Monster Hunter Wilds

Wyvern Gem Location: How to Get and Uses

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Wyvern Gem is an Equipment Material in Monster Hunter Wilds. See how to get Wyvern Gem, how to use it, and its effects.

How to Get Wyvern Gem

Slay High Rank Quematrice

Monster Weakness
Type: Brute Wyvern
Fire Icon Water Icon Thunder Icon Ice Icon Dragon Icon
Fire Water Thunder Ice Dragon
First Encounter: Village of Whispering Winds
Description: Quematrice use their large tails to spread flammable oil that, when struck, can ignite enemies and the environment.

Wyvern Gems have a 3% chance to drop as a target reward of a High Rank Quematrice. It also has a 5% chance to drop from carving its body and a 7% chance to drop from carving its tail. It is highly recommended to slay the monster instead of capturing it so the player will have 3 extra chances to get a Wyvern Gem from carving on top of the 3% that comes from the target rewards. Low Rank Quematrice does not drop Wyvern Gem.

Quematrice is susceptible to most elemental damages except for Fire, so it is recommended to equip a weapon with any elemental damage other than Fire when going to hunt it.

Quematrice Weakness and Drops

High Rank Monster Rewards

Broken Part
Unobtainable as a Broken Part Reward.
Unobtainable as a Wound Reward.
Quematrice Quematrice [5% (Body), 7% (Tail)]
Rompopolo Rompopolo [5% (Body)]
Hirabami Hirabami [5% (Body)]
Gravios Gravios [5% (Body)]
Balahara Balahara [5% (Body), 7% (Tail)]

Quest Rewards

Type Rank Quest Name
Optional 4 The Pursued and the Pursuer
Optional 4 Profusion of Poison
Optional 4 Fleeting Victory
Optional 4 Rath-from-Above,Go!
Optional 4 Secure Wounded Hollow
Event 4 Stalking Supper
Optional 4 The Desert Knows Not the Sea
Optional 5 Succulent Scraps
Optional 5 Armor Like a Mountain
Optional 5 Continuing Conflict
Optional 5 A Leviathan's Temper
Optional 6 Echoing from the Cliffs
Optional 6 Troublemakers

Acquire From Traders

WyvernsproutWyvernsprout x1
Wyvern GemWyvern Gem x1

How to Maximize Wyvern Gem Drops

Complete Investigations and Quests

You can get Wyvern Gems faster by completing Rompopolo, Hirabami, Gravios, Quematrice, and Balahara Investigations with Wyvern Gem as a bonus reward. Exhaust your Investigations first for the extra materials before doing Optional Quests.

A build focused on offense is recommended when farming for faster clear times!

Investigation Quests Guide

Cut Tails for Extra Carves

Severing Weapons
Great SwordGreat Sword Long SwordLong Sword Sword and ShieldSword & Shield
Dual BladesDual Blades Switch AxeSwitch Axe Charge BladeCharge Blade
Insect GlaiveInsect Glaive LanceLance GunlanceGunlance

Cutting the tail of a monster is recommended as it gives you an extra carve. However, only the tail of the Quematrice and Balahara can give you a Wyvern Gem.

Tails can only be cut by weapons that deal severing or cutting damage. Try to use Shock Traps to hold a monster in place, coupled with the Partbreaker skill to cut the tail quickly.

Be mindful not to kill the monster before cutting its tail. Otherwise, you'll miss out on the extra carve!

Builds and Best Armor for Each Weapon

How to Use Wyvern Gem

Used to Forge Weapons

Veldian Arcum IVeldian Arcum I (x1) Veldian Labrys IVeldian Labrys I (x1)
Veldian Harpes IVeldian Harpes I (x1) Veldian Gladius IVeldian Gladius I (x1)
Veldian Hasta IVeldian Hasta I (x1) Veldian Malleus IVeldian Malleus I (x1)
Veldian Tormentum IVeldian Tormentum I (x1) Veldian Sibilus IVeldian Sibilus I (x1)
Veldian Trudis IVeldian Trudis I (x1) Veldian Lancea IVeldian Lancea I (x1)
Veldian Impetum IVeldian Impetum I (x1) Veldian Ensis IVeldian Ensis I (x1)
Veldian Securis IVeldian Securis I (x1) Veldian Mucro IVeldian Mucro I (x1)

Used to Upgrade Weapons

Queen Blaster IIQueen Blaster II (×1) Windbrace Bow IIIWindbrace Bow III (×1)
Quematrice Arco IVQuematrice Arco IV (×1) True Dragon PerforatorTrue Dragon Perforator (×1)
Dear Lutemis IIDear Lutemis II (×1) Windthrash Charger IIIWindthrash Charger III (×1)
Rompo DendrotoxRompo Dendrotox (×1) Regas HyperRegas Hyper (×1)
Quematrice Silexes IVQuematrice Silexes IV (×1) Dual CleaversDual Cleavers (×1)
Gravios ConquerorsGravios Conquerors (×1) Valkyrie Blade IIValkyrie Blade II (×1)
Quematrice Espada IVQuematrice Espada IV (×1) Ravager BladeRavager Blade (×1)
Princess Panoply IIPrincess Panoply II (×1) Balahara Exploder IVBalahara Exploder IV (×1)
Quematrice Culebrina IVQuematrice Culebrina IV (×1) Triumvirate EdgeTriumvirate Edge (×1)
White CannonWhite Cannon (×1) Balahara Hammer IVBalahara Hammer IV (×1)
Rompo RobustoxRompo Robustox (×1) Iron DevilIron Devil (×1)
Graviton HammerGraviton Hammer (×1) QueenQueen's Longfire II (×1)
Rompo LatrotoxRompo Latrotox (×1) Steel AssaultSteel Assault (×1)
Gravios GigahowlGravios Gigahowl (×1) Valkyrie Chordmaker IIValkyrie Chordmaker II (×1)
Balahara Horn IVBalahara Horn IV (×1) Great BagpipeGreat Bagpipe (×1)
Princess Regalia IIPrincess Regalia II (×1) Balahara Glaive IVBalahara Glaive IV (×1)
Chrome GaleChrome Gale (×1) GravordiusGravordius (×1)
Balahara Lance IVBalahara Lance IV (×1) Windpierce Lance IIIWindpierce Lance III (×1)
Quematrice Lanza IVQuematrice Lanza IV (×1) Rompo TetrotoxRompo Tetrotox (×1)
Chrome LanceChrome Lance (×1) Gravios LanceGravios Lance (×1)
Valkyrie Fire IIValkyrie Fire II (×1) Windshear Light IIIWindshear Light III (×1)
High Chain BlitzHigh Chain Blitz (×1) Titan PanzerTitan Panzer (×1)
Wyvern Blade "Verde" IIWyvern Blade "Verde" II (×1) Windclaw Blade IIIWindclaw Blade III (×1)
Quematrice Lima IVQuematrice Lima IV (×1) Rompo MytoxinRompo Mytoxin (×1)
Keen EdgeKeen Edge (×1) Dragonmaiden Axe IIDragonmaiden Axe II (×1)
Windsunder Axe IIIWindsunder Axe III (×1) Chrome AcceleratorChrome Accelerator (×1)
Balahara Blade IVBalahara Blade IV (×1) Princess Rapier IIPrincess Rapier II (×1)
Quematrice Cuchillo IVQuematrice Cuchillo IV (×1) SmithySmithy's Pride (×1)
TitanTitan's Armament (×1)

Used to Forge Armor

Hirabami Vambraces αHirabami Vambraces α
Hirabami Vambraces α (×1)
Hirabami Vambraces βHirabami Vambraces β
Hirabami Vambraces β (×1)
Arkvulcan Vambraces αArkvulcan Vambraces α
Arkvulcan Vambraces α (×1)
Arkvulcan Vambraces βArkvulcan Vambraces β
Arkvulcan Vambraces β (×1)
G. Fulgur Mail αG. Fulgur Mail α
G. Fulgur Mail α (×1)
G. Fulgur Mail βG. Fulgur Mail β
G. Fulgur Mail β (×1)
Gravios Mail αGravios Mail α
Gravios Mail α (×1)
Gravios Mail βGravios Mail β
Gravios Mail β (×1)
Damascus Mail αDamascus Mail α
Damascus Mail α (×1)
Dahaad Shardhelm αDahaad Shardhelm α
Dahaad Shardhelm α (×1)
Dahaad Shardhelm βDahaad Shardhelm β
Dahaad Shardhelm β (×1)
Gore Helm αGore Helm α
Gore Helm α (×1)
Gore Helm βGore Helm β
Gore Helm β (×1)
Dragonking Eyepatch αDragonking Eyepatch α
Dragonking Eyepatch α (×1)

Used to Forge/Upgrade Charms

Power Charm IPower Charm I (×1) Fury Charm IFury Charm I (×1)
Counterattack Charm ICounterattack Charm I (×1) Blessing Charm IIIBlessing Charm III (×1)
Challenger Charm IChallenger Charm I (×1) Leaping Charm IILeaping Charm II (×1)
Geology Charm IIIGeology Charm III (×1) Friendship Charm IVFriendship Charm IV (×1)
Blight Charm IIBlight Charm II (×1)

Wyvern Gem Overview

Wyvern GemWyvern Gem
Description Throughout a wyvern's life, impurities gather and form this peculiar gem.
Rarity 7 Type Equipment Material
Sell Price
Zenny 4000z
Pouch Limit -

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