Pokémon Sword and Shield Walkthrough Comments


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    4 Anonymousalmost 4 yearsReport

    Excadrill has the ability Mold Breaker, which bypasses any ability of the opossing Pokémon when it attacks. And since Levitate is an ability, it stops working when Excadrill attacks, which makes Rotom vulnerable ti Earthquake.

    3 Anonymousabout 4 yearsReport

    How can Excadrill KO rotom heat with earthquake ? Rotom heat has Levitate , and it makes in IMMUNE to ground types.

    2 nOAHabout 5 yearsReport

    Nvm I figured it out. You have to use the rotom catalog

    1 nOAHabout 5 yearsReport

    I don't think heat rotom can learn overheat

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