Genshin Impact

Vibro-Crystal Research 2.6 Event Guide

Genshin Impact - Vibro-Crystal Research Event Guide

Vibro-Crystal Research is a Domain Challenge event in Genshin Impact Version 2.6. Find out more about Vibro-Crystal Research, how to unlock it, how to configure the Vibro-Crystal Setup, trial characters, best team comps, how to get a platinum score, and the total rewards here!

Vibro-Crystal Research Event Guide
Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Day Day 1 Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Day Day 2 Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Day Day 3
Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Day Day 4 Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Day Day 5 Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Day Day 6

Vibro-Crystal Research Information

Vibro-Crystal Version 2.6 Event Details

Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research

Event Start April 21, 2022
Event End May 05, 2022
How to Unlock • Reach Adventure Rank 28+
• Complete "Rite of Parting" Sub-Quest of Chapter 1: Act 3 Archon Quest
Event Rewards
Genshin - Primogem Image Genshin - Mora Image Genshin - Hero Genshin - Mystic Enhancement Ore Image Genshin - Weapon Ascension Materials

What is Vibro-Crystal Research?

Help a researcher from Fontaine on their investigation in the outskirts of the Chasm, and use Vibro-Crystals to defeat various enemies for rewards!
List of Current and Upcoming Events

How to Unlock Vibro-Crystal Research

Genshin - A New Star Approaches
To unlock the Vibro-Crystal Research event, you need to complete the "Rite of Parting" Sub-Quest of A New Star Approaches Archon Quest!
Chapter 1: Act 3 Archon Quest

How to Play Vibro-Crystal Research

Vibro-Crystal Research Event Guide

How to Play Vibro-Crystal Research
1 Go to The Chasm and Talk to Patrice
2 Choose a High Difficulty
3 Use Trial Characters in the Stages
4 Pick and Connect Vibro-Crystals
5 Get Buffs from Harmonic Points
6 Defeat Enemies before the time is up!
7 No Elemental Resonance
8 Availability in Co-Op Mode
9 How to Get a Platinum Score

Unlock via Event Quest

Genshin - Talk to Patrice
To start doing the challenges, you need complete complete the Vibro-Crystal Projections Event Quest. You need to talk to Katheryne and head near The Chasm to the Fontaine Researcher named Patrice!

Vibro-Crystal Projections Quest Guide

Choose a Stage and Difficulty

Genshin - Choose a Stage
After talking to Patrice, you can choose the stage and the difficulty before entering the Vibro-Crystal Setup screen. The higher the difficulty, the more points you'll get due to the multiplier. Six stages will have different domain details and enemies!

Battle Stages with Trial Characters

Genshin - Use Trial Characters
It was shown in the 2.6 Special Program that players will be provided trial characters to use during the event, including characters like Venti, Raiden, Xiangling and Xingqiu!

These characters can be used with your characters, or you can use all four of them as a team. These trial characters are free to use as long as the event is live!

Party Setup Similar to Spiral Abyss

The challenges are split into a first half and a second-half basis, just like the higher floors of the Spiral Abyss. You need to use different characters and setup different Vibro-Crystals for those two halves!

Spiral Abyss Guide

Pick Your Transmitter and Receiver Crystals

Genshin - Pick Transmitter & Receiver Crystals
Players can use Transmitter and Receiver Vibro-Crystals that can be mixed and matched to create different buffs to use during the event.

These buffs will have different effects and triggers depending on the Vibro-Crystals used.

Jump to the Full Vibro Setup Guide ▼

Get Harmonic Points to Increase Buffs

Genshin - Harmonic Points
For this event, you need to fulfill the conditions of the Transmitter Crystals, which will give you the buff from the Receiver Crystals to get Harmonic Points. The more Harmonic Points you have, the more Harmonic Strength you have, which will buff the entire party's CRIT DMG!

Only One Character Receives the Buff

Only the character that fulfilled the conditions of the Transmitter Crystals will be able to utilize the Receiver Crystal's buffs. After you switch characters, you need to trigger it again to fully utilize all buffs from the Receiver Crystals!

Continuous Triggers for Harmonic Points

Similar to the Fervor system from the Hyakunin Ikki Events, if you don't trigger or accumulate Harmonic Points, you will lose the buffs!

Defeat Enemies within the Time Limit

Genshin - Defeat Enemies
There will be different enemies and different domain details for each stage of the challenge. The domain details are similar to Ley Line Disorders or Abyssal Moons, which sets the condition of the domain in which you need to work around!

Target Nemesis Enemies

Genshin - Target Marked Enemies
Before starting on the challenges, you can look at your enemies, and you'll see that some of them will be marked. Those marked enemies are called Nemesis which might be stronger than the other enemies, but if you defeat them, you get more points!

No Elemental Resonance

During the event, Elemental Resonance when pairing one or two character of the same Elemental will not work. However, the Vibro-Crystal Setup function should be enough to make up for the buffs!

Can Vibro-Crystal Research be Played in Co-Op Mode?

No, Vibro-Crystal Research cannot be played in Co-Op Mode. Though, if you don't have certain characters or have not built them yet, you can use the trial characters that change every stage!

How to Get a Platinum Score

Genshin - How to Get a Platinum Score
During the event tutorial, you will see a pale rose gold medal, that is the Platinum Score which is above the Gold Score. To get it, you need to clear a stage with a score of at least 5000! This means, you need to defeat the first few waves with lower point enemies to get to the higher point enemies fast.

Vibro-Crystal Research Trial Characters

All Event Trial Characters

Stage Vibro-Crystal Trial Characters
Stage 1:
Elemental Presets
Genshin - Raiden ImageGenshin - Venti ImageGenshin - Xiangling ImageGenshin - Xingqiu Image
Stage 2:
Diffracted Hypothesis
Genshin - Ayato ImageGenshin - Yoimiya ImageGenshin - Razor ImageGenshin - Yun Jin Image
Stage 3:
Stimulating Deduction
Genshin - Yae Miko ImageGenshin - Raiden ImageGenshin - Fischl ImageGenshin - Sara Image
Stage 4:
Fluid Principles
Genshin - Kokomi ImageGenshin - Kazuha ImageGenshin - Rosaria ImageGenshin - Kaeya Image
Stage 5:
Stable Response
Genshin - Albedo ImageGenshin - Itto ImageGenshin - Ningguang ImageGenshin - Gorou Image
Stage 6:
The Conversion Enigma
Genshin - Ayaka ImageGenshin - Mona ImageGenshin - Xingqiu ImageGenshin - Chongyun Image

The trial characters are free to use for the duration of the event while inside the specific challenges!

How to Configure a Vibro-Crystal Setup

Transmitter Crystals Sets Conditions

Genshin - How to Use Transmitter Crystals
Transmitter Crystals are the ones that will provide the conditions to get the buffs from the Receiver Crystals. It will range from your character using an Elemental Burst or losing HP and more.

Multiple Transmitters on a Receiver Crystal

Genshin - Multiple Transmitters Crystal
You can connect all three Transmitter Crystals into one Receiver Crystals, which will give you more options to trigger the buff from it, but it will also limit the buff you get to one. The effects from this will stack, but only one character still needs to trigger it to work!

Receiver Crystals are the Buffs

Genshin - Receiver Crystals are the Buffs
Receiver Crystals are the ones that give the buff once you've triggered them using the Transmitter Crystals. It seems various buffs will appear per stage, which will give you more options to choose from to fit in the Ley Line Disorder or Domain Details of the current stage!

Can Only Connect to One Transmitter

Genshin - Can Only Connect to One Transmitter
Unlike Transmitters which can connect to a single receiver, a receiver can only connect to one Transmitter. This will allow you to utilize all the buffs from all three available Receiver Crystals!

How to Connect Transmitters and Receivers

Genshin - How to Connect Transmitters and Receivers
To connect Transmitter Crystals to Receiver Crystals, you only need to select the transmitter and then press on the receiver that you want to use. The same can be done for the receivers. Once connected, the buffs you get will be visible on the left-hand side of the Vibro-Crystal Research Screen!

Vibro-Crystal Research Stages

Team Comps and Vibro-Crystal Setups

Click here to jump to a stage guide!
Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Day Elemental Presets Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Day Diffracted Hypothesis Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Day Stimulating Deduction
Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Day Fluid Principles Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Day Stable Response Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Day The Conversion Enigma

Stage 1 Elemental Presets

Stage 1: Elemental Presets
Genshin - Raiden ImageGenshin - Xiangling ImageGenshin - Xingqiu Image
1st Half
Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Transmitter 1Burst Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Transmitter 2Skill Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Transmitter 3Combat
1st Half
Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Burst ReceiverBurst Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Burst ReceiverBurst Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Burst ReceiverBurst
Genshin - Venti ImageGenshin - Lisa ImageGenshin - Kaeya ImageGenshin - Barbara Image
2nd Half
Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Transmitter 1Burst Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Transmitter 2Skill Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Transmitter 3Combat
2nd Half
Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Burst ReceiverBurst Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Burst ReceiverBurst Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Recharging ReceiverRecharging

Full Day 1 Vibro-Crystal Research Guide

Stage 2 Diffracted Hypothesis

Stage 2: Diffracted Hypothesis
Genshin - Ayato ImageGenshin - Yoimiya ImageGenshin - Xiangling ImageGenshin - Yun Jin Image
1st Half
Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Transmitter 1Skill Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Transmitter 2Tandem Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Transmitter 3Bladed
1st Half
Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Elemental ReceiverElemental Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Normal ReceiverNormal Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Normal ReceiverNormal
Genshin - Kaeya ImageGenshin - Razor ImageGenshin - Fischl ImageGenshin - Diona Image
2nd Half
Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Transmitter 1Skill Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Transmitter 2Tandem Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Transmitter 3Bladed
2nd Half
Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Normal ReceiverNormal Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Speedy ReceiverSpeedy Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Normal ReceiverNormal

Full Day 2 Vibro-Crystal Research Guide

Stage 3 Stimulating Deduction

Stage 3: Stimulating Deduction
Genshin - Yae Miko ImageGenshin - Bennett ImageGenshin - Fischl ImageGenshin - Xiangling Image
1st Half
Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Transmitter 1Resounding Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Transmitter 2Skill Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Transmitter 3Thunderflare
1st Half
Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Burst ReceiverBurst Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Mastery ReceiverMastery Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Burst ReceiverBurst
Genshin - Raiden ImageGenshin - Sucrose ImageGenshin - Xingqiu ImageGenshin - Sara Image
2nd Half
Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Transmitter 1Resounding Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Transmitter 2Skill Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Transmitter 3Thunderflare
2nd Half
Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Burst ReceiverBurst Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Burst ReceiverBurst Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Burst ReceiverBurst

Full Day 3 Vibro-Crystal Research Guide

Stage 4 Fluid Principles

Stage 4: Fluid Principles
Genshin - Kokomi ImageGenshin - Rosaria ImageGenshin - Kaeya ImageGenshin - Sucrose Image
1st Half
Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Transmitter 1Recovery Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Transmitter 2Damage Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Transmitter 3Skill
1st Half
Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Resurgent ReceiverResurgent Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Resurgent ReceiverResurgent Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Mighty Receiver.pngMighty
Genshin - Kazuha ImageGenshin - Barbara ImageGenshin - Noelle ImageGenshin - Xiangling Image
2nd Half
Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Transmitter 1Recovery Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Transmitter 2Damage Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Transmitter 3Skill
2nd Half
Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Resurgent ReceiverResurgent Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Resurgent ReceiverResurgent Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Mighty Receiver.pngMighty

Full Day 4 Vibro-Crystal Research Guide

Stage 5 Stable Response

Stage 5: Stable Response
Genshin - Kaeya ImageGenshin - Noelle ImageGenshin - Ningguang ImageGenshin - Xiangling Image
1st Half
Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Transmitter 1Tectonic Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Transmitter 2Crystallization Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Transmitter 3Skill
1st Half
Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Tectonic ReceiverTectonic Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Tectonic ReceiverTectonic Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Mighty ReceiverMighty
Genshin - Albedo ImageGenshin - Itto ImageGenshin - Traveler (Geo) ImageGenshin - Gorou Image
2nd Half
Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Transmitter 1Tectonic Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Transmitter 2Crystallization Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Transmitter 3Skill
2nd Half
Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Tectonic ReceiverTectonic Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Tectonic ReceiverTectonic Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Rumbling ReceiverRumbling

Full Day 5 Vibro-Crystal Research Guide

Stage 6 The Conversion Enigma

Stage 6: The Conversion Enigma
Genshin - Sucrose ImageGenshin - Xingqiu ImageGenshin - Chongyun ImageGenshin - Diona Image
1st Half
Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Transmitter 1Shattering Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Transmitter 2Skill Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Transmitter 3Freezing
1st Half
Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Torrential ReceiverTorrential Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Coalescent ReceiverCoalescent Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Coalescent ReceiverCoalescent
Genshin - Ayaka ImageGenshin - Mona ImageGenshin - Kaeya ImageGenshin - Barbara Image
2nd Half
Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Transmitter 1Shattering Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Transmitter 2Skill Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Transmitter 3Freezing
2nd Half
Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Coalescent ReceiverCoalescent Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Coalescent ReceiverCoalescent Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research Coalescent ReceiverCoalescent

Full Day 6 Vibro-Crystal Research Guide

Vibro-Crystal Research Rewards

Vibro-Crystal Research Primogem Rewards

Total Primogem Rewards
Genshin - Primogem Icon Primogem x420

All six stages will reward 70 Primogems each which will amount to a total of 420 Primogems!

Total Vibro-Crystal Research Rewards

All Vibro-Crystal Research Rewards
Genshin - Primogem Icon Primogem x420 Genshin - Hero Hero's Wit x10 Genshin - Mora Icon Mora x310,000
Genshin - Mystic Enhancement Ore Icon Mystic Enhancement Ore x18 Genshin - Adventurer Adventurer's Experience x4 Genshin - Lustrous Stone from Guyun Icon Lustrous Stone from Guyun x4
Genshin - Mist Veiled Mercury Elixir Icon Mist Veiled Mercury Elixir x4 Genshin - Piece of Aerosiderite Icon Piece of Aerosiderite x4 Genshin - Luminous Sands from Guyun Icon Luminous Sands from Guyun x10
Genshin - Mist Veiled Lead Elixir Icon Mist Veiled Lead Elixir x10 Genshin - Grain of Aerosiderite Icon Grain of Aerosiderite x10

The rewards above also includes the ones from the unlock quest!

Get 6000 Points to Get BP Experience!

During the event, getting a grand total of 6000 Points will grant you BP Experience, which will help advance your Battle Pass level!

Genshin Impact Related Guides

Genshin Impact - Vibro-Crystal

All Vibro-Crystal Events

All Vibro-Crystal Event Runs

Vibro-Crystal Event Guides
3.5 Vibro-Crystal Verification 2.6 Vibro-Crystal Research

Vibro-Crystal Research Stage Guides

Stage Guide Trial Characters / Nemesis Enemies
Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research DayElemental Presets
Genshin - Raiden Shogun Genshin - Venti Genshin - Xiangling Genshin - Xingqiu

Genshin - Blazing Axe Mitachurl Genshin - Ruin Guard Genshin - Fatui Pyro Agent Genshin - Electro Cicin Mage
Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research DayDiffracted Hypothesis
Genshin - Ayato Genshin - Yoimiya Genshin - Razor Genshin - Yun Jin

Genshin - Large Cryo Slime Genshin - Electro Abyss Mage Genshin - Geovishap
Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research DayStimulating Deduction
Genshin - Yae Miko Genshin - Raiden Shogun Genshin - Fischl Genshin - Sara

Genshin - Blazing Axe Mitachurl Genshin - Ruin Guard Genshin - Fatui Pyro Agent Genshin - Hydro Mimic Boar
Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research DayFluid Principles
Genshin - Kazuha Genshin - Kokomi Genshin - Kaeya Genshin - Rosaria

Genshin - Pyro Abyss Mage Genshin - Fatui Pyro Agent Genshin - Pyro Whopperflower Genshin - Pyroslinger Bracer
Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research DayStable Response
Genshin - Albedo Genshin - Itto Genshin - Ningguang Genshin - Gorou

Genshin - Rockfond Rifthound Whelp Genshin - Hydro Mimic Crane Genshin - Hydro Mimic Frog Genshin - Hydro Mimic Finch
Genshin - Vibro-Crystal Research DayThe Conversion Enigma
Genshin - Ayaka Genshin - Mona Genshin - Chongyun Genshin - Xingqiu

Genshin - Hydro Abyss Mage Genshin - Ruin Guard Genshin - Fatui Pyro Agent Genshin - Hydro Mimic Boar

Event Unlock Quest

Vibro-Crystal Research Unlock Quest
Genshin - Vibro-Crystal ProjectionsVibro-Crystal Projections

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