Genshin Impact

How to Find and Catch a Diving Fighting Rapidfish

◆ Latest: 5.5 Update, 5.5 Codes, Sacred Mountain
◆ Builds: Varesa, Iansan, Xianyun, Venti, Xilonen
◆ 5.5 (WIP): Skysplit Gembloom, Dracolite, Pyroculus
◆ Events: Tournament of Glory
◆ Upcoming: Version 5.6

Genshin Impact - Where to Find the Diving Rapidfighting Fish and Basic Information - Diving Rapidfighting Fish Locations

Diving Fighting Rapidfish is a Fish in Genshin Impact found in Natlan. Learn where to find Diving Fighting Rapidfish, the best bait and rod for catching it, how to use it, and other information in this Fishing guide!

Diving Fighting Rapidfish Locations

Spawn Time and Region

Spawn Time 6:00 to 18:00
Region Natlan

All Diving Fighting Rapidfish Locations

Fishing Spot Locations

Flower-Feather Clan: Western Coast

Flower-Feather Clan: Northern Coast

Ochkanatlan: Southeastern Waters

Ochkanatlan: Southern Waters

Ochkanatlan: North Shore

Take a look at our Fishing Spot guide for other fishes' locations:
List of Fishing Spot Locations

How to Catch Diving Fighting Rapidfish

Best Bait for Diving Fighting Rapidfish

Fishing Bait How to Get
Genshin - Spinelgrain Bait Image Spinelgrain Bait Crafted
Formula: Purchased from the Natlan Fishing Association

You have to use Spinelgrain Bait to catch the Diving Rapidfighting Fish, because it won't bite if you're using any other bait.
How to Craft & Use All Bait

Best Fishing Rod to Use

Fishing Rod How to Get
Genshin - Flowhorn Flounderfinder Image Flowhorn Flounderfinder Exchange at the Natlan Fishing Association

The Diving Rapidfighting Fish can only be caught with a Fishing Rod. Since this fish can only be found in Natlan, it's best to use the Flowhorn Flounderfinder! Take a look at which Fishing Rod to use in other regions here:

How to Get & Use All Fishing Rods

How to Use Diving Fighting Rapidfish

Used in the Fishing Association

Part of Requirements to Purchase
Molten Lava Pool Genshin Impact Molten Lava Pool

Fish are used to buy different items from Fishing Associations. Take a look at our Fishing Association guide for a list of all items for sale, as well as how much they cost:
All Fishing Association Items

Used in the Housing System

Like all Fish types, you have a chance to get an Ornamental Diving Fighting Rapidfish while fishing. The Ornamental type is harder to catch, but you'll be able to place it in your Serenitea Pot with a Pool of Sapphire Grace!
Housing System & Serenitea Pot Guide

Used for Fish Meat

The Diving Fighting Rapidfish can also be processed into Fish for cooking! Just walk up to any type of stove, go to the Food Processing tab, and select the Fish icon.
See Fish Meat Guide & Recipes

Diving Fighting Rapidfish Information

Archive Type and Information

Genshin - Diving Rapidfighting FishDiving Rapidfighting Fish Type Rapidfighting Fish Fish
Region Natlan
Spawn Time 6:00 to 18:00

Despite the name it has been given, this creature is not actually a fish, but a medium-sized amphibian. It has a rather unique appearance with a distinctive flat head that bears a striking resemblance to a fist blade, giving it the look of being constantly ready for fierce battles with its natural enemies. In fact, they are gentle in nature and not aggressive in the slightest. The real purpose of their formidable-looking blades is to reduce water resistance when swimming through rivers. Thanks to their special head structure, they can navigate swiftly against the flow of turbulent currents, earning them the name Rapidfighting Fish.
These bluish-toned Rapidfighting Fish are capable of diving down into deeper waters. But due to their fondness for the warmth of direct sunlight, as well as all the fun they have playing with young Koholasaurs, they tend not to stay at the bottom for very long...

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