Genshin Impact

Serpent Spine Best Characters and How to Get

Genshin Impact - Serpent Spine Claymore

Serpent Spine is a 4-star Claymore from the Battle Pass in Genshin Impact. See the Serpent Spine's best characters to use it, its ascension materials, passive skills, and more here!

Serpent Spine Information

Serpent Spine Skills and Overview

Serpent Spine
Serpent Spine Image
Type Claymore
Base ATK 42
Rarity ★★★★
Bonus Effect
CRIT Rate + 6.0%
Every 4s a character is on the field, they will deal 6% more DMG and take 3% more DMG. This effect has a maximum of 5 stacks and will not be reset if the character leaves the field, but will be reduced by 1 stack when the character takes DMG.

Serpent Spine Skill Summary

Skill Effect Summary ・The bonus DMG is an additive buff that increases your DMG from all sources. This means no matter what your element is, it will increase your Normal Attacks, Elemental Skill, and Elemental Burst DMG.
・Whenever you take damage, you will lose a single stack. Corrosive DMG does not count as taking multiple hits, so you will only lose a stack from the first hit.

Serpent Spine Stats

Lvl. Base ATK CRIT Rate
1/20 42 6.0%
20/20 109 10.6%
40/40 205 15.5%
50/50 266 17.9%
60/60 327 20.3%
70/70 388 22.7%
80/80 449 25.1%
90/90 510 27.6%

Serpent Spine Refinement Levels

Skill Effect
Every 4s a character is on the field, they will deal 6% more DMG and take 3% more DMG. This effect has a maximum of 5 stacks and will not be reset if the character leaves the field, but will be reduced by 1 stack when the character takes DMG.
Skill Effect
Every 4s a character is on the field, they will deal 7% more DMG and take 2.7% more DMG. This effect has a maximum of 5 stacks and will not be reset if the character leaves the field, but will be reduced by 1 stack when the character takes DMG.
Skill Effect
Every 4s a character is on the field, they will deal 8% more DMG and take 2.4% more DMG. This effect has a maximum of 5 stacks and will not be reset if the character leaves the field, but will be reduced by 1 stack when the character takes DMG.
Skill Effect
Every 4s a character is on the field, they will deal 9% more DMG and take 2.2% more DMG. This effect has a maximum of 5 stacks and will not be reset if the character leaves the field, but will be reduced by 1 stack when the character takes DMG.
Skill Effect
Every 4s a character is on the field, they will deal 10% more DMG and take 2% more DMG. This effect has a maximum of 5 stacks and will not be reset if the character leaves the field, but will be reduced by 1 stack when the character takes DMG.

Serpent Spine Best Characters

Who is Serpent Spine Good For?

All Recommended Characters
Diluc ImageDiluc Razor ImageRazor Noelle ImageNoelle
Beidou ImageBeidou Chongyun ImageChongyun Xinyan ImageXinyan
Eula ImageEula Itto ImageItto Dehya ImageDehya
Kaveh ImageKaveh Navia ImageNavia Freminet ImageFreminet
Gaming ImageGaming Kinich ImageKinich Mavuika ImageMavuika

Good for Main DPS and Sub-DPS

The Serpent Spine, especially at higher refinements, is a good weapon for majority of the claymore characters that want to deal damage due to how the passive skill's keeps DMG stacks.

Good Alternative for Itto

Just like for other Main DPS Claymore users, the Serpent Spine is a great choice for Itto. As a Geo character, he may constantly trigger the Crystalize Reaction to create shields and keep the weapon's passive active!

Good for Off-Field Beidou

The Serpent Spine for Beidou, just like for other Sub-DPS Claymore characters, is a great choice. The weapon will enhance her Burst DMG even when she's not on the field. There will also be no issue with losing stacks if she's not around to get hit in the first place!

Is Serpent Spine a Good Weapon?

The Serpent Spine is undoubtedly one of the best weapons in the game and offers incredible value in the battle pass. Its amazing passive skill, which works on any character, is only offset by the danger of getting hit. Even then, the issue can easily be solved with a shield.

How to Get Serpent Spine

Purchase the Gnostic Hymn

Genshin - Gnostic Hymn

You can get the Serpent Spine Claymore by purchasing the Gnostic Hymn in the Battle Pass and reaching Battle Pass Level 30.

What is the Battle Pass?

Serpent Spine Ascension Materials

Total Ascension Materials

Ascension Materials Total

Ascension Materials for Each Level








Serpent Spine Weapon Lore

Weapon Description

A rare weapon whose origin is the ancient ocean. One can hear the sound of the ageless waves as one swings it.

Archive Description

A greatsword fashioned from the spine of a great sea monster, each eerie segment of bone a tale unto itself.
In the past, seamen would use the bones of such monsters as figureheads,
And with them frighten the beasts who dwelt in the deep sea, and who envied the land-dwellers.
In the stormy oceans of the ancient past, those who put out to sea would often never be seen again.
The carefree sea shanties of today were, in years long gone, farewell songs that left people in mournful silence.
There was a greatsword-wielding captain in those days who enjoyed drinking and making merry before a voyage. When people questioned him, he laughed and said:

I know myself. What is wine and song to me? Worry not. Once the sea and winds are right...
But he would never finish that statement. He would only raise his mug, and call for all around to have another drink.
Then, the day when the sea and winds came together arrived at last, and the stern of the great vessel rode them as it sailed.
Deep into the misty sea it went, far across the darkening waves, into the ocean that teemed with sea creatures.
And at last, neither the singing skipper nor his ship would ever return to the harbor ringed by mountains.
After many days, the corpse of a sea monster from the deep was beached upon the shore by the waves.
Brilliant white bone shone out from a great gash torn into it by a greatsword. Its blood had long been washed clean.

When the sea and winds are right, I will go forth to sea and avenge her, O maiden charmed by the tidal song.
So what if I sleep with the fishes? That way, I will be able to send my sea shanties into the deep where she dwells.
Today, the seas are no longer plagued by giant creatures that emerge from the storm and rain down devastation upon the waves.
The practice of mounting skeletons of sea monsters onto the bows of ships has also been lost with their extinction.
But when one sails far abroad, sometimes one can still hear the spine-chilling sound of thunder rumbling in the depths...

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3 Anonymous2 months

This weapon is bad on characters that do self-inflicted damage (Burning, Electro-Charged, Bloom)

2 Anonymousalmost 2 years

yep, it does

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