Monster Hunter Wilds

Sultan of the Sand Quest and Rewards

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This is a guide for Sultan of the Sand, a Low Rank Optional Quest appearing in Monster Hunter Wilds. Learn about Sultan of the Sand's availability, unlock conditions, target Monsters, and rewards for completing the quest here.

Sultan of the Sand Overview

Basic Information

Time 50 mins. Type Hunting
Client Alma Reward 8280
Difficulty L★2 Region Windward Plains
Objective Hunt the Rey Dau
Conditions ・HR 3 or higher
・Up to 4 players
Failure ・Time expires
・Faint 3 times

Active Monsters

Rey DauRey Dau BalaharaBalahara DoshagumaDoshaguma
ChatacabraChatacabra QuematriceQuematrice

Active Events

・Frequent Localized Lightning Strikes

Sultan of the Sand Monsters

Rey Dau Details

Known Habitats

Region Starting Area Visited Areas Resting Area
Monster Hunter Wilds - Windward PlainsWindward Plains
Windward Plains 5 Windward Plains 7
Windward Plains 7 Windward Plains 16 Windward Plains 17
Windward Plains 17

Monster Weakness

Rey DauRey Dau
Sever Icon Blunt Icon Shot Icon
Rey Dau Sever Weakness Rey Dau Blunt Weakness Rey Dau Shot Weakness
Fire Icon Water Icon Thunder Icon Ice Icon Dragon Icon
Rey Dau Fire Weakness Rey Dau Water Weakness Rey Dau Thunder Weakness Rey Dau Shot Weakness Rey Dau Shot Weakness

Sultan of the Sand Rewards

Quest Rewards


List of All Items and Materials

How to Unlock Sultan of the Sand

Unlocked After Encountering Rey Dau

Sultan of the Sand is an Optional Quest that automatically unlocks after encountering Rey Dau in Low Rank.

Walkthrough and List of Main Story Chapters

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