Pokemon Sword and Shield

How to Beat the Second Gym Challenge

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Hulbury Gym Challenge (1).png

This is a page guide on how to beat the second gym challenge in the game Pokemon Sword and Shield. If you want to champ the stage, read on and follow this guide for tips and strategies.

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How to Beat the Second Gym Challenge

Water Gym Challenge 4 (1).jpg

Description & Instruction

The Second Gym Challenge is to solve a challenging maze. You need to reach the end of the maze to clear the mission. But, some paths are blocked by water. Try pressing some buttons and you will eventually get there.

Gym Challenge Obstacle

1 The only obstacle in the second gym is the water blocking your path towards the goal.

Tips and Strategy

Water Gym Challenge 2 (1).jpg

Second Gym Challenge: Tips & Strategy Guide
1 The simply trick to complete the challenge is to know which button corresponds to the block of water.
2 Head right and press the red button, located next to the first gym trainer. By doing so, the water from the red pipe to your left will stop from pouring.
3 Go straight and press the yelllow button. This will stop the water from the yellow pipe, located to your right, from raining down.
4 Now, go back to the red button and press it again. It will clear a path towards the stairs.
5 Upon ascending the stairs, you will see a red button. Do not press it.
6 Head straight then go left. Defeat the second gym trainer and press the yellow button behind.
7 Then, circle around and press the red button from before.
8 After that, head back to the second gym trainer's location the ascend the second stairs.
9 Keep going left then head south. Do not engage in battle with the third gym trainer yet.
10 Instead, descend the stairs and press the yellow button down below.
11 Now, go back to the third gym trainer's location. Challenge her to a battle to get to the red button and press it. This will cease the rain of water from the falling from a red pipe, revealing a glass-like button.
12 Press this crystal clear button. The final glass-like button will lift the raining water from the three pipes revealing the end goal.
13 From your last location, head south and descend the stairs to your right.Just keep going straight until you reach the end goal.

Map of Hulbury Gym

How to Beat the Trainers

Gym Trainer.jpg

Defeating the Gym Trainers

It is recommended to bring grass-type pokemon when challenging the gym trainers and leader. Specifically, for gym trainers, check the list of pokemon line-up below:

Gym Trainer Julia

Pokemon Lv. Type
1st Battle Tympole ImageTympole Lv. 21 Water Type

Gym Trainer Heather

Pokemon Lv. Type
2nd Battle Krabby ImageKrabby Lv. 20 Water Type
Corphish ImageCorphish Lv. 20 Water Type

Gym Trainer Lynn

Pokemon Lv. Type
2nd Battle Remoraid ImageRemoraid Lv. 20 Water Type
Chewtle ImageChewtle Lv. 21 Water Type

How to Beat Gym Leader Nessa


Nessa is the Water-Type Pokemon gym leader. He specializes at handling water-type pokemon. Check our complete guide below on how to beat gym leader Nessa:

How to Beat Gym Leader Nessa

Pokemon Sword and Shield Related Links

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Gym Leader Battles

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