Pokemon Sword and Shield

Pokemon Who Can Learn Payback (TM57)


This is an article for the move Payback and the Pokemon who can learn it and its location in Pokemon Sword and Shield, Isle of Armor, and the Crown Tundra DLC. Read on to see the Power, Accuracy, PP, and Effect, and see how to use it competitively.

Payback - Effect

Type Pokemon Dark Image
Category Pokemon Physical Image
Power 50
Accuracy 100
PP 10
Effect The user stores power, then attacks. If the user moves after the target, this attack's power will be doubled.
Max Move Max Darkness
Power: 100
TM / TR TM57

Pokemon That Learn Payback

By Default

PupitarPupitar TyranitarTyranitar ShiftryShiftry
BronzongBronzong ScraftyScrafty BewearBewear

By Level Up

GastlyGastly HaunterHaunter GengarGengar
TaurosTauros Galarian MoltresGalarian Moltres LarvitarLarvitar
SeedotSeedot NuzleafNuzleaf DuskullDuskull
DusclopsDusclops DrifloonDrifloon DrifblimDrifblim
BronzorBronzor SpiritombSpiritomb DusknoirDusknoir
RegigigasRegigigas ScraggyScraggy InkayInkay
MalamarMalamar StuffulStufful

By TM / TR

VulpixVulpix Alolan VulpixAlolan Vulpix NinetalesNinetales
Alolan NinetalesAlolan Ninetales ZubatZubat GolbatGolbat
MeowthMeowth Alolan MeowthAlolan Meowth Galarian MeowthGalarian Meowth
PersianPersian Alolan PersianAlolan Persian PoliwrathPoliwrath
MachopMachop MachokeMachoke MachampMachamp
TentacoolTentacool TentacruelTentacruel ShellderShellder
CloysterCloyster GastlyGastly HaunterHaunter
GengarGengar OnixOnix KoffingKoffing
WeezingWeezing Galarian WeezingGalarian Weezing RhyhornRhyhorn
RhydonRhydon Mr. MimeMr. Mime Galarian Mr. MimeGalarian Mr. Mime
JynxJynx TaurosTauros GyaradosGyarados
AerodactylAerodactyl Galarian ZapdosGalarian Zapdos Galarian MoltresGalarian Moltres
MewMew CrobatCrobat PolitoedPolitoed
UmbreonUmbreon SteelixSteelix QwilfishQwilfish
SneaselSneasel OctilleryOctillery SkarmorySkarmory
SmoochumSmoochum LarvitarLarvitar PupitarPupitar
TyranitarTyranitar Galarian ZigzagoonGalarian Zigzagoon Galarian LinooneGalarian Linoone
SeedotSeedot NuzleafNuzleaf ShiftryShiftry
PelipperPelipper SableyeSableye MawileMawile
AggronAggron CarvanhaCarvanha SharpedoSharpedo
CorphishCorphish CrawdauntCrawdaunt DuskullDuskull
DusclopsDusclops AbsolAbsol GlalieGlalie
DrifloonDrifloon DrifblimDrifblim BunearyBuneary
LopunnyLopunny StunkyStunky SkuntankSkuntank
BronzorBronzor BronzongBronzong SpiritombSpiritomb
RioluRiolu LucarioLucario SkorupiSkorupi
DrapionDrapion CroagunkCroagunk ToxicroakToxicroak
WeavileWeavile RhyperiorRhyperior TangrowthTangrowth
DusknoirDusknoir FroslassFroslass AzelfAzelf
HeatranHeatran RegigigasRegigigas GiratinaGiratina
Giratina (Origin Forme)Giratina (Origin Forme) LillipupLillipup HerdierHerdier
StoutlandStoutland PurrloinPurrloin LiepardLiepard
TimburrTimburr GurdurrGurdurr ConkeldurrConkeldurr
SeismitoadSeismitoad ThrohThroh SawkSawk
VenipedeVenipede WhirlipedeWhirlipede ScolipedeScolipede
ScolipedeScolipede SandileSandile KrokorokKrokorok
KrookodileKrookodile DarmanitanDarmanitan Galarian DarmanitanGalarian Darmanitan
ScraggyScraggy ScraftyScrafty YamaskYamask
Galarian YamaskGalarian Yamask CofagrigusCofagrigus TrubbishTrubbish
GarbodorGarbodor ZoruaZorua ZoroarkZoroark
GothitaGothita GothoritaGothorita GothitelleGothitelle
FoongusFoongus AmoongussAmoonguss FerroseedFerroseed
FerrothornFerrothorn LitwickLitwick LampentLampent
ChandelureChandelure AxewAxew FraxureFraxure
HaxorusHaxorus StunfiskStunfisk Galarian StunfiskGalarian Stunfisk
MienfooMienfoo MienshaoMienshao DruddigonDruddigon
PawniardPawniard BisharpBisharp BouffalantBouffalant
VullabyVullaby MandibuzzMandibuzz HydreigonHydreigon
LarvestaLarvesta TornadusTornadus Tornadus (Therian Forme)Tornadus (Therian Forme)
ThundurusThundurus Thundurus (Therian Forme)Thundurus (Therian Forme) ReshiramReshiram
ZekromZekrom LandorusLandorus Landorus (Therian Forme)Landorus (Therian Forme)
KyuremKyurem BunnelbyBunnelby DiggersbyDiggersby
PanchamPancham PangoroPangoro EspurrEspurr
MeowsticMeowstic InkayInkay MalamarMalamar
BinacleBinacle BarbaracleBarbaracle HawluchaHawlucha
YveltalYveltal ZygardeZygarde Zygarde (10% Forme)Zygarde (10% Forme)
Zygarde (Complete Forme)Zygarde (Complete Forme) Lycanroc (Midnight Form)Lycanroc (Midnight Form) MareanieMareanie
ToxapexToxapex MudbrayMudbray MudsdaleMudsdale
FomantisFomantis LurantisLurantis SalanditSalandit
SalazzleSalazzle StuffulStufful BewearBewear
SteeneeSteenee TsareenaTsareena OranguruOranguru
PassimianPassimian GolisopodGolisopod Type: NullType: Null
SilvallySilvally TurtonatorTurtonator TogedemaruTogedemaru
MimikyuMimikyu DhelmiseDhelmise Jangmo-oJangmo-o
Hakamo-oHakamo-o Kommo-oKommo-o Tapu BuluTapu Bulu
BuzzwoleBuzzwole GuzzlordGuzzlord MarshadowMarshadow
BlacephalonBlacephalon SkwovetSkwovet GreedentGreedent
RookideeRookidee CorvisquireCorvisquire CorviknightCorviknight
DottlerDottler OrbeetleOrbeetle WoolooWooloo
DubwoolDubwool ChewtleChewtle DrednawDrednaw
AppletunAppletun ToxtricityToxtricity ClobbopusClobbopus
GrapploctGrapploct SinisteaSinistea PolteageistPolteageist
ObstagoonObstagoon PerrserkerPerrserker Mr. RimeMr. Rime
RunerigusRunerigus FalinksFalinks PincurchinPincurchin
MorpekoMorpeko CopperajahCopperajah ArctozoltArctozolt
ZamazentaZamazenta EternatusEternatus Urshifu Single-Strike StyleUrshifu Single-Strike Style
ZarudeZarude GlastrierGlastrier SpectrierSpectrier
Calyrex (Ice Rider)Calyrex (Ice Rider) Calyrex (Shadow Rider)Calyrex (Shadow Rider)

By Egg Move

There are no Pokemon who learn this move by this method.

By Move Tutor

There are no Pokemon who learn this move by this method.

Payback Competitive Analysis

Payback is a strong Dark-type move with its base 50 power. However, the value lies in its effect where it says that Payback will deal twice the damage if the user moves after the target.

The effect makes it that Payback is more valuable on slow Pokemon to ensure that it moves after the target.

Note that it also counts if the target uses an item before Payback.

Payback Locations

Obtain on Route 2

Route 2.png

Payback (TM57) can be obtained on Route 2.

Route 2 Map and Obtainable Pokemon

Related Links

List of Moves
List of All New Moves (Crown Tundra Updated)
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SteelSteel FairyFairy NormalNormal
Moves by Category
Physical Special Status
Dynamax Moves
Max Moves G-Max Moves
Moves by Effects
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List of Priority Moves


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