Genshin Impact

Day 3 Circulation Theory Guide for A Muddy Bizarre Adventure

◆ Latest: 5.5 Update, 5.5 Codes, Sacred Mountain
◆ Builds: Varesa, Iansan, Xianyun, Venti, Xilonen
◆ 5.5 (WIP): Skysplit Gembloom, Dracolite, Pyroculus
◆ Events: Tournament of Glory
◆ Upcoming: Version 5.6

Genshin Impact - A Muddy Bizarre Adventure Day 3 Guide
Circulation Theory is Day 3 of the Genshin Impact's A Muddy Bizarre Adventure Event. Check out how to beat the Circulation Theory challenge, recommended characters, a guide on the details and enemies, how to unlock Circulation Theory via the Spike Self-Circulation Report: Environs Log Quest, and all the Day 3 rewards!

A Muddy Bizarre Adventure Guides
Genshin - A Muddy Bizarre Adventure Day 1 Day 1 Genshin - A Muddy Bizarre Adventure Day 2 Day 2 Genshin - A Muddy Bizarre Adventure Day 3 Day 3
Genshin - A Muddy Bizarre Adventure Day 4 Day 4 Genshin - A Muddy Bizarre Adventure Day 5 Day 5

How to Beat Circulation Theory

Circulation Theory Recommended Characters

Day 3 Circulation Theory Characters
Genshin - Xiangling Xiangling Genshin - Kaeya Kaeya Genshin - Fischl Fischl Genshin - Sucrose Sucrose

Other Recommended Characters

Character Merits
Genshin - Venti Icon Venti • Can pull enemies to gather in single direction and spread Elemental Reactions with his Elemental Burst.
Genshin - Kazuha Icon Kazuha • Elemental Skill can gather enemies in a single area.
• Able to buff Elemental DMG.
• Can evenly spread elements with his Elemental Burst.
Genshin - Yelan Icon Yelan • Hit multiple enemies with her Elemental Skill.
• Can defeat Pyro enemies with ease.
Genshin - Itto Icon Itto • Can destroy the shells of Large Geo Slimes with his strong attacks.

Scout the Area for Energy Sources

There will be various Lumenstone Adjuvant energy sources in the area like the energy mechanisms and the Lumenlamps. However, your best source of energy would be the Lumenlamp and not the energy mechanisms as some of those are located high up, so keep yourself close to it!

Keep the Objectives in Mind

Genshin - How to Beat - Keep the Objectives in Mind
The main objective is to defeat all 29 enemies in 5 minutes and to clear the Oozing Concretions when they appear. You need to defeat the enemies as fast as possible, so you don't run out of time and to keep the Pursina's Spikes running to release shockwaves!

Shockwaves from the Spikes are Strong

The Pursina's Spikes can deal less than 10,000 DMG on the enemies per shockwave, and it does so in intervals.

Concretions Come Every Two Waves

Genshin - How to Beat - Concretions Come Every Two Waves
There are seven waves and the Oozing Concretions will appear every two waves, a total of three times. The dark mud from the Oozing Concretions will cover the entire area, making it hard to navigate the area without losing energy.

It's best to have your energy full and then sprint to clear them out fast, especially when you only have the Lumenstone Adjuvant at the minimum level of 4 which would only contain 6 bars of energy.

Oozing Concretions Instances

Oozing Concretions Appearances
1 Appears after the second wave.
2 Appears after the fourth wave.
3 Appears after the sixth wave.

Use Overloaded Reactions or Shield Breakers

Genshin - How to Beat - Use Overloaded Reactions or Shield Breakers
There will be enemies like the Large Geo Slime where you'll need to break their shields or hard shells. Use the Overloaded Elemental Reaction constantly against those enemies to break it fast, or use Claymore Characters!

Use Multiple Elements in a Party

Genshin - How to Beat - Use Multiple Elements in a Party
The enemies will be using various elements, they have Slimes which will have Elemental Immunity to their respective elements, and the Samachurls will team up to freeze you if you're not careful. Bring a party that uses different elements to counter them!

Reserve Energy for the Shadowy Husks

The last wave features the Shadowy Husks, who are far stronger than the previous enemies, so make sure you have your entire party's Elemental Burst ready to defeat them fast!

Circulation Theory Guide

Transport Test Location and Details

Location Main Mining Area, The Chasm: Underground Mines
Objectives ◆ Defeat 29 Opponents within the time limit.
◆ Clear out Oozing Concretions near the Spike to ensure its operation.
Rec. Level Lumenstone Adjuvant Level 4+

Circulation Theory Enemies

Wave Enemies List of Enemies
Wave 1 Enemies
Wave 2 Enemies
Wave 3 Enemies
Wave 4 Enemies
Wave 5 Enemies
Wave 6 Enemies
Wave 7 Enemies

How to Play Circulation Theory

Genshin - How to Play Circulation Theory

  1. The Pursina's Spikes will aid you in battle by releasing shockwaves that will inflict DMG on enemies.
  2. The shockwaves will stop if the area and the Pursina's Spikes are covered in Oozing Concretions.
  3. The Oozing Concretions will also buff the enemies' ATK and DEF within the dark mud's AoE.
  4. Defeat all the enemies within the time limit and clear out the Oozing Concretions.

Spike Self-Circulation Report: Environs Log Quest

Circulation Theory Unlock Quest

Genshin - Environs Log Hao Tu Hosseini
While you attempted to move the Pursina's Spike into the frontline mines, you face a significant number of obstacles...

This quest will unlock the Circulation Theory event challenge!

Quest Objectives and Walkthrough

• Talk to Hosseini
• Complete the Circulation Theory Challenge
• Report back to Hosseini

Head over to the Main Mining Area in the Underground Mines of The Chasm.
Talk to Hosseini and the two miners with him: Hao and Tu.
Complete the Circulation Theory challenge.
Report back to Hosseini then finish the conversation to complete the quest!

Day 3 Circulation Theory Rewards

A Muddy Bizarre Adventure Day 3 Rewards

Circulation Theory Day 3 Rewards
Objective: Complete the day's event quest
Genshin - Primogem Image Primogem x80 Genshin - Mora Image Mora x40000
Genshin - Guide to Gold Image Guide to Gold x2 Genshin - Teachings of Gold Image Teachings of Gold x4

These rewards can be claimed via the events menu!

A Muddy Bizarre Adventure Details

Day 3 Circulation Theory Information

Genshin - A Muddy Bizarre Adventure

Unlock Date June 24, 2022

Circulation Theory is the third challenge within the A Muddy Bizarre Adventure Event, where you need to clear out oozing concretions as it will stop the Pursina's Spikes from releasing shockwaves to aid you in battle!

A Muddy Bizarre Adventure Event Guide

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A Muddy Bizarre Adventure Event Guide

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Genshin - A Muddy Bizarre Adventure Day 2 Day 2 - Automated Charging
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Genshin - A Muddy Bizarre Adventure Day 3Day 3 - Circulation Theory
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Genshin - A Muddy Bizarre Adventure Day 5Day 5 - Continued Cleanup
Unlock: June 26, 2022

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