Genshin Impact

Skyward Pride Best Characters and How to Get

Genshin Impact - Skyward Pride Claymore

Skyward Pride is a 5-Star claymore in Genshin Impact. See the best characters for Skyward Pride, how to get it, its information, stats, and ascension materials in this weapon guide!

Skyward Pride Information

Skyward Pride Skills and Overview

Skyward Pride
Skyward Pride Image
Type Claymore
Base ATK 48
Rarity ★★★★★
Bonus Effect
Energy Recharge + 8.0%
Sky-ripping Dragon Spine
Increases all DMG by 8%. After using an Elemental Burst, Normal, or Charged Attack, on hit, creates a vacuum blade that does 80% of ATK as DMG to enemies along its path. Lasts for 20s or 8 vacuum blades.

Skyward Pride Skill Summary

Skill Effect Summary ・Increases overall DMG of any of the wielder's attacks.
・Gives extra DMG after casting an Elemental Skill or Burst, or a Normal or Charged Attack.

Skyward Pride Stats

Lvl. Base ATK Energy Recharge
1/20 48 8.0%
20/20 133 14.1%
40/40 261 20.6%
50/50 341 23.8%
60/60 423 27.1%
70/70 506 30.3%
80/80 590 33.5%
90/90 674 36.8%

Skyward Pride Refinement Levels

Skill Effect
Increases all DMG by 8%. After using an Elemental Burst, Normal, or Charged Attack, on hit, creates a vacuum blade that does 80% of ATK as DMG to enemies along its path. Lasts for 20s or 8 vacuum blades.
Skill Effect
Increases all DMG by 10%. After using an Elemental Burst, Normal, or Charged Attack, on hit, creates a vacuum blade that does 100% of ATK as DMG to enemies along its path. Lasts for 20s or 8 vacuum blades.
Skill Effect
Increases all DMG by 12%. After using an Elemental Burst, Normal, or Charged Attack, on hit, creates a vacuum blade that does 120% of ATK as DMG to enemies along its path. Lasts for 20s or 8 vacuum blades.
Skill Effect
Increases all DMG by 14%. After using an Elemental Burst, Normal, or Charged Attack, on hit, creates a vacuum blade that does 140% of ATK as DMG to enemies along its path. Lasts for 20s or 8 vacuum blades.
Skill Effect
Increases all DMG by 16%. After using an Elemental Burst, Normal, or Charged Attack, on hit, creates a vacuum blade that does 160% of ATK as DMG to enemies along its path. Lasts for 20s or 8 vacuum blades.

Skyward Pride Best Characters

Who is Skyward Pride Good For

All Recommended Characters
Diluc ImageDiluc Razor ImageRazor Noelle ImageNoelle
Beidou ImageBeidou Chongyun ImageChongyun Xinyan ImageXinyan
Eula ImageEula Sayu ImageSayu Itto ImageItto
Dehya ImageDehya Kaveh ImageKaveh Navia ImageNavia
Gaming ImageGaming Kinich ImageKinich

Good for Elemental Burst-Type Characters

The Skyward pride is a good weapon for characters who only need a small amount of Energy Recharge for their Elemental Burst. It's best used for Sub-DPS and Main DPS characters. However, Main DPS need to keep in mind that using this weapon means trading DMG for more Energy.

List of Claymores

How to Get Skyward Pride

Obtain from Standard and Weapon Banners

All Current Wish Banners
Genshin Impact - Epitome Invocation GachaEpitome Invocation Genshin Impact - Wanderlust Invocation GachaWanderlust Invocation

Skyward Pride can be obtained by pulling on the Epitome Invocation Weapon Event Wish Banner and Wanderlust Invocation Standard Wish Banner at a normal rate.

Skyward Pride cannot be obtained from the Character Event Wish Banner.

Related Wish Banner Guides

Wish Banner Guides
Genshin - WeaponBanner Info Genshin - Wishing Sim IconWish Sim Genshin - All WishesAll Wishes

Skyward Pride Ascension Materials

Total Ascension Materials

Ascension Materials Total

Ascension Materials for Each Level








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17 Anonymous8 months

Is bis for Freminet

16 Anonymousover 1 year

Works best if u have Diluc

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