Pokemon Sword and Shield

Apple Curry Recipe and How to Make It

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Apple Curry Recipe and How to Make It

Apple Curry is a recipe in Pokemon Sword and Shield, Isle of Armor, and the Crown Tundra DLC. Learn this recipe's key ingredient, variants and sizes, and classes and their effects.

Apple Curry Key Ingredient and Recipe

Fancy Apple ImageFancy Apple
Effect One of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp.

Apple Curry Tastes and Descriptions

Number Taste Description Additional Berries
#061 Apple Curry A class of curry that is mostt assuresdly sweet. It's not for everyone, but it's quite addictive for those who like it. Add up to 10 Berries with different tastes
#062 Spicy Apple Curry The sweet apple and the spicy seasoning of the curry roux create an unexpectedly enjoyable harmony in this dish. Add up to 10 Spicy Berries
#063 Dry Apple Curry The sweet and sour taste of the apple take the edge off the dry curry roux to make this a dish that's extraordinarily easy for anyone to eat. Add up to 10 Dry Berries
#064 Sweet Apple Curry The meeting of sweet curry roux and sweet apple. The sweetness strikes the tongue and heart so profoundly, it leaves you feeling almost numb. Add up to 10 Sweet Berries
#065 Bitter Apple Curry From within the bitter seasoning, a faint reverberating sweetness that seeped from the apple remains. Add up to 10 Bitter Berries
#066 Sour Apple Curry The sourness of the apple accentuates the acidic bite of the curry roux to create a bracing flavor. Add up to 10 Sour Berries

Apple Curry Variants and Sizes

Curry Sizes
Small Apple Curry
Standard Apple Curry
Large Apple Curry

Apple Curry Classes and Effects

Apple Curry Classes and Effects
Curries are rated according to class, with better ranking curries providing higher bonuses to our Pokemon. Practice your cooking skills to get the best rating everytime!

Class Effect
Class 1.pngKoffing Class HP is healed by 25%.
Pokemon Exp is increased slightly.
Pokemon Happiness is increased slightly.
Class 2.pngWobbuffet Class HP is healed by 50%.
Pokemon Exp is increased by 480.
Pokemon Happiness is increased averagely.
Class 3.pngMilcery Class HP is healed by 100%.
Pokemon Exp is increased by 1050.
Pokemon Happiness is increased by a good amount.
All status conditions are removed.
class 4.pngCooperajah Class HP is healed by 100%.
Pokemon Exp is increased by 1050.
Pokemon Happiness is increased by 50.
All status conditions are removed.
PP for moves are restored.
Class 5.pngCharizard Class HP is healed by 100%.
Pokemon Exp is increased by a great amount.
Pokemon Happiness is increased by a great amount.
All status conditions are removed.
PP for moves are restored.

Pokemon Sword and Shield Related Guides

Curry Slim Banner

Curry Dex and List of All Curries

List of Curry Recipes
Curry Sausage Curry Juicy Curry Rich Curry
Bean Medley Curry Toast Curry Pasta Curry Mushroom Medley Curry
Smoked-Tail Curry Leek Curry Apple Curry Bone Curry
Plenty-of-Potato Curry Herb Medley Curry Salad Curry Fried-Food Curry
Boiled-Egg Curry Tropical Curry Cheese-Covered Curry Seasoned Curry
Whipped-Cream Curry Decorative Curry Coconut Curry Instant-Noodle Curry
Burger-Steak Curry Gigantamax Curry


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