Monster Hunter Wilds

Inferno Sac Location: How to Get and Uses

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Inferno Sac is a Equipment Material in Monster Hunter Wilds. See how to get Inferno Sac, how to use it, and its effects.

Low Rank High Rank
Flame SacFlame Sac Inferno SacInferno Sac

How to Get Inferno Sac

High Rank Monster Rewards

Broken Part
Unobtainable as a Broken Part Reward.
Unobtainable as a Wound Reward.
Unobtainable as a Carve Reward.

Quest Rewards

Type Rank Quest Name
Optional 4 Aberrant Atrocity
Assignments 4 Lured by Abundance
Optional 4 Rath-from-Above,Go!
Event 4 Kut-Ku Gone Cuckoo
Event 4 Like a Fire Hidden by Sand
Optional 5 Succulent Scraps
Optional 5 The King's Triumphant Return
Optional 5 King of the Skies
Optional 5 Armor Like a Mountain
Optional 5 Continuing Conflict
Optional 6 Troublemakers

Purchasable from the Support Ship

Inferno Sac can be purchased from the Support Ship for 40 Guild Points when it's on stock.

The Support Ship will be available in the base camp every three in-game days, and will disappear for another three days as it gathers items to sell. You will get a prompt of the Support Ship's status when you are not in a hunt.

Support Ship Guide

How to Use Inferno Sac

Used to Upgrade Weapons

Kut-Ku Stave IIKut-Ku Stave II (×4) Quematrice Arco IVQuematrice Arco IV (×5)
Quematrice Silexes IVQuematrice Silexes IV (×5) Kut-Ku Pair IIKut-Ku Pair II (×4)
Quematrice Espada IVQuematrice Espada IV (×5) Chicken Decapitator IIChicken Decapitator II (×4)
Quematrice Culebrina IVQuematrice Culebrina IV (×5) Kut-Ku Pick IIKut-Ku Pick II (×4)
Yian Kut-Ku Cannon IIYian Kut-Ku Cannon II (×4) Kut-KuKut-Ku's Song II (×4)
Kut-Ku Pike IIKut-Ku Pike II (×4) Quematrice Lanza IVQuematrice Lanza IV (×5)
Kut-Ku Anger IIKut-Ku Anger II (×4) Quematrice Lima IVQuematrice Lima IV (×5)
Beak Axe IIBeak Axe II (×4) Quematrice Cuchillo IVQuematrice Cuchillo IV (×5)

Used to Forge Armor

Rathalos Vambraces αRathalos Vambraces α
Rathalos Vambraces α (×3)
Rathalos Vambraces βRathalos Vambraces β
Rathalos Vambraces β (×3)
G. Rathalos Greaves αG. Rathalos Greaves α
G. Rathalos Greaves α (×5)
G. Rathalos Greaves βG. Rathalos Greaves β
G. Rathalos Greaves β (×5)
Kut-Ku Coil αKut-Ku Coil α
Kut-Ku Coil α (×1)
Kut-Ku Coil βKut-Ku Coil β
Kut-Ku Coil β (×1)
Udra Mirecoil αUdra Mirecoil α
Udra Mirecoil α (×2)
Udra Mirecoil βUdra Mirecoil β
Udra Mirecoil β (×2)

Used to Forge/Upgrade Charms

Bombardier Charm IIIBombardier Charm III (×2)

Used to Upgrade Kinsects

ArkmaidenArkmaiden (×2) FiddlebrixFiddlebrix (×2)

Inferno Sac Overview

Inferno SacInferno Sac
Description A monster organ filled with powder that ignites if it so much as touches air. Danger!
Rarity 6 Type Equipment Material
Sell Price
Zenny 1455z
Pouch Limit -

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