinguisher of the flaming sign searing the sky, and caller of the timely rains that will cleanse the land of its filth. The days that bask in the Khvarena's resplendence are as dawn rising through the murky fog crowning the mountains."
106 Elder Pine Atop the Wastes
The kind spirit residing within the towering Barsom has sheltered a great many warriors returning from their trials. But now none remember the details of that ancient compact...

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All Fontaine Viewpoint Details

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107 Scenery Within Elynas' Depths
The heart that was nearly awakened has now gone silent once more.
108 Scenery Within Elynas' Deepest Depths
"Nice to meet you!"
109 Foamy Home
Beneath the verdant Beryl Mountains is the welcoming home of the Melusines. Little homes of fantastic and odd design are omnipresent, leaving a deep impression. Though, just who taught them these unique architectural styles?
110 Ancient Conch Melody of Yore
"Of the once-great empire of Remuria, today there remains but a lonely melody. Once heard by multitudes, but long lost to mortal ears..."
111 Where Dark Tides Echo
Where the Spina di Rosula was born. Just as a tiny chick that will one day become a soaring eagle is hatched from an egg, so are grand and radiant ambitions hatched in a dark and cramped place.
The people of Poisson are like the residents of the Fleuve Cendre, and from the history of these places they understand that some things are worth being, and indeed must be, fought for and bought by blood.
112 Sunken Glory
The once-prosperous avenues and alleys have now vanished into the depths along with all that was worthy of praise. Now, only schools of fish parade through the promenades, along with the lonely sound of the tides.
113 Court of Dew and Springs
"This city alone stands above all waters."
114 Land of Corroded Shadows and Tainted Currents
A tainted shadow hidden beneath the clear waters of Fontaine, a place of rest for outcasts.
"Even the ashes and the dregs cast off by the sifting of the law all return to the same river."
115 Seaworn Cavern
A jawbone as massive as a mountain, that could seemingly drink in and spew forth the tides. It is difficult to imagine such a massive creature ever walking this world.
116 Erinnyes' Whirling Dance
In this ancient ballad, the knight searching for water most pure encountered the spirit here, and they embarked upon a journey of redemption together. A thousand years pass like a dewy dawn, and whether laughter or tears, joy or sorrow, it all turns into a whirling illusory dance, disappearing into a sea of applause.
117 Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale
"Before there was law, sins already ran rampant above the waters. But without law, how can sins be forgiven in the name of sin?"
118 Narzissenkreuz Kingdom
"A long, long time in the future, in a place far, far away... There was the beautiful Narzissenkreuz Kingdom..."
119 Graveyard of Ships
Following the white ironclad flagship, like tiny shimmering stars scattered through the velvet night, the battleships of the armada sank into the bowels of the trench in their clash with the great beast. The surface and depths are haunted by ghostly legends, but this makes it the perfect place to hide for those who seek secrecy.
120 Morning in the Beryl Mountains, Clear Weather
Salsa once painted the scenery here.
A clear morning in the Beryl Mountains, the dew left by the previous night's autumn winds has not yet evaporated...
121 Fontaine Hot Springs
Salsa once painted the scenery here.
Through the mist steaming upwards from the hot springs, towering Mont Automnequi rises into the clouds, with the Clementine Line piercing through its base.
122 The Seaside Village
Salsa once painted the scenery here.
A beautiful seaside village whose peace and serenity evoke yearning for such a tranquil life in those who see it.
123 View from Mont Automnequi
Salsa once painted the scenery here.
From Mont Automnequi, one can see the ridge of Elynas. Beneath the peaks and lakes, the homeland of the Melusines is hidden.
124 Memories of Mont Esus
Salsa once painted the scenery here.
The gentle breeze winds through the flowery meadows in Mont Esus, setting the creaking arms of the windmill turning lazily. The peaceful and relaxed atmosphere here causes people to naturally find themselves dwelling on their most pleasant memories.
125 A Sea of Exile
"No matter what the sin, it shall eventually be lost to the wave like sand."
126 The Copper Keep
"A fastness of bronze and iron will collapse one day, but a city of law and justice will never fall."
127 The Remnants of Brilliant Wisdom
When excess intelligence and passion came together, research brought about results in a manner that surpassed everyone's expectations. Now, however, there remains no one to applaud that achievement.
128 Scattered References
The aftershocks of that incident could not completely destroy it, and it would continue to exist in a form contrary to its original design. perhaps this might be considered a form of continuation as well.
129 The Wreck of Shattered Dreams
When an ideal is destroyed, its most important responsibility is to hold its peace.
However, some seen to believe that this burning energy serves some other purposes...
130 The Drunkard's Ship
A white ship that once glittered in the sun has now utterly rusted away. There are as many tales to be found here as currency, but outlanders who would step inside are as few as the moon.
131 A Distant Harbor
The main port leading to other nations. They say that there was once a plan to build a fourth aquabus line that would connect Lumidouce Harbor and the Court of Fontaine, but this plan died with the aquabus's most powerful backer.
132 Erinnyes's Watery Weeping Willow
In ancient times, the weeping willow of the lake was an object of reverence. All the water veins converge upon Erinnyes and the weeping willow flourishes or withers when the waters are sweet or bitter. The land of the lake is the same... Shame, then, that omens only arrive on the same moon as calamity.
133 The World's Amniotic Fluid
This was once to be, again, the cradle for all life.
134 Tower of Gestalt
This was once many things and many dreams.
135 The Lovely Legends of Petrichor
There are many beautiful and moving legends about Petrichor, but none of them have changed life in the little town.
Whenever the sea breeze carries the sound of the evening bell away, the townsfolk know that another leisurely day has passed.
136 Stage of Faded Gold
The conductor bereft of music once lamented a past that could never return here, at the end of all greatness and glory.
137 Secret Locale of the Ancient Order
Many secrets they uncovered here, but no answers.
138 Slumbering Eternal City
"There is a capital under the sea."
139 Where Only the Bell Tolls
This great cavern that sank beneath the waves was once a prosperous royal port. If the ancient bells' tolling could pierce the barrier of ocean, lost souls may yet find their homeward road.
140 Harmony's Shadow
"Fate is often naught but a shadow in which humans may glimpse happiness, all the better to push them upon the path to destruction."
141 The End of An Ancient Dream
"I had a dream... In that dream, even mortals had free will and their fates were undecided..."
142 Gradus ad Capitolium
The dazzling Ichor once ran through the waterways to the great lake in the north, carrying justice and gladness all across the High Sea. That was Pax Remuria ― a wondrous time of glory and hope.
143 Domus Requiem
"Please grant them eternal rest, and may the light ever shine upon them."

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All Chenyu Vale Viewpoint Details

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144 Bishui's Twilight Luster
The final jade fell from here into the bottomless abyss. Here did the first wish become as but a river of smoke.
145 The Blossoming Warmth of Qiaoying Sunlight
When the gentle spring sun and winds caress the mountains of Chenyu, there will the rich fragrance of tea be accompanied by the dance of the Spiritscent Flower, just as in days past, drifting together through peaceful streets...
146 The Clouds Cascade Around the Wharf
If one follows the Bishui River upstream, the prosperous merchant port built next to a vast waterfall will come into view. Here, the laughter of countless sailors and merchants and the calls of people buying and selling on every street form a unique scenic tapestry here at Liyue's northern edge.
147 Past Glories of Wangshan
In days gone by, when Guhua was at the height of its strength, various heroes from all walks of life would gather here, mingle, and drink, and the sound of song would never cease. Though the school's reputation has since waned, its magnificent hall still stands, inscribed with the “chivalry” of yesteryear.
148 Jade Elegy of Bishui
“... The spring's cries ripple through the vales, the shrines depart from the northeast shores. The heights and shallows in the southwest hide, sun and earth from each other divide, the eternal whirlpool that never churns, beautiful jade concealed within...”
149 Ancient Pact
“...Once this tree gets a bit larger, I'll pick its leaves and make some tea for all of you...”
150 Valley of Vibrant Butterflies
An adeptus's abode, far from the din of mortal comings and goings. In the distant past, it is said that the ancestral peoples who had lost their home due to war were taken in by an adeptus named Fujin, and here did they avoid the disaster that raged without. Thus did the flame of civilization endure rather than be snuffed out under titanic floods.
151 Herb-Housing Hall
The adeptus once revered as the “Herblord” has long since departed, and only empty medicinal containers remain. Even at war's very end, that desire to help those in need never once wavered.
152 Clear Skies Over Xuanlian
“The weighty winds blow, yon' day is dark, the cascading falls flow clear.”
153 Desolate Foothill Shrines
In the tales told by older folks, the ancestral peoples of Chenyu Vale migrated here from the far south, and they built a mighty ritual tower to touch the heavens and left many mighty temples. The jade tower is no more, and only silent, ancient ruins stand amidst the thick fog that shrouds the mountains, watching over a secret none now shall know.
154 Trails of Laixin
“Though stalwart stone may sink, it shall return rite-rightly.”
155 Chiwang Peak
In the long-forgotten mists of time, the ancestors of Chenyu Vale named this place the “Hanging Garden.” Once-prosperous realms became divided into many tribes, and the tribes would later again unite into a prosperous realm, but the spirit veins of Chenyu Vale are as they ever were, gathering faithfully in this place.
156 Clarion Echo
“...Jade shall rise from sunken mouth... Gain and loss are inextricable, rise and fall, inseparable. Wax and wave is but a dream - the river flows as it ever has...”

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What are Viewpoints?

Additional Lore and Scenic Snapshots

These Viewpoints are snapshots that provide more information about different areas in the current regions in Teyvat.You can see the viewpoints' descriptions and images in the Geography section of the in-game Archive.

All Nations and Regions of Teyvat

Where to Find Viewpoints

Genshin - Viewpoints in Teyvat
Viewpoints are purple landmarks located in specific areas around Teyvat. Interacting with a Viewpoint will make them appear in your account Archive.

A good Traveler is a well-informed one, which is why going to these viewpoints will help you understand the world of Teyvat even more!

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8 Anonymous5 days

#152 I don't think is correct

7 Anonymous12 months

Sourcewater Nation is missing from the Sumeru section (view of Fontaine from the desert).

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