Genshin Impact

Moonfin Locations, Spawn Time, and Bait | Lunar Realm Special Fish Guide

Genshin Impact - Where to Find the Moonfin and Basic Information - Moonfin Locations

Moonfin is a special fish that is only available during the Lunar Realm event in Genshin Impact's. Learn where to find Moonfin, the best bait and rod for catching it, how to use it, and other information in this Fishing guide!

Moonfin Locations

Spawn Time and Region

Spawn Time 18:00 - 6:00
Region Inazuma

All Moonfin Locations

Located North of Tatarasuna, Inazuma

The Moonfin can only be found in the fishing spot for the 7th Lunar Realm challenge. It's a limited-time fish that will disappear on September 20, 2021 with the Lunar Realm event.
Lunar Realm Event Guide

How to Catch Moonfin

Notes on Catching Moonfins

List of Tips and Tricks
1 You can only catch a maximum of 5 Moonfin!
Once you've caught 5 Moonfin, all Moonfin from that point on won't be stored in your inventory and instead be released as you catch them.
2 Catching 5 Moonfin completes a BP Mission!
Catching the maximum amount of Moonfin will complete a seasonal Battle Pass mission and reward you with BEP x1500.

Best Bait for Moonfins

Fishing Bait How to Get
Genshin - Glowgrass Bait Image Glowgrass Bait Obtained by completing Kujirai Momiji's quest during the Lunar Realm event

You have to use Glowgrass Bait to catch the Moonfin, because it won't bite if you're using any other bait.
How to Craft & Use All Bait

Best Fishing Rod to Use

Fishing Rod How to Get
Genshin - Moonstringer Image Moonstringer Lunar Realm Event Reward

The Moonstringer is a permanent Fishing Rod that can only be obtained from the final quest in the Lunar Realm event. It fills the Fishing Meter up faster if you stay in the Ideal Tension Zone!
How to Get & Use All Fishing Rods

How to Use Moonfin

Used in the Housing System

Unlike regular fish you catch from the Fishing System, the Moonfin only comes as an Ornamental Fish. It can only be used to decorate the Pool of Sapphire Grace in your Serenitea Pot!
Housing System & Serenitea Pot Guide

Moonfin Information

Archive Type and Information

Genshin - MoonfinMoonfin Type Moonfin Fish
Region Inazuma
Spawn Time 18:00 - 6:00

A rare butterfly fish that emits light amidst the pitch-dark ocean. They love to swim in schools, and when gathered together, they form the image of a moon that has fallen into the sea, which is the origin of the ''Lunar Leviathan'' legend. This characteristic once attracted a great number of light-seeking sea creatures, and in some sense, also guided people who had descended into darkness.

Mistaken as a Lunar Leviathan

Genshin - Lunar Realm Quest - Over The Moon
During the Lunar Realm quest, Kujirai Momiji revealed that a school of Moonfish started the myth of the Lunar Leviathan:

No wonder, after all these years, no one's been able to catch the ''Lunar Leviathan!'' Because it turns out, it is just composed of a school of ''Moonfins.''

Genshin Impact Related Guides

Genshin Impact - Lunar Realm Event Guide

Lunar Realm Event Guide

Lunar Realm Challenge Guides

Genshin Impact - Lunar Realm Challenge Guides

Lunar Realm Challenge Guides

Lunar Realm Quest Guides
Unlock Quest:
The Moon Has Risen
Challenge 3:
To Thee My Tender...
Challenge 6:
By Thy Pale Beams...
Challenge 7:
Over the Moon

Lunar Realm Featured Items

Lunar Realm Featured Items
Genshin - Moonfin IconMoonfin Genshin - Moonstringer IconMoonstring Genshin - Glowgrass Bait IconGlowgrass Bait

Useful Fishing Guides

Fishing System Guide
How to Catch Fish How to Use Fish
List of Fish Fishing Spot Locations
Fishing Bait Guide Fishing Rod Guide

All Genshin Impact Events

Genshin Impact - List of Events

List of Events


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