Monster Hunter Wilds

Tail String Skills, Stats, and Materials

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The Tail String is a Light Bowgun from the Blangonga Tree in Monster Hunter Wilds. See the stats and skills of the Tail String, the materials needed to forge and upgrade it, and its weapon tree here.

Tail String Stats and Skills

Tail String I

Weapon Rarity ATK DEF
Monster Hunter Wilds - Tail String ITail String I 6 260
Slots Element Affinity
Opening Shot Lv. 3
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid FireRapid Fire
Spread Ammo
Freeze Ammo

Ammo Level Capacity
Normal Ammo Normal Ammo
Pierce Ammo Pierce Ammo
Spread Ammo Spread Ammo

Tail Catapult

Weapon Rarity ATK DEF
Monster Hunter Wilds - Tail CatapultTail Catapult 8 299
Slots Element Affinity
Opening Shot Lv. 3
Special Ammo Wyvernblast
Rapid FireRapid Fire
Spread Ammo
Freeze Ammo

Ammo Level Capacity
Normal Ammo Normal Ammo
Pierce Ammo Pierce Ammo
Spread Ammo Spread Ammo

Tail String Forging Materials and Upgrades

Tail String Upgrade List

Weapon Name Materials
Tail String ITail String I Forging Materials:
Cost: Zenny 10000z

This weapon can only be forged.
Tail CatapultTail Catapult This weapon can only be obtained as an upgrade.
Upgrade Materials:
Cost: Zenny 20000z

Tail String Weapon Tree

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List of Light Bowguns

Hope Rifle IHope Rifle G. Rathling Gun IG. Rathling Gun Dosha Faithbreaker IDosha Faithbreaker
G. Veldian Impetum IG. Veldian Impetum Dosha Gigasbreaker IDosha Gigasbreaker I Chain Blitz IChain Blitz
Rey Szelatya IRey Szelatya HunterHunter's Rifle Ajara Shellgun IAjara Shellgun
Nu Chobotnice INu Chobotnice Assault Conga IAssault Conga Windshear Light IWindshear Light
Chthonian Gunfire IChthonian Gunfire Veldian Impetum IVeldian Impetum Kut-Ku Anger IKut-Ku Anger
Felling Fulgur IFelling Fulgur Valkyrie Fire IValkyrie Fire Rathling Gun IRathling Gun
Fäulnisschleuder IFäulnisschleuder Tail String ITail String Titan Launcher ITitan Launcher
Artian Blaster IArtian Blaster


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