Monster Hunter Wilds

Firecell Stone Mining Location and Uses

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Firecell Stone is a Equipment Material in Monster Hunter Wilds. See how to get Firecell Stone, how to use it, and its effects.

Firecell Stone Farming Route

Rare Drop in High Rank Oilwell Basin

Oilwell Basin Firecell Stone Farming Route

  1. Move to Area 7 from the Base Camp to mine the outcrop in that area.
  2. Fast travel to the Dilapidated Roadway camp and mine the outcrops on Areas 6 and 4.
  3. Fast travel to the Mining Cave and mine the outcrops in Area 14 and 16.
  4. Fast travel to the Limestone Cavern and mine the Area 13 and 17 outcrops.

Firecell Stone is a rare ore that is obtainable only in High Rank Oilwell Basin.

It's recommended to have three levels of Geologist equipped to maximize efficiency when farming.

Oilwell Basin Map and Location Guide

How to Get Firecell Stone

Mined From Mining Outcrops

Mining Outcrops

Locale Areas
Monster Hunter Wilds - Oilwell Basin Icon Oilwell Basin
Oilwell Basin 4 Oilwell Basin 6 Oilwell Basin 7 Oilwell Basin 13 Oilwell Basin 14 Oilwell Basin 17

Must Reach High Rank First

To be able to find Firecell Stones, players must first reach High Rank as a hunter. Once reached, the easiest way to get Firecell Stones is to find Mining Outcrops scattered across High Rank Oilwell Basin.

How to Unlock High Rank

Bypass Mining Outcrop Cooldown with Optional Quests

Mining Outcrops normally have a 15 minute cooldown which can be bypassed by starting an Optional Quest in Oilwell Basin Map and Location Guide, harvesting the Mining Outcrops, and then selecting "Return from Quest" in the menu.

The recommended Optional Quests to farm Firecell Stones in is Mysterious Poison. It is an early High Rank Optional Quest in the Oilwell Basin with the Plenty State, allowing you to get more Firecell Stones.

List of Optional Quests

Obtainable Material from Gravios

Firecell Stone has a 40% chance to be obtained when breaking certain parts of a Gravios. It also has a 20% chance to drop when destroying a wound of a Gravios.

Gravios Firecell Stone Drop Rate
Broken Part Rewards
Part Drop Rate
Back 40%
Left Leg 40%
Right Leg 40%
Wound Destroyed Reward

Clear the Succulent Scraps Side Quest

You're guaranteed to get a Firecell Stone at the end of the Succulent Scraps side mission, specifically after reporting back to Dogard.

List of Side Missions (Side Quests)

Firecell Stone Mining Outcrop Interactive Map

To search for a specific item or material, press the magnifying glass icon on the bottom right. Select from the dropdown button to see other levels and areas

How to Use Firecell Stone

Used to Forge Weapons

Paladin Lance IPaladin Lance I (x1)

Used to Forge Armor

Gravios Vambraces αGravios Vambraces α
Gravios Vambraces α (×1)
Gravios Vambraces βGravios Vambraces β
Gravios Vambraces β (×1)
Kranodath Mail αKranodath Mail α
Kranodath Mail α (×2)
Kranodath Mail βKranodath Mail β
Kranodath Mail β (×2)
Kut-Ku Mail αKut-Ku Mail α
Kut-Ku Mail α (×1)
Kut-Ku Mail βKut-Ku Mail β
Kut-Ku Mail β (×1)
Azuz Apron α Azuz Apron α (×1)
Ingot Helm αIngot Helm α
Ingot Helm α (×1)
Damascus Greaves αDamascus Greaves α
Damascus Greaves α (×1)
Artian Coil αArtian Coil α
Artian Coil α (×1)

Used to Forge/Upgrade Charms

Bombardier Charm IIBombardier Charm II (×1) Defense Charm IIIDefense Charm III (×1)
Evasion Charm IIEvasion Charm II (×1) Fire Charm IIIFire Charm III (×1)
Blast Charm IIIBlast Charm III (×1) Tremor Charm IIITremor Charm III (×2)
Grit Charm IIGrit Charm II (×1) Intimidator Charm IIIIntimidator Charm III (×2)

Firecell Stone Overview

Firecell StoneFirecell Stone
Description A magma-like deposit that only trained hands can handle. Armor made from it is first-class.
Rarity 7 Type Equipment Material
Sell Price
Zenny 1720z
Pouch Limit -

Monster Hunter Wilds Related Guides

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