Genshin Impact

Joururi Workshop Guide | Scaramouche Trounce Domain Info & Drops

Genshin Impact - Joururi Workshop Domain Guide

Joururi Workshop is Scaramouche's weekly Trounce Domain in Genshin Impact. See where to find Scaramouche's Trounce Domain location, how to unlock it, domain reward drops, and more here!

Scaramouche Boss Guides
Genshin - Scaramouche Boss Boss Fight GuideHow to Beat Genshin - Scaramouche Boss Domain GuideDomain & Drops

Joururi Workshop Location

Located in Avidya Forest, Sumeru

Location Avidya Forest, Sumeru

Joururi Workshop is located just outside the Sumeru City in Chinvat Ravine.
Sumeru Map Guide

How to Unlock Joururi Workshop

Complete Chapter 3: Act 5 Fourth Quest

Genshin Impact - Where the Boat of Consciousness Lies Archon Quest Guide

Required AR Adventure Rank 35
How to Unlock Complete the ''Where the Boat of Consciousness Lies'' part of the Chapter 3: Act 5 Archon Quest

In order to unlock the Joururi Workshop Domain, you have to complete Chapter 3: Act 5 fourth quest, Where the Boat of Consciousness Lies, which can be unlocked at Adventure Rank 35.

Where the Boat of Consciousness Lies Guide

Joururi Workshop Information

Trounce Domain Details

Domain Type Trounce (Weekly)
Resin Cost
Genshin - Original Resin Image Original Resin x30 ~ x60
Unique Rewards
Genshin - Mirror of Mushin ImageGenshin - DakaGenshin - Puppet Strings Image
Reset Time 4:00 AM (Server Time)
Domain Description The secret workshop hidden in the forest cavern revealed its entrance upon being struck with immense force. The seeds of ''surpassing'' are sprouting within, and are about to burst forth from the earth.

You can only claim rewards once a week

Joururi Workshop rewards can only be claimed once a week. You can still challenge Scaramouche Boss after that, but you won't get any rewards for defeating them.

Resin Cost is halved for the first 3 Claims

If Joururi Workshop is one of first three Trounce Domains you challenge that week, then you only need 30 Original Resin to claim the rewards. If you already claimed Trounce Domain rewards 3 times before challenging the Joururi Workshop Domain, you need 60 Original Resin.

This discount is reset every week, along with Trounce Domain rewards.

You can't use Condensed Resin here

Unlike Challenge Domains, Trounce Domains can only be claimed with Original Resin. There is no way to double Joururi Workshop rewards with one claim using Condensed Resin.

You can challenge Joururi Workshop in Co-Op Mode!

Like most Trounce Domains, you can challenge Joururi Workshop in Co-Op mode. Beating Scaramouche is easier and much more fun with friends, so we recommend checking out or Co-Op Boards for some battle buddies!

Genshin Co-Op Boards
Genshin - Friend Request BoardFriend Request Board Genshin - Co-Op BoardCo-Op Board Genshin - Supporting castBoardSupporting Cast Board

Joururi Workshop Ley Line Disorder

Scaramouche Boss Fight Ley Line Disorder
Some of Shouki no Kami's attacks will create Energy Blocks. Pickthese blocks up to recharge the Neo Akasha Terminal. Once it has energy, the Neo Akasha Terminal can be put to various uses

When you are standing over an Elemental Matrix on the ground during the battle's first phase, you can activate the matrix's effect(s):

Pyro: Clears the Raw Frost effect from the ground.
Cryo: Clears the Remnant Flame effect from the ground.
Anemo: Creates an Upcurrent with which you can dodge some of Shouki no Kami's attacks.
Hydro: Creates a continuous healing effect.
Electro: Suppresses Shouki no Kami. Activate the other Electro Matrix while a suppression effect is active to overload and paralyze him.

During the battle's second phase, charge the Neo Akasha Terminal fully to allow it to hit Shouki no Kami with a more powerful aimed attack which will deplete his shield. Additionally, when Shouki no Kami is charging his Setsuna Shoumetsu attack, this sort of attack can be used to hit his weak spot, toppling him over and immobilizing him.

Joururi Workshop Domain Walkthrough

How to Beat Scaramouche

Genshin Impact Version 3.2 The Balladeer New Boss

Joururi Workshop only has Scaramouche (also known as the Balladeer) as the domain enemy. You must use a combination of ranged Elemental Characters and the Neo Akasha Termninal to take down the giant mech.

Scaramouche Boss Guide and Location

Joururi Workshop Rewards

Scaramouche Domain Drops

Boss Drop Character Uses
Genshin - Mirror of Mushin Icon Mirror of Mushin
Genshin - Daka Daka's Bell
Genshin - Puppet Strings Icon Puppet Strings

How to Use Joururi Workshop Drops

Scaramouche's unique boss drops are used to upgrade specific characters' Talents. Take a look at our full Talent Material guide for more information:
All Talent Level Up Materials

Scaramouche Domain Material Drops

Drop Level
Any Lv.
Any Lv.
Any Lv.
Any Lv.
Any Lv.
Any Lv.
Any Lv.
Any Lv.
Any Lv.
Lv. 60+
Lv. 60+
Lv. 60+
Lv. 70+
Lv. 70+
Lv. 70+
Lv. 70+
Lv. 70+
Lv. 70+
Lv. 80+
Lv. 80+
Lv. 80+

Dream Solvent Drop and Use

The domain will sometimes reward you with Dream Solvent, which you can use to convert a Weekly Boss Talent Material into another Talent Material from the same Weekly Boss.
Dream Solvent Conversion Guide

Scaramouche Domain Artifact Drops

Artifact Set Drops
Berserker Berserker Instructor Instructor The Exile The Exile
Gladiator Gladiator's Finale Wanderer Wanderer's Troupe

List of All Artifacts

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