Monster Hunter Wilds

Jin Dahaad Icegem Location: How to Get and Uses

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Jin Dahaad Icegem is an Equipment Material in Monster Hunter Wilds. See how to get Jin Dahaad Icegem, how to use it, and its effects.

How to Get Jin Dahaad Icegem

Complete Investigations

You can get Jin Dahaad Icegems faster by completing Jin Dahaad Investigations with Jin Dahaad Icegem as a bonus reward. Exhaust your Investigations first for the extra materials before doing Optional Quests.

A build focused on offense is recommended when farming for faster clear times!

Investigation Quests Guide

Join SOS Flare Quests

If you cannot find Jin Dahaad Icegems in your Jin Dahaad Investigations, you can look for SOS Flare Quests where Jin Dahaad Icegem is a bonus reward!

How to Join a Session Mid-Hunt

Cut Tail for Extra Carve

Severing Weapons
Great SwordGreat Sword Long SwordLong Sword Sword and ShieldSword & Shield
Dual BladesDual Blades Switch AxeSwitch Axe Charge BladeCharge Blade
Insect GlaiveInsect Glaive LanceLance GunlanceGunlance

Cutting the tail of Jin Dahaad is recommended as it gives you an extra carve.

Tails can only be cut by weapons that deal severing or cutting damage. Try to use Shock Traps to hold a monster in place, coupled with the Partbreaker skill to cut the tail quickly.

Be mindful not to kill the monster before cutting its tail. Otherwise, you'll miss out on the extra carve!

Builds and Best Armor for Each Weapon

When Frost Falls Optional Quest

When going to hunt Jin Dahaad, it is recommended to take the When Frost Falls optional quest. This will guarantee Jin Dahaad spawning in the Iceshard Cliffs and the player will have a chance to get the Jin Dahaad Icegem drop from the quest rewards.

When Frost Falls Quest and Rewards

High Rank Monster Rewards

Broken Part
Jin Dahaad Jin Dahaad [12% (Lg. Iceplate (Exposed))]
Unobtainable as a Wound Reward.
Jin Dahaad Jin Dahaad [5% (Body), 7% (Tail)]

Quest Rewards

Type Rank Quest Name
Optional 6 When Frost Falls
Assignments 6 Frozen Lord on the Precipice

How to Use Jin Dahaad Icegem

Used to Upgrade Weapons

Windbrace IbamiWindbrace Ibami (×1) Singha SharangaSingha Sharanga (×1)
Windthrash TamebamiWindthrash Tamebami (×1) Precipice UlokiemPrecipice Ulokiem (×1)
Blango TrishulaBlango Trishula (×1) Precipice MetallamPrecipice Metallam (×1)
Freezer SpeartunaFreezer Speartuna (×1) Precipice LohamataPrecipice Lohamata (×1)
Precipice LogamtuPrecipice Logamtu (×1) Singha GadaSingha Gada (×1)
Precipice MalmiamPrecipice Malmiam (×1) Precipice KoviraPrecipice Kovira (×1)
Precipice GeumgelPrecipice Geumgel (×1) Immaculate BlizzardImmaculate Blizzard (×1)
Windpierce TsukibamiWindpierce Tsukibami (×1) Windshear UchibamiWindshear Uchibami (×1)
Tail CatapultTail Catapult (×1) Windclaw KiribamiWindclaw Kiribami (×1)
BlangongabergeBlangongaberge (×1) Windsunder SakibamiWindsunder Sakibami (×1)
Precipice MateptroPrecipice Mateptro (×1) Snow Lion JambiyaSnow Lion Jambiya (×1)

Used to Forge Armor

G. Arkveld Vambraces αG. Arkveld Vambraces α
G. Arkveld Vambraces α (×1)
G. Arkveld Vambraces βG. Arkveld Vambraces β
G. Arkveld Vambraces β (×1)
Dahaad Shardcoil αDahaad Shardcoil α
Dahaad Shardcoil α (×1)
Dahaad Shardcoil βDahaad Shardcoil β
Dahaad Shardcoil β (×1)

Used to Forge/Upgrade Charms

Unscathed Charm IIUnscathed Charm II (×1)

Jin Dahaad Icegem Overview

Jin Dahaad IcegemJin Dahaad Icegem
Description A rare jewel developed within a Jin Dahaad. Said to wield the power to freeze entire cliffs.
Rarity 7 Type Equipment Material
Sell Price
Zenny 13800z
Pouch Limit -

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