Genshin Impact

Electro Cicin: Locations and Enemy Guide

Genshin Impact - Electro Cicin Banner

Electro Cicins are common enemies in Teyvat in Genshin Impact. See where you may find these small creatures, their drops, and everything else you need to know about them.

Electro Cicin Locations

Can be Seen Flying Around Cicin Mages

Cicin Locations


Note: Both of these maps also show the location of Cicin Mages, as they can summon Cicins.

Cicins are mainly seen in the vicinity of Cicin Mages. Electro Cicins are the most common and can be found alongside Electo Cicin Mages, who are usually found in Liyue and Mondstadt.

Electro Cicin Drops

Electro Cicin Item Drops

Drop Level
Any Lv.

All types of Cicin drops Mora.

Electro Cicin Information

Electro Cicin Basic Info

Electro Cicin Image

Electro Cicin
Archive Description
Little creatures that can ever so slightly manipulate Electro. They and other such creatures are known collectively as Cicins, and though they are individually weak, they can cause significant damage under the right circumstances.
Cicin Locations
Found in all available regions of Teyvat.

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Cryo Cicin ImageCryo Cicin Hydro Cicin ImageHydro Cicin Electro Cicin ImageElectro Cicin

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