Genshin Impact

Day 2 Automated Charging Guide for A Muddy Bizarre Adventure

◆ Latest: 5.5 Update, 5.5 Codes, Sacred Mountain
◆ Builds: Varesa, Iansan, Xianyun, Venti, Xilonen
◆ 5.5 (WIP): Skysplit Gembloom, Dracolite, Pyroculus
◆ Events: Tournament of Glory
◆ Upcoming: Version 5.6

Genshin Impact - A Muddy Bizarre Adventure Day 2 Guide

Automated Charging is Day 2 of the Genshin Impact's A Muddy Bizarre Adventure Event. Check out how to beat the Automated Charging challenge, recommended characters, a guide on the details and enemies, how to unlock Automated Charging via the Spike Self-Circulation Report: Abstract, and all the Day 2 rewards!

A Muddy Bizarre Adventure Guides
Genshin - A Muddy Bizarre Adventure Day 1 Day 1 Genshin - A Muddy Bizarre Adventure Day 2 Day 2 Genshin - A Muddy Bizarre Adventure Day 3 Day 3
Genshin - A Muddy Bizarre Adventure Day 4 Day 4 Genshin - A Muddy Bizarre Adventure Day 5 Day 5

How to Beat Automated Charging

Automated Charging Recommended Characters

Day 2 Automated Charging Characters
Genshin - Chongyun Chongyun Genshin - Xingqiu Xingqiu Genshin - Rosaria Rosaria Genshin - Sucrose Sucrose

Other Recommended Characters

Character Merits
Genshin - Zhongli Icon Zhongli • Elemental Skill can destroy the shields of Large Geo Slimes and Rock Shieldwall Mitachurls.
• Can petrify enemies in place.
Genshin - Kazuha Icon Kazuha • Elemental Skill can gather enemies up.
• Buffs the party's Elemental DMG.
Genshin - Yelan Icon Yelan • Elemental Skill can hit multiple enemies.
• Able to defeat Pyro Slimes fast.
Genshin - Yanfei Icon Yanfei • Can destroy the shields of Large Geo Slimes and Rock Shieldwall Mitachurl fast.
Genshin - Xiangling Icon Xiangling • Elemental Burst has a large AoE and hit many enemies at once.
Genshin - Barbara Icon Barbara • Able to inflict Vaporize on Pyro Slimes.
• Elemental Burst and Skill can heal allies.
Genshin - Kaeya Icon Kaeya • Large AoE Elemental Burst can hit multiple enemies at once and deal Cryo DMG.

Area Covered in Oozing Concretions

Genshin - Area Covered in Oozing Concretions
The challenge area will be covered in spots of inactive Oozing Concretions. If you step on them, it will drain your Lumenstone Adjuvant! Once you activate the challenge, the dark mud will spread from the Oozing Concretions and will cover the entire area.

Identify Lumenstone Energy Sources

Genshin - Identify Lumenstone Energy Sources
With the area covered in dark mud and oozing concretions, it's best to identify the locations of Lumenlamps or mechanisms that can recharge your Lumenstone Adjuvant before starting the challenge!

Enemies will Appear Near the Spikes

Genshin - Enemies will Appear Near the Spikes
The enemies won't appear from a certain direction during this challenge, and instead spawn near the Pursina's Spikes. Always stay near the Spikes to protect it from incoming attacks!

Freeze Enemies in Place

Genshin - Freeze All Enemies in Place
Since the enemies will spawn near the area, it's best to freeze them in place to afford more breathing time or dish out more damage! Since their movements will be halted, they won't be able to land a hit on the Pursina's Spikes!

Clear Concretions During Downtime

Genshin - Clear Concretions During Downtime
In between waves, there will be a short downtime where you can go and clear out any Oozing Concretions. You only need to clear the marked Oozing Concretions in the area! Start with the nearest ones because some of them will respawn near the spikes again.

Keep an Eye on the Charging Process

Genshin - Keep an Eye on the Charging Process
You can keep track of the charging process through the challenge objective! The goal is to make the charge progress reach 100 by keeping the enemies at bay and clearing out oozing concretions.

Automated Charging Guide

Transport Test Location and Details

Location Ad-Hoc Main Tunnel, The Chasm: Underground Mines
Objectives ◆ Spikes will stop charging if attacked.
◆ Charge the Spikes to 100.
◆ Clear Oozing Concretions to charge faster.
Rec. Level Lumenstone Adjuvant Level 3

Automated Charging Enemies

Wave Enemies List of Enemies
Wave 1 Enemies
Wave 2 Enemies
Wave 3 Enemies
Wave 4 Enemies

How to Play Automated Charging

Genshin - How to Play Automated Charging

  1. The Pursina's Spikes will charge automatically.
  2. The charging process will stop temporarily if hit by enemies.
  3. Clearing Oozing Concretions will speed up the charging time.

Spike Self-Circulation Report: Abstract Quest

Automated Charging Unlock Quest

Genshin - Spike Self-Circulation Report
Assist the researcher from Sumeru in initializing the Pursina's Spike to clear the dark mud from the mining complex of The Chasm. This quest unlocks the Automated Charging challenge!

Quest Objectives and Walkthrough

• Wait till the next day
• Talk to Hosseini
• Report back to Hosseini

Adjust the time to the next day (tomorrow).
Head over to The Chasm: Underground Mines and talk to Hosseini.
Complete The Automated Charging challenge.
Talk to Hosseini again to complete the quest!

Day 2 Automated Charging Rewards

A Muddy Bizarre Adventure Day 2 Rewards

Automated Charging Day 2 Rewards
Objective: Complete the day's event quest
Genshin - Primogem Image Primogem x80 Genshin - Mora Image Mora x40000
Genshin - Guide to Diligence Image Guide to Diligence x2 Genshin - Teachings of Diligence Image Teachings of Diligence x4

These rewards can be claimed via the events menu!

A Muddy Bizarre Adventure Details

Day 2 Automated Charging Information

Genshin - A Muddy Bizarre Adventure

Unlock Date June 23, 2022

Automated Charging is the second challenge within the A Muddy Bizarre Adventure Event, where you'll need to stop enemies from hindering the charging process of the Pursina's Spikes!

A Muddy Bizarre Adventure Event Guide

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A Muddy Bizarre Adventure Event Guide

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Event Challenges and Unlock Date
Genshin - A Muddy Bizarre Adventure Day 1 Day 1 - Transportation Test
Unlock: June 22, 2022
Genshin - A Muddy Bizarre Adventure Day 2 Day 2 - Automated Charging
Unlock: June 23, 2022
Genshin - A Muddy Bizarre Adventure Day 3Day 3 - Circulation Theory
Unlock: June 24, 2022
Genshin - A Muddy Bizarre Adventure Day 4Day 4 - Emergency Escort
Unlock: June 25, 2022
Genshin - A Muddy Bizarre Adventure Day 5Day 5 - Continued Cleanup
Unlock: June 26, 2022

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